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I'm having that urge to contact former T.
I've had a long day filled with loss and stress due to a funeral and other stuff. I saw former T for about 30 seconds in passing at an office today. I blurted out that I missed her. She responded with an utterance that made me feel like I wanted to hug her, but I was going in the opposite direction and needed to follow someone else. After that exchange, I've wanted to call her or contact her. I've taken Ethics as part of my T training, so I know that it probably isn't a great idea to do that. I have a new T, who is really good. I'll be seeing her in a couple of weeks. I just miss former T. Our boundaries meshed over the 2.5 years that I saw her. She was more like a friend in some ways. I don't know how much actual work we did in solving some of my issues, but we certainly connected. She seems to have loose boundaries and gave me mixed messages on occasion, which threw me and made me think that she wanted more than the T relationship (as friends or colleagues-not sexual). I asked several others in the field without giving T's name and they agreed. They even said that she revealed too much of herself with me. I figured it was theoretical orientation and in some ways it was and at other times it was just loose boundaries. I used to beg her for boundaries about calling her on her cell phone, but she didn't really tell me, so I didn't call her unless I was calling on happy news (twice) or my 1 emergency call.
Ok...I'm my questions....

Anyone contact their former T? Did the former T seem happy to hear from you? If you do contact former T, do you do it regularly? Did they talk about ethics to you and to not do it again?
Any T's or T's in training that contact their former T's?
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T number five (T right before current T) likes to hear from me. She's one of those once-you're-done-with-therapy-you're-not-my-client-anymore type of Ts. Some may think that that's a bad idea but it hasn't been harmful for me in any way. I was actually able to meet with her for lunch a few times while I was home for some of my breaks. Even while I was gone from current T she was very open with communication for the longer breaks (summer and holiday break) and encouraged me to email and let her know how I was doing and what was going on. Phone sessions were also welcomed which was very helpful for me Big Grin
In general, I think all Ts have somewhat of a curiosity as to how their former clients are doing...some more than others. I don't think it can hurt to let a former T know that they're former client is doing really well in life Smiler
an update....

Last week I left a cell phone voice mail message for my former T (her personal voice mail-not her office voice mail). I didn't get a response back, but I didn't indicate in the message that I needed a call in return. I just called to thank her. I also let her know that I had been to a conference and saw an internationally known training therapist that she told me about a couple of years ago.
I hope she wasn't upset or anything. I don't think she could be seeing as it was just a little update with my very excited and nice thank you voice.

That night I had a bad dream that she yelled at me in person the next time I ran into her and she shouted, "When will you understand my boundaries?". Ugh! Tears started streaming down my face as I woke up. I hate those kinds of dreams.

If I take a step back and analyze the dream, I realize that it might be her reminding me to set firm boundaries with my ex-hubby. She used to remind me to do that and gave me examples on how to say it.
That same night I left a voice mail for former T, my son was having difficulties due to issues and changes over at his dad's house. I was incredibly sad for my son and angry with his father. This may have been expressed rather oddly in my dream.

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