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I have been thinking about whether or not to share the feelings I've been experiencing lately. I have sat down a number of times and tried to write but I seem to have lost my words, my ability to focus enough to write out what is going on with me. I just don't have much energy these days. I know I have not been around much lately. I'm sorry about that.

I think I have somehow sunk back into more serious depression. I don't even have anxiety or I'm not feeling anxiety. I just feel profoundly sad and lost and alone. So many difficult things have been happening lately and I think I just have not been able to fight through it as I usually try to do. And last week I got physically sick with a virus and cold that zapped me in an additional way. It didn't help that I didn't see my T for ten days during this period. I did see him on Monday but I was so out of it that I barely had energy to talk to him. I was not angry with him or with his being away. I was just sad. I tried to explain to him what was going on with me. I just want to sleep all the time. I am having difficulty getting to work on time, and getting dressed takes all my strength. I seem to only want to eat or sleep. I'm not interested in anything and am struggling to stay on top of my son's school work and activities and my bills are mess because I cannot focus.

My T thinks the overwhelming and unrelenting stress at work over a long period of time has been a big factor in this. Part of what is happening there is also triggering me for what happened with oldT. As some of you may know, I have been having problems at work with the manager. He has been abusive and bullying towards me and has decided to throw me out of my office that I've had for almost ten years and has given me so much work that it can only be described as a set up for failure. I filed a complaint with HR about his behavior and waited for weeks to hear back. I finally heard something today but only that "the issue has been addressed". When I asked how they only admonished me that it was something they cannot divulge to me and the case was now closed. The HR person was rather cold and sounded annoyed.

Then two weeks ago my best client called and told me she was pulling her accounts out and I was so shocked that I began to cry on the phone. I am so fragile emotionally lately that anything sends me to tears. I know this woman for almost 20 years and I take her out to lunch a few times a year. She has always spoken glowingly about me and praised me to the heavens, saying she didn't know what she would do without me. And then this happens. My head is spinning. She could give me no reason but to say it was complicated and hard to explain. She asked if we could still have lunch sometime and I just didn't know what to say. I could barely talk and I have been warned not to cry at my desk and so I instead dissociated and don't even remember the last of our conversation. Anything that evokes abandonment is extremely triggering.

A few days later I got a call from a man who introduced himself as a friend of another client that I have known for 15 years. He told me she died suddenly. Of course she was elderly and these things happen but she was a sweet person who was running out of money and I tried to help get her food stamps and find a less expensive place to live. I checked on her often. She was alone, only a distant cousin far away and she was so thankful to talk to me. I am not a social worker, I work in finance but feel a certain responsibility for my clients. And so I lost another person.

It just pushed me deeper into sadness which has made me isolate myself more and more. I hide from people at work in my office but soon I won't even have an office. I will have to move out and sit at a desk in the hallway, totally NO privacy at all. I feel like my skin has been ripped off and someone has poured salt over me. I am alway on guard that the manager is going to accost me about something I've done wrong. I worry that everything I do is wrong and I will be found out. I am feeling like a fraud and I should not be at work. At home I feel so disconnected from my family. I hide from them too. I try to talk to friends and they go silent. And of course, I would be lying if I said that what has happened on this Board has not impacted me too.

Even though I have not been able to post much I have tried to keep up with my moderated forums. I took the job seriously. I feel devastated that I was unable to prevent a fellow member from becoming upset and leaving here. This happened on my forum and I feel like I should have done more. I closed the thread but I feel like I should have been able to save the situation. Then the mod group fell apart. And that made me feel even more alone at a time when I am not feeling very strong. I know that everyone here has their own issues and their triggers but when I am in a place like this I feel it's all my fault. That anything that happens that is bad is somehow my fault.

And so I tried to talk to my T on Monday but nothing came out. He kept telling me I should have contacted him more often while he was away (I emailed him once and his reply only confused me and made me feel alienated from him). He told me he missed me and was truly glad to see me again and that he really cared about how I was doing while he was away. He worked hard to have me feel what he was saying. I just kept telling him I was sad and it all seemed so hopeless and dark. He asked me to talk about the pain and he wanted to know what I needed from him. He was kind and patient. But I didn't feel anything. And then.... loud pounding on his door. I jumped out of my chair and was looking for a place to hide. I don't know why except that I had a vision of his wife on the other side and that scared me.

