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Your T comes BACK from vacation?

I am having a really difficult time lately when my T comes back from being away. Yesterday's session was a disaster for me and I'm struggling today to make sense of things. I know the obvious triggers but you would think I that after almost 4 years I would handle this more smoothly with less angst and anger.

when I began seeing my T he explained that he takes a week off 3 times a year for vacations. He said he does not believe in long T vacations because it's too disruptive to his patients. And so I adjusted to his week away. He was usually able to get emails at least and he was open about telling me where he was going. He would usually be away in March, July and October. There was a rhythm to this and I worked around it with the timing of hitting more sensitive topics. It was just a normal vacation he took like everyone else.

But things have changed now. He takes monthly vacations of 4 days (one of those days is my Monday session day) and he goes to his house in another state involving a plane flight. I believe the house was inherited by the wife from what he said. It's in a very affluent, scenic area of that State.

This seems to have triggered all sorts of angry, fearful feelings in me and I'm not handling them. He has tried to get me to see that no matter where he is the relationship does not change. That he is the same person he always was and that he does not change and that I still exist when he is gone and of course I can always call him or email him if I need him. None of this is helping me get past my really bad reaction to dealing with this.

It just feels more threatening because he keeps going to the same place... his other "home". So much nicer than being here with some crazy patients. Why wouldn't he just stay there and never come back? It's all set up to live there permanently so why not? At the same time I worry about all that flying around. It also brings home to me that he lives in another "world". The world of happy people with can jet around and fly off to vacation spots at the drop of a hat to hob nob with the people who live SO differently than I do. How can he begin to relate to my struggles and issues when he has NO idea how I live? What I deal with day to day? It makes him feel more remote from me and I cannot reach across the huge divide that is becoming wider with each trip he makes.

Then he tells me I should be glad that he has a place to go to re-charge his batteries so he can come back and happy and ready to go with me and his other patients. Yeah so why does he now need monthly re-charging when it was 3x a year before and should I be worried now that he is getting burnt out? is sick? or has other stuff going on that I don't/can't be aware of?

So yesterday I see him and he is about 3 shades darker than I have EVER seen him before. It just freaked me out because it is now a visual difference of who he is. He is usually very fair skinned, even in summer. I kept looking at him but it was not him that I was talking to and so I shut down and the session was a mess.

I did not feel this way before he left but I think I was in denial at the time and refused to deal with the feelings bubbling around inside that he was leaving .... again. I told him that talking to him seemed a waste of time since he leaves then I go on my once per year vacation then he leaves again and with all the disruption it seems pointless to try to do any work in therapy.

How do you react when T leaves and then comes back. I know so many of you deal with very long separations and I'm sorry for that and feel stupid even complaining about this but it causes reactions in me I don't seem to be able to control at this point.

thanks for understanding.
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TN, I have similar problems. I crash and burn before T. leaves and when she is back. While she is gone, I think I disconnect from her. Usually, the first couple of sessions, I have to analyze her, study her, watch her, listen, look at her, test her to make sure she is the same. Drives me crazy that I can't hold on to her. I wish I could be more helpful, but I haven't figured out how to stop this. I just want you to know that I understand.

By the way, if T. is flying someplace that totally freaks me out.
I think I get angry when a T comes back, because then is the only safe time to get angry. When a T goes away, I must hide my anger, as not to (imaginary) hurt him/her.
And dealing with the fact that T has his or her own life separately from us... that's a hurt that keeps on hurting.
And then even working up a tan... that's rubbing it in your face, is it not? Roll Eyes
Hugs TN !
Thanks RM and Elsewhere for your support. I also disconnected from him for a few days. I could hold onto him for Thursday and Friday but by Saturday I made him "disappear" as I tell him. I was in a foul mood over the weekend and I made him vanish. He just stopped existing until he walked in all dark and tan. He says that holding onto him for those two days was a good accomplishment. I think he's nuts. After 4 years I can hold on for two days? This is not fun.


