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DR, do you tell your dreams to your T?
He/She should be able to interpret them. They do come from the unconscious. I think they are the most amazing thing. Sometimes they are so freaky, that I am astounded how my mind could come up with something like that.

As I started to talk to my T about my dreams, I've learnt to understand them better. Sometimes I don't have a clue, but sometimes it is possible to translate the dream image into something meaningful about yourself. Sometimes I have my own interpretation, he has completely different, but when think about it a bit more they kind of connect in some ways.

Echo, if you new T is psychodynamic, I'd say she would be interested in dream work. I think it is much more interesting to them to have a client who dreams and brings in their dreams. They are such powerful images sometimes.

BB, what you said reminded me what I do sometimes. Sometimes I wake up and I know that I just forgot my dream. I have a hunch of a dream, but it's gone. So I try to focus on the feeling as much as possible, dig into it and find a tiny thread of a dream that just vanished. Sometimes it works, I kind of grab the thread and pull it and the dream comes back to my memory. Worked couple of times. And if you remember just an image or a few, and you write them down, the rest of the dream comes back as well.
*pounce* Big Grin

Deeply Rooted years ago I got right into working with my dreams (like you I used to keep a dream diary - which seemed to take up so much of my waking time lol - it’s amazing how much you can remember your dreams once you get into the habit of recording them). I found two books on dreams by Ann Faraday (Dream Power and The Dream Game) really enlightening. She explains really well and clearly how to understand, interpret and use your dreams and gives case history style examples of dream interpretations. Those books were so useful to me that I even learned how to stop having nightmares (or rather how to transform them within the dream state itself from being nightmares). The only thing I never managed was to do was lucid dreaming (not at will anyway).

Unfortunately there’s no Google book excerpts of them but Amazon** stock them and there are quite a few reviews of them on the internet, if you’re interested. Dreams are really interesting and meaningful, I love them!


p.s. I 'pounced' because I'm pretty evangelical about those two books, they really opened my eyes to the power and meaning of my dreams.

** lol I mean Amazon the online book store not our Amazon on the forum.
Echo, your dream was absolutely hysterical...I can totally see you waking yourself up laughing. Thank you for sharing it. I would imagine having them change from romantic to ridiculous is a good thing, if you're going to dream about him at you find that is the case?

The dream I had about my mom was neither happy or sad, really...and I didn't wake up with a sense of longing. Just kind of astonished that I experienced a hopeful feeling toward my mother. The feeling didn't linger at all...I just remembered feeling it in the dream...and when I recalled it I kind of recoiled like I usually do. But it's a start...a small one...but a start.

Lamplighter, thanks for "pouncing"...I'm very interested in reading those books now...and finding out more about lucid dreaming.

LOVE this thread!

And to answer the question: "Do you dream?"

I think dream work has been one of the main thing i`we worked on with my T. I happen to dream a lot about my T, and often the dreams are repeating over and over again, the same sort of scenario.

Often I dream that the apt. is removed, so i have to find the new place where my T is, and find out the new time. When i arrive (stressed and scared) He`s seems chanched, -wearing clothes that I never seen before, acting a bit cold and careless.
This dreams really frusterates me. and I am angry at him when i wake up..

The dreams I like telling my T are dreams where He accures and telling me mystic(?) things.. Like when -in the dream- he run a head of me, up the stairs, leaving me messages on small notes, in GREEK! Roll Eyes (thats NOT my language) I read the greek letters with great surprise, and understood that he had wrote: "Have faith!" (pisteuw)
That was an amazing dream for me.. Like He told me to keep beeing courageous and strong and dont loose faith..(at this time i struggeled a lot with studies in theology and with my faith in God)

I also worked with one dream, where tis lady shows up in our session. She`s sitting besides me, and are there to defend and help me, and to transelate the things I say, that my T doens understand.. This is a typical Mother & Father figure dream. I long for a mother in the session room as well, to fill up the whole in a way, - the empty "Woman room" thats He/ My T- a male- Cant fill up the same way a woman can.. The dream lead to several fantasies - that I have family and friends to join me in the sessions..I still often wish that My T would meet my friends and family.
Its so amazing i think- how much a single dream can foster so many important fantasies and new ideas..
Hi Frog! Love these dreams of yours, especially the image of translating, and the mother figure.

