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rambling post....

I'm just having one of those down moments.
Actually, it's been a few days. I'm feeling lonely. I'm surrounded by people in some way, but feel like I'm on the outskirts or distant. I'm not quite sure if this is making sense. I think I'm disappointed about my weekend. I had plans to be with my boyfriend and to meet up with people this weekend. My bf and I may be on the outs. I think I'm feeling down about that. Our relationship is getting really awkward. I haven't heard from him today or last night. I left a message, but he hasn't returned my call. He might leave town for the holidays and spend possibly a week with his ex's side of the family. Of course, my mind is jumping to conclusions and I'm thinking that he is going to be with the ex and might be getting back with her.

Then, I planned this gathering of friends to hang out and chit chat today, but no one showed up. One person said they would, but asked me how many people were going. When I said just her, she told me that she couldn't make it to my get together. Frowner
At least I ran into one of my cousins and she invited me to sit with her and her fiance all afternoon. We had a nice conversation and a great meal. I had too much to drink in a short period of time also, so I hung out at the restaurant for several hours longer than I had originally planned.
Here's the part where the personal account about therapy comes in....
One of the reasons I chose to plan my gathering at a certain restaurant was just in case my former T was there. She had mentioned in several sessions over the last couple of years that if I saw her at "her" restaurant on "her" day around a certain time, we could chit chat. I had so badly wanted to connect with former T just for a couple of minutes to share some information that I was learning in school, an upcoming conference I know she would be interested in, and to see how she was doing. No such luck today. Former T didn't show up. Frowner

On a positive note I did connect with a couple of people at church this AM. That lifted my spirit.

I still feel like crying tonight though.
I think I'm going to snuggle into my pjs, watch a movie, and go to bed early.
I miss my boyfriend, a warm body to cuddle up with, friends, and my former T.
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Thank you, Kashley!
to you too!

I'm feeling a bit better now. A nice cup of hot cocoa after a good cry helped. I also talked with my mom for quite a while. My son called from his dad's house and talked with me too. That felt great! I miss my kiddos! I get them back with me on the 25th in the AM.

I am grateful for this message board! Someone is usually on here to post caring and supportive responses. Thank You, All!
Athenacus... it's okay to say that you miss your oldT. It's normal and natural to want to see someone who is important to you on a special holiday and to miss them. I know it was your idea to leave therapy with her and you were not terminated so... does that preclude you ever having any email contact... like to say Merry Christmas or give a news update? Most T's I think like to know what happens after a long-term client leaves therapy.

I'm glad you get your kids back on Christmas morning. Try to focus on that and look forward to that. Sorry about your boyfriend but he sounds like he has a ton of baggage if he choses to spend holidays with his ex. Are there kids involved and is that why?

I would say try to do something special for yourself that you enjoy. For me it's getting a pedicure or just browsing in a bookshop on my own. Even finding time for a cup of tea and a good book feels good.

There have been times when I have felt very much alone ... like when my oldT abandoned me and I was so traumatized and VERY few people knew what happened or could understand what happened. Being on the board and connecting with people here really saved me and kept me from feeling so lost and alone.

Wishing you a merry Christmas with your kids.

Hi TN and others,

Thank you for your responses and for checking on me! Smiler

On Christmas Eve I ended up coming down with a bad cold, so I know that was part of my bad mood the day before. I just didn't know it at the time. My holiday break was full of trying to survive a virus, a break up, and being lonely on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. I cried for several days, stayed in the house, cleaned, talked, and sang to three cats (I'm cat sitting). A few days ago I just decided that I had enough moping around and I needed to see people. I got my hair cut differently, dressed up, put make up on and met up at a local establishment with some old friends. I even met a couple of new people. That felt wonderful! I had some interesting conversations and I felt like I had come back to life. I hope I can keep this feeling up for quite some time.

Oh ya...I did have a nice time on Christmas Day with my entire family and my kiddos. It's been quite a few years since we've all been able to be together on Christmas Day due to one of my siblings living too far away. The meal was yummy and watching little children open gifts is always a blast! Big Grin

One more thing....I'll write it in a separate post at some point though...I did see former T for a brief few minutes when I brought my son in to see his therapist at the same clinic recently. Seeing former T made my entire day! I do miss her.

I would love to write more, but I need to go to bed now. It'll be an early day tomorrow getting me and the two kiddos ready for work and school.

for wondering how I was doing!


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