There are some parts of therapy that are so hard to deal with. There is no other explanation. IMO. Wink For me, it had to do with, I think, a feeling of powerlessness. There were things I just couldn't control and I had a very hard time with that. Wanting things for myself that I couldn't have and thinking I could get them through T. The difficulty came about when I was faced with the reality that I couldn't have those things with or through T. It's not that I can't have these things (say, a second home in a nice place) but I just can't get them through T. The powerlessness comes from feeling like he's the only way I can get these things I want but that's not true. It's just that the desires and the feelings of being thwarted are in some kind of loop and I just thought I couldn't have them.

I don't know if any of that resonates but thought I would share. Therapy is not easy. The intense feelings of being held back and denied things are very hard to cope with and separate from.

When T comes back I'm timid. We spend time reconnecting. Not that I lost connection... It just hibernates. My default reaction to this sort of stuff is passivity out of a concern that T may have changed disposition, or come back violent (as has been my experience). I relate it to a cat under a bed... I'm not sure if she has turned in to someone new, and a little scared to have someone back in the house... So it takes a little coaxing to come out. This recent time I especially missed her. I do think it's easier to have emotions when T is back, because she is there to help. Anger is normal - I could see a baby or child definitely being pissed their attachment figure left as much as I think excitement, increased affection, fear or confusion come up. I think it's when my disorganized stuff is most present. It will get better. I think processing reactions each time helps with the 'holding on' part.
For me, it had to do with, I think, a feeling of powerlessness. There were things I just couldn't control and I had a very hard time with that.

Thanks Liese. I think this is part of it. I hate feeling like I have no control over anything and I have no right to say/complain about it... well maybe I can but it feels like it's all just very useless.

I do understand that part of what we all want is what should have been given to us as children... that undivided, unconditional love time and attention that is only really impactful to our development when we are children. Trying to get that as an adult leads to nothing but frustration.

I "crash and burn" before and after T goes away - even if she is away for the weekend.

Some of the things your T says TN is exactly what mine says and it really annoys me and triggers me. I couldn't even read all of your post!!!! When T says she is still the same person etc etc - that just annoys me even further. nice words but that doesn't help the **feelings** I am feeling. All my feelings end up as anger anyway - and then I am triggered by feeling anger. It is a vicious circle.

After 3 years I too, am really affected by this issue. it is a known problem for T and I, we try and manage it but it really is a nightmare. It can take me a month to get back to normal with her after she comes back from vacation and we can usually predict that I will cancel the first session back.

TN-- in response to this "you would think I that after almost 4 years I would handle this more smoothly with less angst and anger" ... I have to say, that for me, the separation thing has gotten drastically worse, actually, over time.

My T took a long break early into my starting to see her. I thought the timing was poor, but my attitude then was that I hardly need this anyway *shoulder shrug*. She was acting all cautious before leaving and saying that I could leave messages, etc. The entire time she was gone (several weeks), I did not reach out once, nor did I feel especially compelled to. I did think of her, but it was easier then, to push it out of my mind.

These days, I feel like I can barely make it four days. I think as the relationship grows and matures, the attachment grows and therefore so does the separation anxiety.

So all this to say... don't beat yourself up over struggling with this. Maybe it's harder especially *because* you have been with him so long. I can't vouch for the light on the other end of the tunnel because I haven't been there-- but I surmise that it gets worse, and then it gets better.

I laughed at your 'tan' comment-- I struggle with this too. I just want to say, thank you, I know you were gone on an amazing trip that excluded me-- I don't need any additional signs that point to your good time. Razzer
Hi Cat.. we cross-posted it seems. Timid would definitely not describe me when he gets back although I do watch him from the corner of my eye to see how he has changed and this time really floored me. He looked more different than he ever has before. I have had experiences where oldT came back with a full beard and his behavior would change around vacation time. I was abandoned the day before his 3 week vacation. Even C had come back from vacation a few times with a beard.

SD I know you are struggling with T and I'm sorry my post was triggering. When you have had your trust violated and experienced betrayal from a T it's doubly difficult to trust again. I also "hear" his words but struggle to feel them and how he feels about me. I don't cancel I just feel very hopeless and exhausted.

Draggers thanks for your comments. They make me feel less crazy. I need to tell T to put on his tin hat!

effed... maybe it does get harder before it gets easier. The first few vacations were as you describe. I basically was nonchalant about it. As I got closer to him it got worse and then he told me he wanted me to email him and let him know how I was doing and so I would during his 7 day vacation email him once in the middle of the week to get me through it. He always sent a reply although short because he was using his phone to do so.