I have been struggling to figure out where I am with therapy, I had 9 months with a T, moved away, a year with another T, she moved away, and now I'm with a 3rd T but our sessions have been on and off and will be for a few more weeks. I still feel like I have no idea what she's like, I have big doubts about whether she can help me and I'm not sure what I want out of this process any more.


So I had this dream last night which showed me how I feel about it. I wanted to go dancing but I really needed to go to the toilet, so I went into this big public toilet and into a booth. I ended up having to change toilets several times part-way through, because the doors kept opening and there was no privacy! It was all very uncomfortable and unclean, and there were these people standing around commenting on how long I was taking!

I was thinking I might cancel my next session and not go until I can actually see her regularly, but instead I might go and talk to her about this dream because it expresses so well how I feel.

Hi jones! Smiler

I agree- your dream seem to be very clarifying and to the point describing your frustration and struggling. As you propably know- its an hard task to interpret other peoples dreams, but I`ll like to give it a try- (You already seem to know a great deal what it means, so this is just an add.) Your dream is quite universal- dreaming that one need to go to the toilet is a very strong common dream stymbol! I had several of these dreams my self in the early stage in my therapy process!

What first strikes me- is that your wish to dance (=go to therapy) cant be done as you have to go to the toilet first- (you have to do some thinking work- before you find yourself ready to go to therapy, including all your questions) the public toilet indicates shame and your fear for the humiliating expose (as one in a sense do in therapy- expose oneself most shameful private stuff etc.)
The changing of toilets may indicate, your changing opinions about your T- as you wrote- you struggle to figure out who your Ts like, and you cant "make up your mind". Therefor the stressed situation having to keep change toilets..

The unclean toilet may also lead to the association that you dont feel "clean" inside (the toilet- room, is a "room" within your self!) and you`re afraid of what you may "find" in there.. (what will this therapy uncover?)

I`ll hope your meeting with your T again will give your struggling some reliefe and that the dream- wheter you tell the dream or not- gives you the opportunity to find some peace with this struggling. I totally get the hard part of not seeing your T more regulary- (as in the dream, where you got these comments- its most likely a comment from yourself- YOU think it takes "too long" between the sessions)

What type of T do you have? Some therapist dont have much experiences with dream work- but sure psychotherpists (and related "schools") should have developed skills in that type of work..

Good luck Jones- let us know what you decided to do, if you want.
All the best Smiler
Dear Frog,

I enjoyed your interpretation of my dream! It gave me some different perspectives on it, and helped me to clarify it. I had been thinking the dancing was life-beyond-therapy, and I needed to go to the toilet ('get it all out' in therapy) before I could do that. I saw the changes in toilet as a metaphor for the changes in therapy situation - though I hesitate to tell my T I see her as a toilet!!! Do you think she'd be insulted?!

I think you are spot on about the cleanliness and privacy. In fact when I first started therapy I dreamed I was in an extremely dirty public toilet, everything broken and unusable, and the only way to escape was THROUGH one of the toilets to a beautiful ocean, but I couldn't get through. I guess things are improving! But it would be nice to see that room inside me as clean, private, accessible - rather than public and dirty and broken.

I will see my T tonight, and then not for another fortnight. As always with long breaks it seems there's too much to talk about to really get any work done. Frowner My T is an art therapist who apparently works psychodynamically with attachment as well as with CBT. But we've only had a few sessions and I don't know how it will play out between us, I'm not sure if we are a good match or not. I will try to get some of the questions answered tonight. Once I told her a dream and she was pretty keen to work with it, though I didn't agree with some of her interpretations.

Thanks Froggy!
Hi Everyone-

I have nto posted in quite some time, but I hd a very sad dream- I think it is about boundries, and I just cn not seem to shake the impact of it, Here it is short and sweet-

I am sitting on a subway train with seats along the side. Next to me on either side is a man. Both men are randomly touching me wherever they want too, and I sit, frozen like a statue, silently crying. All of the passengers on the train – my surroundings, are almost non-existent- a huge blur.

