Although I started with a new therapist a couple of months ago, we have each been travelling and knew scheduling would be occasional and erratic over this time, until we're both back in routines in September. And yet routines, habits, rituals, are a big focus in what I want to develop for myself from this work at the moment - there are a lot of things that I wish I could achieve, but I don't have a trustworthy ability to get stuff done to a set schedule, especially when it comes to my creative work - I'm just erratic.
I've told the therapist that it would help me to try to keep things regular, and in lieu of that at the moment to know ahead when the next session will be (all the while trying not to post too many red flags to my own neediness!) - yet at the end of the last session she left it very open-ended - and then didn't respond to me suggesting a date in a follow-up email.
And it seemed very weird, because at the same time as I feel her as very trustworthy, this feels irritating, and irritating ESPECIALLY given the stuff we were just talking about. Lack of routine as self-abandonment. How it hurts to not be able to trust yourself to show up, to keep your promises to yourself (like a lot of people, I'm fine with my promises to others...). How without a routines and rituals to rely on it feels like you're falling through space, that whoever or whatever it is that you need, maybe it's never coming back.
So if she knows that unreliability and lack of a framework are so deeply connected to abandonment, why not just freaking provide the framework right away so we don't have to go there?
I was tussling with myself about whether to send another email, and kind of running through the laundry list of my expectations of her - I want to know when she's going to show up. I want to be able to trust her word, so that I'm sure when she says she'll be there she'll be there. At the end of a session I want to know when the next session is so that I'm not dangling in space. I want to be able to look ahead in time and know what's coming, what I can expect, so I can settle in.
Well, as I was tussling with this and thinking this list through it hit me - these are needs that I have, expectations I bring to the relationship. And I really do expect her to step up to meet these needs. But they are actually the exact same needs I have of myself. These are the things that make me feel safe. I need to know when I am next going to have time to work creatively. I need that 'appointment' in sight all the time. I need to know that when I have that appointment, I'm going to meet it no matter what. I need to be able to count on my own word. I need to know that when I am there, I will be mentally present and alert for the task at hand. I need to think ahead before each 'appointment' to know what the work is that day. These are all expectations that I would happily hold any therapist to, feet to the flames. And yet I don't hold myself to those same expectations at all - I just vague out.
If I were my own therapist, I'd fire my own ass as of ages ago. Not for lack of insight, but for utter unreliability. For hurting me each time I don't show up, or I do show up then blank out, or I fail to set the appointment in the first place. For ignoring my needs, despite all that crying out.... So this is my new question for myself. What's the minimum behaviour I would expect from a therapist here? Am I giving myself that?