He saw my reaction and said he had a new client coming who obviously had no idea of therapy protocol. I just burst into hysterical crying as I picked up my stuff to leave. He got up and told the guy (it was a guy) to sit and fill out some forms. Then he told me we had a few minutes more but I could not talk to him after that. He said he was really sorry the session ended so badly for me. I told him the knock triggered really bad memories and he asked if it was with oldT and I nodded. I said I could not tell him now. Maybe next time.

So I left in a rather bad way and was late back to work because I had to sit in the car awhile before I could focus enough to drive. I see him again tomorrow and I just don't know what to say to him. He reassured me that he does not feel like I'm a burden at all but I'm so depressed and need so much that I feel like it's only a matter of time before he gets tired of me and my sadness. Who wants to be around people who are sad all the time and cannot see hope.

If you got this far, thank you for reading. I think it has helped a little to get some of this down in writing. A lot of this I could not tell T on Monday. All the little abandonments adding to the feeling that I am such a horrible failure at work or at anything I try to do.

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TN, I don't quite know what to say. I feel for you, and know how that overwhelming sadness feels. I was in a similar spot two years ago, right before my return to therapy (it was actually the cause for returning.) I couldn't get up in the morning, was barely functioning at work, and was not functioning out side of work. I should have been pot on leave, but I hid it all well. (Instead, things fell apart the following fall, when things were actually more stable!)

I am glad you had such an emotional session with T, it showed him how raw things are right now for you. He's been steady and stable since day one, and that isn't changing, even though you are in a different spot. He's not going anywhere. I want to believe that the situation with clients at work leaving is just coincidence, and has nothing to do with your @$$ of a boss and the %*@$# HR department either. My T is always reminding me that we don't know what's going on behind closed doors, and in other's lives. I tend to try and always take all the blame when anything goes awry, even though it doesn't work that way in the world. I can't take the blame for other people's poor behavior. I can only handle my reaction (which often results in taking it out in therapy!)

As far as the forum goes, you HAVE been keeping up with your mod duties, don't question that. With large groups of people, even in cyberspace, differences come up, feelings get hurt, etc. Even more so in a forum like this one where the focus tends to be all about people and therapy! Things happen. Just cause we're a mod doesn't mean we are tied to the site 24/7, even AG took vacations sometimes! We're all human and we're all doing the best we can. Please don't blame yourself one bit for what transpired here. It happened. We can't control other people's reactions, only our own. Keep in mind the quote "sometimes things fall apart so better things can fall together." True for all of us here.

For T tomorrow, maybe just print this post for him to read? Let that do the speaking for you? Please keep us updated as you see fit, know that we're here for you, no matter what's going on around the forum.

You are not alone in feeling this way!
Your entire post resonated with me...different situations but similar feelings!
My T reminds me constantly that it won't always be this way...something will change at somepoint.
But, wow the pain and exhaustion hurts so much.
Be kind to yourself and go gently.
I feel kind of less alone by reading your thank you for sharing where you're at.
It's reminded me that it is ok to be vulnerable.
And it's good to reach out and not isolate.
TN, geez, I am so sorry for you right now. Your work-life really sounds like hell. I personally know how that can make a person feel so inadequate. I know it is very hard but you have to try to remember, what a good worker you most likely have been, for your whole career. I don't really know that stuff about you but I know how capable you have been on this forum. And you are thinking right now that you are not, well I beg to differ. When AG left and I saw that you were going to be one of the moderaters, I was really happy. Now AG was really smart but from what I had read of your posts and actual advice to me, I knew you were right up there with her. Like R2G said, things happen on forums like this and sometimes are out of everyones control. You do a great job here, that I know for sure. Thank you again for giving me great advice.

Please go easy on youself right now. You don't deserve to be beat up. I think R2G is right again, maybe show your post to your T. Stay well, you are important.
TN, I'm glad you shared with us. I am also very sorry for what you're dealing with at work...I'm in a somewhat similar job (sort of) and you get to know people on a surprisingly intimate level when it comes to money management, so I'm very sorry for what's happened lately. It's not easy at all.

You're a wonderful person and a wonderful moderator. I wish I could say something that would help counteract those doubts you have, because they just aren't true.
TN, I have been really worried about you and have noticed your absence. I have been in a hole and unable to offer support other than to think about you often and worry what was going on. I missed you.

I know for you to get to the point of documenting it all here, you have done a huge amount of processing and problem solving already. Do you have a plan of what your next step is? What do you need to do for you.... for you to fix a couple of these horrible things. I hate your work situation, just hate it - it would do me in.

And that knock at the door - TN - I jumped and had adrenaline surge through my body and I am here a world away reading it on a screen. I thought it was the wife, I really did. I get that oh, so well.