I so rarely rmemeber dreams, in fact this is the first one I've remembered since my last post on this thread. Can anytell me what it means? Can anywone help me sift through this pain? ai was doing so well for so long, that I thought this confusion-confused thinking was gone for good, guess not. pleaaes let me know your thoughts, please help me to get out of this pain.
Oh Mayo - can I give you a big cyber hug? That dream sounds not only really sad (being alone, no-one looking out for you, no-one taking any notice of what’s being done to you) but really terrifying too - that you’re at the mercy of these two men who seem able to do whatever they want to you.

I can’t even begin to say what it might mean - you said it might have something to do with boundaries - do you think it relates to therapy, or that something in the present is recreating similar - real - situations from the past? What did you think when you first woke up from it, how did it feel, did anything remind you of anything else (from that day or more distant past?) Sorry for questions, it’s so hard to try and interpret someone else’s dream without having a better idea of the associations and feeling state of the dream.

(((((( Mayo ))))))

Thanks LL for your kindness.

When I woke up, I began to cry. And i felt terribly alone. I know that things that are going on presently are triggering this, but I don't know what to do bout it.

I think the fact that I allowed my husband to control me emotionally for so many years and his inability to care for me (protect me- be the stronger person, keep a job, concern for my needs)is reflected in one man. And the other- I got emotionally close (not sexually) to a man from my past- an old boyfriend tht I ran away from because he triggered my stuff then- but I ws not aware (from college)this summer and he says he is in love with me, but I have decided to give my mrrriage one last try- until next summer, but he won't respect my boundries. He won't leve me alone. Things between us are strong, but I do not know if it is a good strong or a bd strong. My husbands control mixed with my guilt of bad behavior- hurting the family, and the other guy, constantly contacting me after I told him so many times there should be no contact until next summer- is the boundry crossing on his side. But for some reason, knowing all of this in my hed- does not help my heart.

I have not seen my T much this summer but he knows of the situation, not the dream, nor the extreme pain I am in right now. It is Labor day weekend and I am sure he is off surfing the waves of hurricane Earl- somewhere. I made an appointment of the 16th, but I am not going to make it. Thanks for listening. (my keybord has an A problem)
Hi Dragonfly- you know I never really cared for the quote you have, but lately- it describes exactly how I feel. I just want to be left alone- to hide, to sleep.
I am running a 5k this morning with my daughter, and I have no energy, and I am afraid that other person will be there. He is a runner too. I am just exhausted.
Sorry- I did not ask sooner- but how are you doing, you and the clan? Thinking of you (plural) brings a smile to my face.
Ah Mayo that makes your dream make a lot of sense. Sounds like both these men in your life are thinking only of themselves and their gratification, and not taking any notice of you and your feelings. That’s quite a powerful dream. If you take the view that dreams reflect how you really feel about a situation - I’d say your dream self is ringing big warning bells.

Have you thought more about it? It sounds like the kind of dream that is telling you things need seriously looking at and sorting out. I hope you can find a place to stand in amongst all the bad stuff going on with these two different men and make decisions that are right for YOU.

(((( Mayo ))))

Thanks- you are so right. My solution- get rid of them both and convince my T that he is the only one for me. lol

Seriously though- that dream threw me. I cried most of the day, and since I rarely cry- maybe it was a good thing. It allowed me to see that I do not yet have the strength to say no- and have that be ok with me, but I am working on it.

I wish I could remember my dreams more often. I only remember them about 4-5 times a year.

Again LL thanks for your keen insights. I hope all is ok with you, as I have not bee on in a while.

Always, Mayo
I don't know if this counts as a dream, because took place in tonights yoga class- at the end, during the relaxation part. The teacher sort of sets up the beginning imagery- but what followed was powerful and sad.

The image was the calm ocean and the diamonds of sunlight sparkling on the water- got that, but immediately the scene turned to a sunset sky. My T and I were lying in the sand side by side looking at the sky and just the hairs on our forearms were barely touching (this part is from a real dream I had had a while ago- and discussed with my T, but here is how things changed) The sky darkened- still incredibly beautiful though, and I heard a low constant rumbling sound- then the sky was filled with I guess- a Christ like figure or Christ- arms outstretched- his presence filled the entire sky. He would point and people were drawn to him. He pointed to me and my body began to rise off of the sand. I grabbed on to my T's arm- suddenly (just like the old dream suddenly we were about 17 again) I yelled, "hang on to me!" but Mark replied, "No, I cant". Sure you can I yelled again, and gripped his arm more tightly. He began to get angry, and said, Let me go!" I let him go, and didn't look back, but I began to sob- and yell "NO"

I don't even think I want an interpretation. I just had to get it out.

