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Did you know a caterpillar will digest parts of itself to become a butterfly?

I know, sounds gross! I have been thinking about the caterpillar and HOW it turns into a butterfly! Lately I find myself saying, "BUT I don't want to be a butterfly...I like being a caterpillar..."

When I read they digest parts of themselves to complete the transformation into a butterfly...I thought of the correlation with Therapy. Therapy is like a cocoon where we take all of our caterpillar parts and through time, these parts morph and change into something more complete and beautiful. Without the caterpillar parts, there would be no butterfly.

Just my ramblings on an early Sunday morning.

All the best,
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I like the transformation metaphor, TAS. And the fact that you need your caterpillar parts.

When I am flipping out and rolling my eyes and the bit of old protective behaviour that just marched out and just made my life ten times more difficult than it needs to be - sometimes I try and be kind to myself and point out that I wouldn't have built that framework if I didn't need it.

Perhaps I'll just shorten it to tell myself, "Well, I need those caterpillar parts! And they'll dissolve eventually."

I quite like caterpillars too. Over here on the moors, we have these big, furry ones. I really like them. You can't touch them cause they can make you itch but they look quite fluffy - some of them are stripey!
I didn't know caterpillars did that - (sadly, my eating disordered brain latched onto 'digest' for a few short moments before I was able to process what you wrote )
Now I have some fun/gross trivia for the boys I think they'll enjoy!

That's a great connection you made TAS. I really admire your ability to do that.

I think you're transforming into a lovely butterfly in your therapeutic cocoon.

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