Things seemed to change when he started these shorter more frequent trips to his other house.

I, too, laughed at your tan comment. Yeah, it's like rubbing my face in the fact that he was off having a blast while I was abandoned and he didn't give a crap about that.

I hate this! Mad

I know the agony and loss, too. No one can take the place of my therapist. But will have to say, for whatever it's worth, I schedule with somebody else, or a group I especially like, that I can pay for out of pocket. Takes the edge off a precious tiny bit, and will have to admit I feel like I cheated on T just a little by doing my own thing too. Not that he cares, but just a little "payback" feeling there. So much for loyalty.
I know this area all too thing nice about my T is that he usually will have a "back up" T to contact, in case of emergency. I have never contacted this other T, though. However, he always says I can contact him by phone or text, even on his vacation. I've never done that, either.

The last time T had to cancel an appointment, it was due to a death in the family. So, when I came in the next week and saw HIS dark made me a little skeptical at first. Then, the more I thought about it, I thought "Who the hell am I to say what he can or can't do?" You know? I also know he has family living in Florida, so I thought about that, too. But it did erk me at first. Then I got over it. I think I was just glad he was back.

Maybe you are devaluing yourself quite a bit here. Why couldn't you be one of those people? And what about your trips to Italy? Has your T been there? As many times as you have been?

Maybe your T isn't having as much fun going away once a month as you think he is. Maybe he's doing it for his wife. I don't know if I would like to go away once a month for four days. After a while, I would begin to feel trapped. Also, free time is precious and knowing in advance that I'm already out one weekend out of every four sounds very stressful. Then again, maybe he is having fun. But you deserve to have fun too!!! And you deserve to enjoy life. Smiler
Liese... my trips to Italy were for family reasons. I could hardly tell my dh he can't see his mother... ever.

But I think you miss the point. It's not about T having a vacation (and I agree I would not like going away 4 days a month) it's about how I reacted to seeing him return looking so different. It's about how I don't react when he leaves but I do when he comes back and why that happens. It's about the change in his routine... going from a 3x per year vacation to a monthly one to a place where he LIVES not just visits as a tourist and how threatening that feels to someone who has already been abandoned once by a T.

Those are the major points of all of this and the sadness that I have still not been able to come to terms with his coming and going and how that plays out in session and disrupts our relationship.


It is like because he has a place he goes to - does it feel like he is going to move there and leave you, or he has a different place that he belongs to - there seems to be a difference to when he goes to 'random' tourist places versus another place that he has made a home. If he goes to random places he hasn't placed a permanent mark on it whereas his other place - is his and makes it personal to him. Could it be that the holiday places he used to go to - you knew where they were and shared by everyone - but his own place is not public, so to speak?

I think I am understanding what you mean.

I wouldn't like this to happen to me as it means there is no solution - another thing that I would have to come to grips with it and get over.

My T told me yesterday that she is going away again, for a week in about a month's time. I said emphatically, angrily "I DON'T CARE" and then in a cold, insincere voice that I never heard before "THAT IS GREAT". My T wisely said nothing more.

(((TN))) My T also has another home and in the summer goes a minimum of two 4-5 day vacations there per month! I definitely understand the difficulty with what you are going through with that. My T slowly ramped up to this aggressive vacation thing... Her H is retiring within a year or so and she wants to retire early... It's like every summer (4 now) it's getting closer and closer to her just... Being gone. It's strange and I have perpetual weekend anxiety about her drives. I check the news/traffic a bit more than I should. Could you ask your T for an object from where he goes and something he could take with him (a stone or something?). Something I gave my T is at her other home and she has brought me a stone back once and this week she surprised me with a trinket from an artist there. She has also shown me pictures and talks about times she thinks of me and/or stuff I can relate to. That may be a totally stupid suggestion and would trigger the crap out of you but I'm throwing it out there, as another person with a nomadic-multi-home-dwelling T... It has helped me feel continuity. We talked about how I would lose some connection and feelings of safety simply knowing and experiencing she wasn't in the city.