This made me very sad.

Oh, wow! Those were my first words that came as soon as I remembered that Mark does not share your faith in Christ! I can see why that dream would be so upsetting to you. I don't know of any greater pain than to know a loved one will not share in eternity with me. Mayo, I am glad you could get it out and that you did not let it fester inside of you. I can only imagine what it will be like when the sky opens and Christ returns to take us home!

I had a very disturbing dream last night. I will admit that much. When I tried sharing it with my husband I failed in my attempt. The words would not leave my lips.

Thanks STRM and Deeply Rooted;
No I didn't tell him the dream and I won't. I am too afraid, precisely for the insights you saw. We are 2 that love the spiritual discussions, but he chose a different path. It was our differnet paths- that caused the HUGE disconnect in the spring- when he got angry with me and basically told me to leave his office. No- I can never tell him this one. Frowner
Hi,'s good to see you posting...gosh your dream/image is a powerful one. I am sorry for the sadness it is causing you. I know you do not want any interpretation, and I wouldn't dare to venture one...

I know it hurts a lot that someone you care about so much, is on a different path...but, God has each hair on each one's head "counted"

So, I guess I just wanted to throw out there...that we can never know whether the path another has chosen will lead them eventually, just as they are meant to be led- to communion with God-truth and love...perhaps even a greater or deeper faith and belief in this son of the living God- than we ourselves may hope to have...I hope that this thought can comfort you.

gentle hugs for you in your sadness,

God has each hair on each one's head "counted"

Thank you for that. Actually it is comforting to be reminded of that.
I thought that burden for him had past- and really had not thought about this aspect of our relationship in quite some time.

Mark has been helping me deal with the fallout of some ...perhaps... poor choices this summer, -dealing with the here and now, so this dream came as quite a shock. (He did not say my choices were poor- he would not say that- actually he thinks they were extremely enlightening. I say poor only because it affected my marriage- but I don't regret most of it- sorry for rambling) and It was just someting I had to do.

I wonder if it is an indication of our distancing. Last week he said he felt as though I were pulling away, and (me being bold) said- "No Mark it is you". He agreed that that might be true- because of his business stuff, and that I was the second person to mention it.

He says how healthy and strong I am now, and how much I have grown. I interpret that as- he is saying that I don't need him any more. Then I think- maybe he is right- this is as good as it gets, but then...I realize no, - growth, through love offers much more than this.

He and I have much more talking to do about what is really going on, but not the dream, definitely not the dream. It makes me sad sad to think about it. Frowner If he senses my sadness (he is good at that) I might have to say that I can't tell him.

DR- why don't you attempt to post your dream here. We all know that the elements within the dream shift and that can make the telling difficult, but the edit button- or words like I am confused about this part... can help clarify your thoughts. I would love to hear about it. This is a place of safety for you- for all of us. That is why it works so well.
It works for me. Thanks for reading my stuff.
hm- interesting dream!

I have no idea oviously what it means- thoug what striked me was the expression: "The writing on the wall" (i dont even know if it is transelated like that in english)

Thats a famous expression, meaning when you`re see the letters written right in front of you- it should awake you! Ironicly you seem to have no idea what it means- but the way the expression is used in my language- it means being confrontet with something. To confront..?!

...soooo Mad Hatter..if so..are there somethings in your life your`re have to face/being confrontet with these days?

good luck - i`ll hope you find out! keep dig for some interprets on this one!
Hi MH,

This is certainly a very interesting dream! Considering you didn't know the words before, the only thing I can think is that maybe the nonsense of the words is the point. Perhaps words that didn't mean anything to you (at the time)...words that didn't even seem to make sense, but words that were nonetheless written on the wall, sort of highlights some of the confusion and conflicting things you've been feeling lately. I just read the update on your other thread, and I'm really glad that you were able to clear a few things up with your T, but there's probably still some residual stuff there. Your T did clarify things for you in session, but I'm sure that doesn't change how it felt to receive some of her earlier responses that seemed dismissive and uncaring.

And having it written on the wall (btw, Frog, the expression is the same in English)...maybe that's just meant to bring your attention to the fact that you still have stuff to work out with your T regarding this latest rupture?