Never, ever take on any guilt about stuff that happens on the forum. We are all in this together and it will all come good.

Thinking of you and I am here for you.
((TN)) you are awesome and i'm sorry you're going through all of this. i want to let you know that you are a super valuable member of this place. the fact that some stuff happened between members on your forum is inconsequential and you are in no way responsible for what happened. sh*t happens when you have a mix of people. so please go easy on yourself, okay? we'll pull together. it'll be okay. TN, take care
Thank you all for responding. I was not even sure why I posted or what I needed but it really helped to hear from you all.

R2G... thanks. I hope you will stay around and co-mod with me! You have been great to work with.

Having that client leave was so upsetting because I didn't know WHY. And she didn't or couldn't tell me. It echoed oldT abandoning me and my never really knowing why or getting a reason from him that made any sense. It's so hard to live with the unknown of why someone left. I tend to blame myself when there are no other answers.

Searching...I'm sorry the pain in my post resonated with you but I'm glad my post helped you to feel less alone. I hope you will find the strength to reach out as well. I debated a lot over this... it was hard to do this. That exhaustion is so pervasive. I've been coming home from work and going to sleep for awhile. My dh has been understanding while not really understanding. He just knows that work is difficult.

Hi Becca, it's nice to see you. Thank you for those kind words. I will do my best to live up to them and I'm happy to know my advice was helpful to you. I think I will read some of my post to my T because I seem to get all fuzzy when I'm in there and it may help to have it in writing.

Hi sounds like you understand the relationship you can develop with clients, even if you are not a T. Thank you for what you said... it did help.

Hey SD... sorry to make you worry. I think that is part of why I decided to post because I didn't want anyone to worry about where I had gone off to. I'm sorry you have been in that dark hole and have been struggling so much with the T relationship. You know I understand just how very difficult it is to develop trust again. I guess I have done a bit of processing. I'm wondering if I'm able to write tonight because I am seeing T again tomorrow and that thought is giving me some energy now. Thanks for being there.

CD...thanks for saying I'm a super valuable member. I know things happen here that can't be avoided at times but I guess the timing of everything just felt overwhelming. I will try to go easier on me.

Monte you are right. Sometimes it can just take something small falling perfectly into place for it to help with the dark feelings. I am hoping I will find that something. Maybe with my T's help I can. I try to remember that he is my light when I'm in the dark. It's nice to see you posting. I hope you are feeling well and that things are okay with you.

incognito... thanks for your concern and support. It means a lot. I hope you and T are getting along okay.

I think part of what has stirred up the latent trauma feelings from oldT is that feeling of powerlessness that I've been living with day after day at work. Never knowing what will happen next and not having any say in it. Not being heard at all. The manager behaves as a dictator and arbitrarily moves people around with no rhyme or reason. He especially has a dislike for me because I dare to question and challenge him. And moreso since the oldT abuse.

There is also the issue of my identity of who I am being so tied up in what I do for a living. With my job. And especially since the abandonment of oldT I have lost much of my sense of self and work was something I was holding onto to help me see who I am again. To feel that I was able to do something and had some worth. OldT left me with such a deep worthlessness that it has been hard to get past it. Those of you who have been abruptly terminated by a T or lost a T in some harsh way can relate to what I mean. It's so hard to build trust again and to get your "self" back.

Lately, I am in this dark, hopeless place because I have no self and I'm now struggling with actually doing my job because of the stress and fears hanging over my head all day long. I'm losing the concentration and the ability to multi-task efficiently. This is what happened to me 2 years ago when I lost oldT. I almost lost my job then and was punished for my inability to perform at high levels. I tried to explain to the "powers" that I was grieving without really telling them what happened (they would never understand) but they didn't care.

I have been looking around my town for another job but in this economy there is not much out there. I need to be close to home because I have a child who may need me to get home quickly or to his school.

I will try to get back here and let you know how I'm doing after seeing T tomorrow. I hate being back in the dark again. I thought I was done with that.

Thank you all so much

I am so sorry you are in that difficult dark place. I understand not being able to pinpoint what excatly is the cause, sometimes it is so multi faceted that we cannot know, yet it is the simplest thing that pushes us finally and makes us realise all is not well.

I also know how hard it is to explain to T how you feel when you maybe don't know yourself....yet you want them to just be the one person in the world who gets it for you. Your new T WILL want to understand TN, everything you have ever written about him shows insight and care. I think R2G had a good idea of printing this off to show T, you have as always written eloquently and the written word can be so powerful in explaining how we feel.

