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Hi all
I'm so sorry to post again, especially while so frazzeled and haven't even gotten back to everyone lately, especially on my other thread about moving and housemates and ptsd... I'm just really fried and I guess trying to not stuff everything and I guess I'm feeling scared too. And so mixed up.

My question is this -
My mother came to visit me. And support me. So she siad. We have a mixed relationship and I wasn't really ok with her coming out right now. She got a hotel room though and ended up being helpful with all I have been dealing with. We also got to have some ok and maybe even good mom/daughter time just doing a couple fun things. I kept getting space from her too as I needed although this trip is was harder than normal.

And yesterday with her was awful. Today we spent a couple hours together and they have been good. I asked her if we could start the day fresh. It seemed to help.

Now headed out to drop her off at airport. I'm feeling horribly anxious and really not wanting her to go, wanting her to hug me and hold me but finding her giving me a hug feels irritating, and while I stringly am about to vry about her leaving, I also can't wait for her to go.

Does this sound like disorganized attachment between me and adult and my mother? Or am I just kind of really mixed up in another way?

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(((Jane))) I'm sorry dealing with your mom is so confusing. I feel more the way you're describing about my dad. My mom, I go completely detached with her, so my style with her has become largely avoidant over the years. I don't get teary about leaving my dad when I visit with him, but I do sometimes have sudden urges to contact him and connect, followed by desire to have nothing to do with him.

It sounds kind of like what I experience with my therapist, which has been described by more knowledgeable people on here as disorganized attachment...except, usually I experience one AND THEN the other, not both at the same time as you are describing. Sometimes, it is wanting to be close and then seconds later wanting to run away (or vice versa), and then going back quickly to the first desire. So, it does fluctuate often and rapidly at times. However, I am always aware of it as one or the other. If I looked at it later on, I might say, "I felt both the need to connect and the need to run away," but I would mean within a specific time, with each of those being their own separate feeling, like they both come from a different place. To me, it sounds as if you are experiencing both at the exact same time? I think that could still be disorganized attachment (not sure), but maybe both of those feelings about your mom are slightly more integrated, so you are able to access both being true at the same time? I really have no idea.

I would say my standard operating mode is apathy toward either of my parents. Sometimes, something will trigger anxious attachment feelings toward my dad and those never last long without triggering avoidance feelings. So, then I am stuck in ambivalence until that stuff gets turned off again and whatever trigger goes away or is forgotten. Then, I am back to numb about the relationship...I don't know if I'm making sense.
This is really interesting to me and I can relate. Sometimes other people change (like your mom) and they can be in tune with your needs - even in they are not expressed. Sometimes, those people that change slip back into their old ways and it may feel all too familiar. I am trying to be in the moment without judging it or trying to figure it out. Maybe that will help you a little bit because there really isn't an answer. It is moment to moment. Hope this helps.

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