Thanks for sharing your dream, MH.

Trigger- Tiny bit of sex/kissing talk.

I had this dream this morning, and just talked to my T about. I’m still confused and I think typing it out might help me figure it out. It was such a weird dream but there has to be meaning.

The dream started with my T sitting at my kitchen table on the laptop. I came in and told him that there was something I wanted to talk to him about, and he said okay. Just then my mom and sister walked in and said they were leaving. They left and he said that we could go sit on the couch to talk. Then all of a sudden my mom and sister came back in, and he said that we could finish our conversation later when we were alone. Then all of a sudden I was standing on the edge of this huge... I don’t know what to call it- River? It was made of concrete though… And my aunt and cousins and mom were all there. And I guess it was a shortcut to go from where I live into downtown (I live outside the city and my T’s office is in the city). I was afraid to get into the water because it looked really deep, but my cousin jumped in and said “See? It’s not deep.” So I got in “the shortcut” and even though it was water I wasn’t wet.

I guess the shortcut worked because all of a sudden I was following my T through his house. We went into this room with huge floor to ceiling windows coving the whole side of the room. We were walking though the room and I remember thinking this is nothing like I thought it was going to be. There were toys EVERYWHERE. It was a mess. There were also two twin sized beds pushed up against the wall. My T opened a door and we walked into his bedroom. Right when we walked in there was this HUGE white fluffy bed that took up the whole practically the whole room. There were toys covering the bed. He apologized and started clearing the toys off. I walked over to the other side of the bed and stood there. He climbed onto the bed and laid on his side looking at me. He asked me to get him the remote, I tossed it to him on the bed and that’s when I realized he was hard. I wondered why. Then all of a sudden he had me pushed against the wall and we were kissing. I tried to pull away several times… I said “I know you are going to leave me now” He said in between kisses “We’ll figure it out.” I said “No, you can’t be my therapist anymore, I know it.”

I think it makes sense now. In the begging I told him there was something I wanted to tell him, and we sat and I talked while he listened to me (same as in real life). Then our time was cut short by my mom and sister (in real life our time is cut off by the clock). Then I was able to find a shortcut from my house to his. I wish so badly I could find a shortcut. I want a shortcut straight from my house to him… Then I would have someone to listen to me all the time. But then when I took the shortcut and got to his house nothing was how I thought it would be. I thought his house (and his life) was perfect. But in reality there were toys everywhere, it was a huge mess. He apologized for having to clean up. I was uncomfortable that he was laying on the bed, I didn’t know what he wanted from me. I was confused why he was hard… Then as we were kissing I wanted him to stop… I thought that I wanted to know him in real life, outside the office, but I don’t. I want him to be my therapist.
to revive the ol thread-

Be careful before you read as this could be very triggering: It's bad. Confused

As I have said before- I rarely remember dreams, but when i do, I don't remember much, but- sometimes they are powerful. It helps me to write about them to sorta get it outa my head though. Big warning here!

A few days ago, I dreampt that my father shot me in the head exectuion style. He told me to lie down in some tall grass, as he stood over me and shot me. Everything went black, but I didn't die. I awoke to find that I could move, and in no pain, but my legs were parralyzed, and I could only drag myself through the grass. In a few moments, I was healed and could stand up. But my father was nearby, and I spent the rest of my dream in the tall grass, spying and hiding from my father. then the tall grass was my childhood yard. I could see him, but he had his back toward me. I felt he would kill me again if he knew I survived.

This touches some deep fears, I know not.

My father would never do this, and sexual abuse is not tied to him, but lots of fear is. He was the alcoholic in my young life.

A few days age

(((hugs))) That is an awful nightmare. I'm sorry. Frowner

I just woke up from a nightmare. Second night in a row. So here it is nearly 5am and I'm up. I was dreaming that I had to sleep with a lion. Needless to say, it was hard not to piss off this lion and I never knew when it was going to wake up and try to eat me. Funny enough, just as I was deciding to get up and do something about it my cell phone rang on my nightstand (in real life) and let's just say that vibrating cell phones sound a lot like growling lions when they cross over into a dream!!! Yikes! So, I can't sleep now.