I understand. I didn't mean to be dismissive of all that. I was focusing only on the part where you talked about him belonging to another world, getting to jet off ... that part. If outsiders didn't know that you were visting Italy for family reasons, that too might appear as if you belong to another world. That is what I was trying to say. If T has fair skin, maybe he hates going to this sunny location and is only doing it for his wife. KWIM? Maybe she has childhood memories that are dear to her but the place means nothing to your T. How things look on the outside aren't always how they are on the inside.

But I so get your point about the tan. I felt like that when my T went to Las Vegas several years back and was so happy to leave the day of our last session. I couldn't see him when he came back and cancelled my appointment. To see the tan, the visible evidence that he was off having a good time while I was miserable, it was just too hard to bear.

The reality is that his trips affect you greatly. The timing of it, that you are upset upon his return but not his departure, is just one of those things that happens, don't you think? While he is still home, you know the routine. But after he leaves, you don't know what he is up to and you can fill in whatever you want. Since you only have bad memories with OldT, that's what you have to fill in. It all just underscores the downside of our dependence upon them. There IS the good that we get from the attachment but this is the "bad". It's where I got stuck with my T so I'm a bit useless here as to how to get past it. I didn't want to be someone he felt he needed to get away from because he needed a break from his work. That hurt too much. But then again, they lead very busy lives and I'm sure there are times they just want to get away from everyone - even their spouses. It doesn't say as much about their feelings towards us as we think it does but that's hard to take in sometimes.

I'm throwing it out there, as another person with a nomadic-multi-home-dwelling T...

Thanks for that Cat. It's helps me to feel less alone in this. Your other points are also spot on. I may think about asking for something to faciliate the continuity and connection for when he's away.

Thanks Liese and SB for your support and comments.

SD you also said something really important that resonated with me but I'm out of time right now and will come back to comment. I do see T today so I'll report back.

Thanks all
Hi TN,

I'm so sorry you struggle when he returns. It is incredibly frustrating.

I get angry when he leaves, comes back, and any other day I don't see him.

My T has another job that requires him to go out of state once a month. Usually, he has a beard, but he always comes back with a shaved face. Everytime he comes back, I tell him at least 2-3 times just how different he looks! It feels like I'm talking to a totally different person! I'm usually more withdrawn when he returns. Part of it is me checking to see if he's safe, other times I'm just so disconnected from the time apart I can't reconnect no matter how hard I try. I absolutely hate the fact that he leaves every single month. In fact, he's left for two weeks 4x this year and it's excruciating. I often wonder if progress would be faster with a T who doesn't leave as much. My kids' and husband's T leave for 2 weeks once a year.

Having said that, last month when he returned from this monthly out of town trip, I was so withdrawn I couldn't hear anything he was saying. When he realized I wasn't going to be present, he told me the story of how he almost didn't make our appointment. I was his first appointment of his first day back. His flight the day before was delayed, which meant he would have missed his connecting flight home and would have gotten back a day late. He talked to the gate agent and asked them to try and re-route his flight so he could get home in time for his clients. He ended up flying across the country, with 3 stop overs, getting home at 2am, and showing up ready and present at 9am the same day for our session. I appreciated him telling me that story. It did give me better perspective and helped me reconnect seeing how hard he worked to get back. I absolutely hate it when he leaves, and I hate that he looks different every time he comes back, and it sucks. I know it comes with him being my T. Frowner

I am scheduled to see T in the morning. We have a second session on Thursday.

My phone vibrates. T is calling, unbidden. Never a good thing. She has an infection in an ear. She cannot fly until, maybe, Thursday.

T went away for the weekend. She said it wouldn't affect my sessions. Now it feels like she has fallen off a cliff.
RT I am so very sorry. I know how it feels like the bottom of your world has fallen out and you are in free fall. T wants to see you and getting ill prevented her from keeping her word. Try to remember the good things. How she is there for you other times. How well she understands you.

If you have any good emails then go back and read them. If you have a transition object, keep it close. Hold onto the good between you.

I know this is hard. I've been there too. Try to keep busy and make some plans that would make you happy. Do a mini project that you can share with T when she gets back. She will love it and it will keep you connected.

Hang out with us. We will support you.


To PF thank you for sharing your story with me. I'm glad your T was able to find a way to reach in and get through to you.

Els... thanks.

Jillann... very good point.


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