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At our last session T wanted to bring up something I had written in an email earlier that week but I couldn't remember what I had been referencing. So she pulled it up on her computer but as she was doing so, she was kind of talking out loud and commented that she had deleted it but that it was still in her trash can (on her computer). It really threw me that she had deleted it after reading it becuase I thought it had some important things in it. I guess I should be happy she read it first before deleting it. I have been a little pissed all week and haven't emailed her like I would normally do. In fact, I don't know if I will email her at all anymore. Am I just dramatizing this all out of proportion? It hurt my feelings however unreasonable that might be. On the other hand, I save every email she sends me even if its just dealing with scheduling. Definitely see the imbalance of power in this relationship. Frowner
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It hurt me when my T started deleting my texts regularly, but he explained it to me that he attended a seminar about the safety of electronic devices and confidentiality and he basically prints all the emails for his file and deletes them and also deletes the texts after a bit. Just mine. Apparently, I am the only client who texts about anything other than scheduling. Mine are the only ones with sensitive stuff in them. It kind of hurt to feel deleted, but it also felt god that he was protecting me in case his phone got misplaced or anything. Maybe you can ask her whether she prints them for the file before deleting and talk about how it made you feel. There may be a security reason for her doing that.
Yakusoku already answered with what I was going to suggest. It's very possible that she deletes client emails for confidentiality and security reasons.

Or, like BLT said, she may like to keep her inbox clear in order to keep new messages in view and organized.

I'm sure it's nothing personal or a lack of care Smiler

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