Last night I had a dream that all of these children/babies kept multiplying. I would put them to bed and get them all settled and then try to get some housework done and then I would turn around and there they would be, out of bed. When I would go to tuck them in again I would see that the ones I already put to bed were still there, but these were new ones. I think I see the parallel in this dream as well. I think they are both signs of trying to keep things in and under control that I really can't control.
That dream did sound very terrifying and disturbing, but I also saw a lot of hope in it. Your father did shoot you BUT you crawled away using what you had and then managed to completely heal. When we start therapy, we are often "crippled" in our responses but we can hope to be completely restored. And once you were healed, you were no longer in your father's power, you were able to hide from him. That your father is still scary but now you can stay away from him.

Those do NOT sound like restful dreams. Eeker

I hate those dreams where you wake up and then go right back into it. But my animals have also been responsible for some of those. Smiler

That dream did sound very terrifying and disturbing, but I also saw a lot of hope in it.

Thank you for that AG. Your words allowed me to put that horrid nightmare to rest. I love your interpretation. It has given me hope.

I was going to tell T about this, but for some reason I find myself walking away from him. Perhaps he is not so real to me any more. He has become almost like a very good actor to me, but lacking in substance. In all fairness- perhaps he is just overworked and I don't need him as much as I used to. So- thanks for you great words of strength.
Oh yay Roll Eyes the 911 dreams are back. I've had recurring nightmares about calling 911 and getting nobody or put on hold or it is re-routed to the bad guys for over 20 years. I had a nightmare last night. This time I heard a knock at the front door. I went down the stairs (it was a split level foyer....interesting since I don't have one now, but did as a very small child) and the glass door was closed and locked, but the solid door was open. So, I get downstairs and at the door is a man who is completely naked and has a black hood over his head. So I can't see who he is, but he is standing there naked and clearly intends to get into my house. I'm terrified. I quickly slam the door and lock it and then yell to him that I'm calling the police. I am looking all over the house for a phone. I finally find one and call 911. I get a recording. It says that nobody is available to help me right now, but if I state the name of the city I'm calling from that they will try to connect me to the nearest emergency personnel. Well, I keep getting recordings, endless ringing, transferred, put on hold etc. Eventually, the police show up and of course he isn't there. They tell me I'm imagining things. I go out to the front yard and I see a group of men gathered saying goodbyes. One of the men looks straight at me and he's fully clothed, even wearing a tie. He winks at me and I see amongst other things in his hands that he's holding a black hood. Weird.
(((STRM))) (((Monte)))

I'm sorry for those dreams. They sound awful.

I have repeated dreams where an attacker somehow steals my voice and I am unable to call out for help, no matter how I try. It's like I am invisible and people can't see that I'm being chased or attacked and if only I could scream they would notice me, but I can't. My voice is locked inside me. Sometimes it reminds me of how I freeze up in therapy and can't tell T anything. Frowner
Wow..STRM, Monte, Yaku. Definitely some very scary dreams. Frowner

My dreams lately haven't repeated, but they all kind of have the same theme. Most of them involve a man that has control of me or has trapped me and I will die/he will kill me if I don't complete certain tasks. There is one recently that *really* freaked me out and disturbed me where I was forced to shoot someone..? I have no clue what that was about but I can't stand seeing people in pain, let alone killing someone.
STRM Yaku Kashley & Monte;
I think the 4 of you should collaborate and make a horror movie. I know it would be quite a thriller. With the similar themes and nightmarish characters and the helpless feelings, it keeps me rivoted - on the edge of my seat. Eeker
Please do not take any disrespect from my words- I am just in awe- of how creepy bad dreams can be.
None for me to report just now.
My dreams lately haven't repeated, but they all kind of have the same theme. Most of them involve a man that has control of me or has trapped me and I will die/he will kill me if I don't complete certain tasks.

Sounds like we are in the same dream, Kashley. Just a few days ago I had yet another one where a man was stalking me -- a man that I knew had been in my life before somehow, but whom I had fled from -- but he was a serial killer and had found me again. It was his pure wish to control me in every way, and ultimately kill me. In the dream he killed my son by strangling him with one hand right in front of me. Then he dropped him to the floor and came walking menacingly toward me, as if to say, "You're next..." What is even more sad is that my T was aware the serial killer had found me (because I had alerted her) but I realized she could do nothing to rescue me, that she was powerless against this monster and would become a victim herself if she tried. Frowner

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