Thank you for moderating here; do not feel any guilt about not being around sometimes. You have a busy demanding job and a life on top of the forum... I always feel you contribute so much here Hug two

Hang in there TN. Take one day at a time, one hour or one minute when needs be. You will come through this. I hope you can see and feel the care there is for you here.

It sounds like you are dealing with an awful lot TN. I'm sorry you are being treated so badly at work as well as dealing with the loss of clients...that sounds overwhelming in itself.

I have no idea what is going on here on the forums but I know that you are one wise woman who cares about the people here and would do your utmost to ensure the safety of others. Don't be so hard on yourself.
Who wants to be around people who are sad all the time and cannot see hope.
well people who care for a start, when people are depressed it can feel like there is no hope but hopefully it won't always feel like this.

Be gentle with yourself.

((((( TN ))))))

I am SO sorry that you have been having such an awful time - you did mention a little while ago that things weren't going well for you, I'm pretty bowled over though by the extent of all the negative things you are having to cope with.

Work for one - that's unbelievably stressful because of how much is riding on having to keep your job - it's not something you can just walk away from (though I've done that in my time, when I've been able to.) I know you've graduated from the college course you were doing, I wonder if it's not worth your while looking into finding work more in line with your qualification now? I expect you've already thought of this, but sometimes I find that if I have potential options for future change, even if I'm not really serious about doing it, it gives me a way of dealing with unbearable present moment situations, gives me the feeling of there being a way out and that can really make a difference to how I feel. I do hope things change very soon on the work front (like, maybe your draconian boss gets fired or something!) It's always other people who make things difficult isn't it????

I'm also sorry that you are struggling with therapy. I suppose it's inevitable that if things in your life are going pear shaped that could affect how you feel about your T relationship. But equally I wonder if this isn't a new phase in your healing, that you're stepping into a more in depth and dependent phase of therapy and that's scaring you and all your defences are screaming red alert? Just a thought, ignore it if it makes no sense to you.

Finally your work on forum - which I think is great, you have nothing to beat yourself up about there. But I do get how you must be feeling, it's very hard not to feel responsible for negative stuff that goes down on your watch, so to speak. As others have said though, shit happens and no matter what you did or didn't do, what happened would have happened sooner or later anyway. Gosh I am talking in platitudes and cliches aren't I? Well I hope you get the intention of what I'm saying, which is to support you 100% and let you know how valued you are here

Hope your session today goes well and you come away from it feeling a whole lot better.

((TN)) The sadness is deep - I know - and I know it hurts like hell. So sorry you are in this place. Sounds like there are a lot of stresses in your life right now. Unfortunately we can't control that. It sucks and I know how hard that is. You are such a strong person TN, be kind to yourself. (Yeah I know, that's hard too) but try . You don't deserve any of this.

On your boss, what an A#$H&*E! I can picture you stringing him up and just poking at him all day! LOL Would love to do that. Kind of like that movie 9-5. Seriously though, I'm sorry. Maybe you can go to someone higher in HR? Or maybe call the hotline? Some jobs have a hotline number you can call to complain.

Feel better....

Just want to send a big Is there a bit of learned helplessness going on there? I say that because it sounds as though you are buying into the sense that you are trapped with no way out. But you are not trapped. You just have to figure out what your next move is going to be.

Please don't blame yourself for what happened here. We cannot control other people. That's a difficult lesson to learn and I probably struggle with letting go of trying to control people, time, whatever, every single day. But it feels SO freeing when I am successful at doing it.

There is also the issue of my identity of who I am being so tied up in what I do for a living. With my job

I'm sorry you're in a dark place TN and so totally understand how being invalidated at our work can totally destabilize us! I'm in that place now also and can only say - one step at a time!! Something will shift and the darkness will lighten!!

Can you take some leave and just veg?

As hard as it sounds when you're so low, can you think about changing jobs - just thinking about it can help!

Regarding the forum rupture and I don't know the details, but it seemed to happen via PMs which then spilled onto the OF - no-one could control that - don't take unnecessary responsibility!
Take care and lots of deep breathing.
Last edited by beaglemum
[haven't had time to read all the other responses so sorry if I have repeated anything]


Firstly I want to say that I am really sorry about all the things you are going through. Secondly I want to say it is really no surprise that you are battling given everything that you are going through and having to deal with them on the foundation of other abandonment issues that you have suffered from in the past and that have not been completely resolved.

