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Is it possible to be dissociated so much but still function?
I had a writing assignment for T & was rereading it. The last 3 pges of it were jaw dropping, but I didn't write them, there's just no way.
First I don't remember, second I wouldn't have added so much detail & third...well it surprised me. I talked about stuff I didn't even understand, but was trying to put them on paper. I had to reread it 3-4 times. Then I was impressed bec I surprisingly articulated my feelings so well. Finally kind of freaked out I could lose a chunk of time that large...& what else did I do during that time.
Can anyone relate?
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Yes people who dissociate can be highly functioning.

I haven't had that happen to me what you say here but I get where other people tell me of things I have done that I do not remember and I don't drink or do drugs. This is odd when I am told these things. Often they describe me acting in a way that I would not act like.
Yeah this has happened to me - I didn't write as much, but there are times when I look back I was severely emotionally disorganised and activated and I have emailed T and explained something to her and the next day came across the email in my Sent folder and read it and was amazed that a) i told her that stuff and b) articulated it really well.

But then I try and piece what else I wrote or said and I realise I have lost time and hours and hours are hazy. OR I can't remember what I did and I have had to look for clues. At the time I am with it and am functioning but the next day everything is foggy, hazy and fuzzy.

I don't lose like an entire night - but say 8 hours will pass and I won't remember what I have done to use up those 8 hours. Time goes weird for me.

I had a very bad 2 days a few days ago. My T text me one morning that woke me up. I had only just got to sleep a couple of hours earlier. The text woke me and I had no idea what day it was. I didnt know it was morning, where I was, or why my phone made a noise. Then it was T's text and I couldn't remember why she was texting me. I remember lying there wondering whether I was alive or asleep and whether it was a dream or whether I was dreaming.

After I have had a bad day like this - it takes me a couple of days to recover as it exhausts me.

I find too that sometimes when I am in my bad phase - like one of my internal parts/ states and i email - my writing is different, raw, bunched up, no punctuation.

I would be interested in anyone's comments and experiences. I never quite know if any of this is actually dissociation - or what it is.

Really sorry, but I've had to remove my response. I just feel too vulnerable with it up. I want to talk to T about it and I don't know if she looks at this site. If she does she will know exactly who I am on the site and I would hate that. I also can't find anything about it on the internet which makes me assume I'm some freak.

Sorry about that Mudd.

I thought the comment was interesting, but when it comes to mental health I don't think there's very much that's absurd.
The only comparison I have personally is that I have days that feel like "fog, heavy, slow days" like going thru the day half asleep & everything is an extreme effort including talking & in slow motion. I've only had days like this w/in the past 10 yrs & I've noticed a big difference w/ the amount of light I have that day. I live between 2 small mt ranges & it known for its grey days. I have SAD & I do use a light box, but on these foggy days the box doesn't help @ all.
Only thing that seems to help is to call it a day & go to bed keeping my fingers crossed I don't have it the next day.

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