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I've never mentioned my diagnosis to my family (except one not in my immediate family, I just remembered), because I am afraid of being invalidated, or that I am actually somehow making it all up...or at least believing that I am even more strongly. I have mentioned dissociation, because it affected my driving and prevented me from wanting to drive to some events by myself.

Yesterday, in a conversation about where I'm going with my future, one of my younger siblings started joking around in front of a couple of others about doing a particular job I might be interested in and the aspects I struggle with, I could bring others in and say, "Oh, these are my other multiple personality people" (i.e. alters). So, I laughed about it as if it were a joke, but because that IS my diagnosis, I am a little freaked out they somehow know.

I'm pretty sure I didn't tell them? My memory isn't always so great. H knows and a couple of other really close people know, but no one who would have told them...though I did disclose to my aunt, who lives a few hours away, because I had some questions about parts of my life I didn't remember. I just remembered that. I did that because there was a period of time that the only thing I remember at all is a little bit of time I would spend with her at the school she taught at and her home, and nothing at all about what my actual home life was like.

So, was this just a coincidental bad joke or do they know? I had a nightmare about doing therapy in my childhood home (that many family members still live in) last night, being in a bedroom, working closely with my T, and people walking by the room constantly trying to figure out what we were doing and talking about. Frowner They don't know, right? And if they did, I'm not going to get in trouble...they won't "tell" on me to my mom. This is ridiculous. I'm a grown woman terrified of what will happen if they know I'm messed up...
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From what I've heard, most DID systems do not want to be recognized by just anyone, especially unsafe people. So maybe it's unlikely someone in your system would say something to them? Unless you have someone who would (which would cause you not to remember, I mean, like you said might have happened).

They may or may not know - but like Draggers said, there's no shame. And, if they do know maybe because they keep poking fun or whatever - you could tell them you have a diagnosis. I mean, if they are sorta demeaning you anyway you already know how insensitive they feel about it, unfortunately :/
(((Draggers))) Thanks, that's a good point. No one else has said anything to me. Then again, these people talk $#!+ behind peoples' backs all the time and I have to try really hard not to get drawn into it. I don't think it's shame so much as fear that causes me to want them to never know.

(((Ang))) Thanks for the reassurances. My mom knows I'm in therapy, she thought it was just for marriage stuff, because the event that initially caused me to have to go was related to H. So, she asked about it and if it was helping marriage stuff and I didn't want her thinking the issue was all with H or something, so I said, "Oh, no, it's individual therapy, not couples stuff." Immediately, she got this sarcastic voice and said, "Oh, for all your difficult childhood stuff?" And I tried to say, neutrally, because of how scary she is when defensive, "For whole life stuff," which was true. Those are the sort of reactions I'm afraid of. I think my dad also knows I was in therapy, but almost nothing at all, because I never see him.

(((Cat))) I think you're right. I don't think anyone inside would have told, that I know of. But, it just kind of flew me for a loop. Maybe my aunt said something to someone. I asked her repeatedly not to and she is a safe person, and I only mentioned it REALLY briefly...but her response was basically, "Don't buy into that, I doubt it, get a second opinion." She did say there was a huge amount of neglect and emotional abuse and I was a very detached, independent child, so it wasn't all invalidating.

And the joke did not come across as insensitive, just...playful? That's not what I'm scared of, because the joke itself would have been...accepting? The way it was told? That sister has an ED and used to do SI and everyone has always called her an exaggerator or drama queen and deny she had a problem (not me, but a couple of sisters and my mom) and invalidated bad stuff that happened to her, even when I didn't. So, I'm scared if they ALL know that it will happen to me too. Because I need to obsessively rewrite others beliefs over my own to be safe.

Three of my five siblings are living with my mom right now, so I really don't feel safe with them knowing at all, because the price is really high if my mom knows. Anything that threatens her self-image is a real problem and I will be attacked either directly or covertly and my reality will be twisted inside my brain, because she still has that power that her questioning my perception or my sense of how I think and feel and experience things just wipes them out and I am automatically wrong and a horrible person and I feel sick just thinking about it. I just want to feel safe. Frowner

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