Having gone through a termination of therapy myself as you know I can completely understand how that as a past issue together with the combination of lost clients, and a lost office would impact on an already stressful situation that you have to deal with at work.

Strangely enough particularly if you have worked for a company for many years there is a difficulty in defining your self-worth outside of that company, and the status that you hold. A failure within company expectations somehow translates in a persons mind as a personal failure. This is not an accurate thought, but a thought nonetheless that plagues many people. TN you would be an exception if you were not affected by these changes. They are debilitating. Every one of us has a need for acceptance. You clearly put a lot of energy and committment into your job, and I have no doubt you did a good job. How can I tell? Well, you wouldn't have had clients stick around with you for more than a decade if you had been a failure. If you are feeling low emotionally (which clearly you are) it is natural to put the blame on yourself. The truth is your clients that left may have massive issues with the current changes and your manager, but feel too afraid to say something. There could be a number of reasons - more than likely they are financial. Perhaps your companies fees have increased? Business comes down to a lot more than just service.

You not fitting into your managers mould should not be interpretted as a failure but rather a celebration that you are true to who you are. There is far more value in that. Perhaps these doors are closing for a good reason, though it may not seem like it at the time. In my own family I have a family member who was fired from his job - today he is a millionaire thanks to being fired. It was through being fired that he discovered himself. There are many similar stories in the world just like that. Perhaps you need to grow and discover more of yourself? You are only going to find out if you look though. I worked for a company that did that exact same thing to a woman. She sat in the hallway outside her office for 2 months, and soon found herself a job in another company working less hours for more money. She had been with the previous company since it began and then some graduate HR manager moved in and changed everything - kicking her out of her office in the process. She wasn't the only person to leave. I also left. A year later the company was sold and many people lost their jobs.

TN the corporate world and dog eats dog mentality is not something you should strive for in life. Be who you are meant to be. Be true to yourself. Be true to your values and beliefs. Be kind, thankful and loving to the people who really care about you. From what I have learnt in life the corporate world sucks out what it can and gives very little in return.

With regard to your place in the forum I have always found you to be caring, insightful, considerate, and level headed. I trust your decisions, and trust that whatever happened was dealt with as appropriately as possible. You are not a failure on the forum. You are a valued member.

TN I think you know that you are suffering from severe depression. I would hope that you could open up to your T about how it is affecting you, and put aside your thoughts that there is something wrong with you, because I would say that your reactions are completely normal if you take into account the abnormality of your past experiences and the abnormality of your current work/life situation.

Lots of 's and hope you start feeling a little better about yourself!

Just popping up to send you some support.
Hope things changes for you soon, NT.
I havent been around much latley, but i have read what you`ve been writing the last months (or year to be correct!)and follow your journey with great interest. So sorry things are so hard right now.

edit: sorry, Liese! My mistake!
I'm here to update. Thank you all for your supportive posts and for asking about me and checking in to see how I'm doing. I'm really touched by the concern I find here.

starfishy... thank you for your advice of one day, one minute at a time. It does seem less overwhelming when thinking of it that way. If I look to far ahead I get paralyzed.

Butterfly... so lovely to see you here. Thank you for your support. I've been slowly pulling myself out of that really dark place with the help of my T. One step at a time.

Lampers... I always love hearing from you. Work is a mess. I cannot leave this job right now because there is not much out there for me that is close to home. You ask about working in the field of my new degree. The issue with that is you cannot really get any kind of decent position in the field of counseling or psychology when you do not have an advanced/graduate degree. I've looked in to grad school but just do not have the funds right now. I would also have to commit to doing 30 hours of internship per week over a year and I cannot do that while working a 45 hour work week. So I'm kinda stuck for now.

Yeah it would be nice if the bully manager got fired. I know the entire office would be happier! My T is really helping me deal with all of this and I did some things this weekend that helped me to have a better outlook on things.

BG thank you so much for the hug! Smiler I think I had been feeling really overwhelmed with the politics at work, the load of work I'm trying to carry and having my T away on vacation too. Add to that the forum politics and feeling unsafe here and you do not have a happy camper. I have tried to do what you suggested and grabbed onto the rope my T has offered me. It has helped.

Oh Smiley you really made me laugh with the image of stringing up the bully manager and poking at him all day It's great to see you and thank you for the great support. That deeply sad place really sucks and I'd prefer to spend as little time there as possible. I think there were a lot of little losses I was dealing with that triggered the deeper feelings. Loss of clients, my office, my T on vacation... all added up and threw me into that dark place. And I really appreciate you saying I do a good job here!

hopeful...thanks for being here and posting your support. It was good to read.

Liese... that trapped feeling is horrible. I tend to allow that to overwhelm me at times and it is with my T's help that I am able to crawl out of it. I definitely have issues with control in many ways. It's good to know you are having some success with this.

Morgs... I love seeing you here! I wish I could take a leave. That would be so nice. But I need the money and can't do that. You were right when you said something would shift. Maybe it was me, maybe it was being able to connect with my T and talk this through. I am feeling a bit better today. Thank you.

b2w... your post really made me think. As someone who was abandoned by her T you can relate to the abandonment fear that gets triggered in all kinds of ways. I enjoyed reading your take on the corporate world. It gives me a lot to think about. And yes, I'd like to be true to myself and to be who I am. I have started to be more open with T about what is depressing me. I am still struggling but I see some light, even if it's only right now being able to feel my T's warmth and caring. That makes me feel that together we can get me to a better place.

Hi Froggy! Wow so happy to see you here again and I'm sorry you are struggling with T right now. Thank you so much for checking in with me. I'm pleased to know that you have been reading about my journey. Hope to see you around more.

I'm going to post this now and then try to update a bit on how therapy is going.

You all have been wonderful and really helpful to me.

Thanks for the update TN. Hope you are feeling somewhat better, though of course your situation is such that it being ongoing, chances are that feeling better is going to be a conditional thing. If I'm right I think you've had a T session or about to (for some reason I think you see T on Monday but maybe that's Tuesday?) anyway just wanting to say that I hope it goes/went well and that if and when you feel up to it, hope to hear how therapy is going. Smiler

Thank you guys for caring enough to want an update on my T sessions.

As I mentioned when I wrote this post I had been feeling like I sunk into a really dark place. The little losses were piling up and beginning to feel like big ones which triggered some abandonment issues. It didn't help that T was away for the worst of it.

I saw him last Thursday and I was still pretty dark and we had a talk about that. In fact, I really couldn't talk for about the first ten minutes. Nothing could come out. But T worked with me and got me talking. He is not accepting of long silence and tells me that I am there to talk to him. And asks me how can he help me if I don't tell him what is going on in my head.

So I tried to explain how I was feeling about work and how horrifying it was becoming for me to deal with. He listened a bit and then told me that I was not going to like what he had to say but he said he thought I was feeling sorry for myself. I got upset about that and he then said it was okay because I did have some right to feel that way. Because he sees another person in my department as a patient, he has a good idea of what goes on at my office and it's not just me telling him stuff. As we talked more he then told me that I was acting pathetic over this. That freaked me out and then I really couldn't stay very present for the rest of the session. In fact, I cannot even tell you about it because I don't remember it.

I ended up placing an emergency phone call to him Thursday evening but we really didn't get to talk until Friday afternoon because of both of our availability. I did send him an email also on Thursday night and he responed on Friday morning and told me to call him again that afternoon. So he has been very responsive to me. He told me in the email that he was not calling me pathetic but my behavior which he was worried would cause me to invite further abuse from the idiot manager at work. He said if I appear vulnerable they will zero in on it and make things worse. He wants me to appear strong and like I don't give a shit.

He went into this further during our conversation. He knows how bullies operate and he says he wants to protect me and my inner kid because he feels that we never had this protection growing up and we don't know how to accept this from him and he sees that I struggle with this. Yeah I do. I'd like to have it and when I feel his protection I feel good and terrified at the same time. Like if I actually accept it and feel good about it then it will disappear or something terrible will happen. I know some of this goes back to the abandonment by OldT.

I was really busy over the weekend with family commitments and something I attended with my son was really enjoyable for me and so I was feeling like the fog was lifting a bit. Getting out into the sunshine with my son and meeting and talking with new people who were nice, fun and respectful felt good. So Monday when I went to see T I was in somewhat better mood and he commented on it and said he was really proud that I was able to do those things with family and didn't allow myself to stay sunk in that blackness. He was encouraged by this and we talked more about work and how he'd like me to handle the situation of losing my office.

I also wrote to him in the email how I felt punished by him because I had not been getting a pat on the arm for some time. In my head it feels like it coincides with my giving him some articles on the use of touch in therapy. It's a sore subject between us because of his reaction to the topic which I wrote about on here in the past. I sent him the articles via email but we never discussed them mainly because I have been in a bad place over work and that has dominated our conversation. He was also on vacation and I missed some sessions.

So while he didn't say anything he did give me three handshakes and a pat on the arm when I left him on Monday. I felt the session was better and I left him feeling stronger and less emotional about things. Unfortunately that did not last. I was fine until this afternoon around 2 at work. I then began to unravel and by the time I got home I was in tears and so depressed I went to sleep.

I have always done this in the past. When I get this upset and overwhelmed I feel really dead tired and HAVE to sleep. I think it's my mind's way of escape from reality. Some drink or do drugs... I sleep to escape reality. I also had to fight the urges to indulge in self-destructive and unhealthy behaviors. Some of the strongest feelings passed when I woke up. We had a late dinner but I didn't speak all night. I feel really shut down.

I had a very busy and tough day at work trying to juggle a lot of clients, meetings and then playing receptionist which took away time I could have been doing my own work. I resent having to do this and it makes me ragefully angry. Then I got stuck with some late work which held me back from leaving on time and when I ran back to my own office to shut down the computer and pack up to go, I see the people who are taking over my boss's and my office space. They happen to be people who are sneaky, cut-throats who I found out cannot be trusted and who talk behind everyone's back. They were there to inspect the office space and discuss their move into that space. It just badly triggered me which then led me to when I will actually be forced out and I'm finding that thought beyond what I feel I can handle at this point. The anger is so powerful I have turned it against me because I am powerless to unleash it on them.

I know my T wants me to get angry at them not me and he said I can even be angry at him. He said this would be more healthy for me. T's are always happy when we get angry Roll Eyes I almost placed an other emergency call to him so that he could help me regulate again but it would be difficult to talk to him with family around so I held off. I could have emailed but what's the use? He can't solve this issue nor change it so why try to explain it? It just feels hopeless. I've been checking around for job openings but I live in a rather small town and there is not much going on employment wise for jobs with decent pay. Right now most positions are temp or hourly with no benefits.

I'm just SO tired and I cannot see my way out of this darkness. Even breathing seems like too much effort lately. I just wish I could disappear.

So there it is. It's a mixed bag. I can rally a bit when I'm home and not at work (weekends) but once I'm back in the work situation I begin to sink again into despair.

Thanks for listening and for caring.
Sending you hugs TN.... I think I've said it before, but I am SO glad you have your T through all this!

It sucks when the people in charge use bullying to accomplish things instead of open conversation. I'm in the same boat right now, so I can very much empathize with your work and home situation. It's back to work-sleep-work-sleep for me, too, getting home from work and needing a nap before I can function for the rest of the evening. Not fun, but this too shall pass, for both of us. (((TN)))

I'm sorry that your work life is so awful and you can't see a way for things to change. I have been there in the past when my daughters were young. In the end things didn't get better for me until I found another job not that I think that is true for you but I wanted to encourage you to keep an eye out for a new job even if it seems impossible right now.

I also want to tell you how amazing you are that you could hear your T's care and concern behind his "tough talk". I think it shows how willing you are to reach out to him and continue engaging with him in order to allow him to explain his reasoning and meaning. I know how hard I would have taken his words if I had heard them from my T. I'm sure that is why you have made so much progress with your T.

(((((( TN )))))))

I'm so sorry that things are still so crap for you, especially on the work front Frowner.

I am pleased though that you were able to reconnect to your T and concur with Cogs, that's pretty amazing that you were able to get to his care and concern under the tough talk - it's a measure of your trust in and attachment to him (and your own resilience!) that you didn't completely withdraw and go all defensive about it. Way to go. Smiler

I'm in a bit of a hurry at the moment, dinner calls! so want to come back later and post some more - about your session, but also I've been thinking about your job situation and have some thoughts that might be helpful (or not, it sounds like I'm making golden promises and they're not, just some thoughts from my own perspective...)

Be back later, in the meantime, big hugs to you TN

Hi TN,

I am really glad that you have the T that you do. I know what it is like to be stuck in a very dark place. I'm sorry things are the way they are work, I know how detrimental work issues can be to health having been there myself.

Hold onto those small moments of happiness TN, I know they may seem few and far between but eventually I hope they will happen more often for you so that you may escape the darkness that you are feeling.

So I made it back, though a day later than I'd anticipated, sorry TN.

There were a couple of things in your post I wanted to come back to:

He told me in the email that he was not calling me pathetic but my behavior which he was worried would cause me to invite further abuse from the idiot manager at work.

It's interesting that when he mentioned the word pathetic in your previous session, you just zoned right out, experiencing it as a criticism or judgement of you. I really like the way your T explained it because that makes so much sense, the image conjured up by the word 'pathetic' changes dramatically, from being weak and wimpy and wearing a kick-me placard on one's back, to being sad and lost and alone and frightened. There is a huge difference in meaning.

It does sound like your T was trying to gee you up, inspire you to be more assertive and stand up for yourself when actually you were feeling much more like you needed support and reassurance and dare I say it, rescuing (and I don't mean to say that wanting rescuing is a bad thing either!) He was being a bit tough love from the sounds of it and from what I'm reading of how you are feeling, that was not what you needed at this point. I'm glad though he gave you a little more physical contact, even if that remains an unresolved issue between you.

About the work situation, I was comparing how you must be feeling, trapped in a job with awful bosses and bullying people and no chance of being able to leave or find another job easily, with how I felt in a similar situation, where I couldn't leave my awful job without forfeiting something that was the reason for my being in that job in the first place (all tied up with being able to stay in this country, if I'd left that job I'd have had to leave the country, and considering getting to live in England had been my lifetime dream, there was a huge amount riding on my being able to stay in that job long enough to get my citizenship.)

Which brings me to my point - my spell in purgatory (the job) was time limited, after seven years I was entitled to apply for citizenship and on that being granted I was free to work anywhere else I wanted. The fact that I had a definite goal and thus a reason for being in that hellish job, made it if not bearable at least copable. Which got me to wondering if you can't create a goal or time limit for yourself, some way of making the next x amount of time that you remain where you are, bearable and worthwhile and having a point to it. Maybe even telling yourself that given current financial considerations and the recession and the lack of other jobs you could apply for at the moment, you will stay there for x amount of time, really try your hardest to deal with all the bullying and the undermining and the bad feelings, and if at the end of that time nothing has changed and you still feel rubbish, you give yourself permission to leave, no matter what the feared consequences might be and no matter than you don't have another job to go to.

There are times when being in a place is just so painful and intolerable that you need to walk even without the certainty and security of having somewhere else to go. I have to say that there have been times that I've spat the dummy and just walked out of a job with no new prospects, and almost miraculously other opportunities presented themselves that I would have missed had I followed my fears and stayed. Sometimes it's better to say to hell with the shoulds the oughts and the responsibilities, and act solely for yourself, just walk.

Sorry this got quite long and I really did try and keep it concise Roll Eyes

Anyway it might all be meaningless to you, but I wanted to give you my perspective on your situation so that you might feel a little less trapped in an intolerable situation.

Hope you are hanging in there ((((((( TN )))))))


The anger is so powerful I have turned it against me because I am powerless to unleash it on them.
Hello TN, I'm so sorry you've had to deal with yet another crappy day at work. But good for your T for being there for you, at least that is some comfort in all the distress you are experiencing.

I'm pitching in again because I see I've left a quote hanging in my previous post, and I know I wanted to talk about that too but obviously quoted and then forgot Roll Eyes Comes of talking too much, evidently!

The anger is so powerful I have turned it against me because I am powerless to unleash it on them.

This I can relate to very much. So much anger, rage even, at people in positions of power and authority that it is just way too dangerous to even think about directing at them, even internally. But it's there and it builds and builds and builds the longer you're in a frustrating and powerless situation, so it's understandable that you are having to turn it against yourself because there is nowhere else for it to go. I haven't got any glib answers for this one seeing as how anger is something I struggle with a lot, but sometimes I have found ways of dealing with situation specific anger, such as yours.

I'm not in any way diminishing the fact that you're got a rubbish boss and an awful situation at work, but I have found that in similar situations SOMETIMES I can find release and relief from the building rage by looking to the past to see where I've been in a similar situation or where I've had the same feelings of being stuck and trapped and enraged and powerless to do anything about any of it - sometimes I make a connection that makes a huge amount of sense and that often abates the anger at the current situation and allows me to focus on understanding what went on in the past (the psychodynamic approach I suppose.) Phew sorry that's got to be one of the longest sentences I've written, and that's saying something!

I don't know if that's any use to you, but it does sound like the sense of hopeless powerlessness and being trapped and having to put up with a situation that is constantly undermining and invalidating you is becoming quite dangerous to you and getting to break down point, so finding some way of turning that anger away from you and outwards seems to me like something you have to seriously try and do (like your T said, even using him as the punching bag could help a lot. You are actually very lucky to have a T who is willing and happy to take your anger, perhaps you could think about using him in that capacity to get you through?)

I hope you get through today and find some respite from the crappy work situation with the weekend coming up. Thinking of you (((((((( TN ))))))))


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