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Hi you guys

I have noticed that sometimes (often really) I comment on a post or I make a new post myself and I feel that I am in the flow of it when the next day I am suddenly paralized and feel I can't even open the post up again. I mean it feels like a challenge to read the replies etc. But then if I see that I was the last one to post and it stays that way I think 'I killed the thread'. =/ Talk about insecure. This stuff is so difficult.

Anyway do you find yourself experiencing any of that on this discussion forum?
Thanks Jo
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Draggers Yeah but when you're in a long line of threads that ended with you it leaves you scratching yer head. lol Thanks for noticing my new avatar. I am trying them out til I settle on one.

Hi Kashley thanks for commenting here. That's true too. I worry that I may seriously offend someone or trigger them or simply anger them too. Good point to bring up. I am glad you are risking again in here and posting. You seem like a very kind and understanding person. I hope you keep coming back.

Hi, Jo and welcome...I am not sure if I have responded to you on here or not, but I really relate to waht you write here- One of my problems is that I get very spacy and forgetful and can't remember where stuff and who said what and sometimes, even if I wrote back or not- was on here. I easily get overwhelmed by the numbner of threads and posters and can run away from responding for that reason, fear of hurting people, sensory overload-...arg, gosh. It's hard. I think you responded to me really kindly somewhere, and I meant to go back and see if I did, but I got sidetracked by my T angst and my son's birthday, and now I can't find where it was. I am sorry! but I didn't reply immediately because I was scared that if I replied on that thread again and then not on other ones that I would hurt or anger people, since I am posting so much on only my own thread right now and not offering much support elsewhere. yarg. haha- so you see, there you have are not alone.

It is really nice to meet you, and I hope you won't feel too weird about it after awhile. when I first started posting, the same happened, I was often last with no responses after me- I think it is just shyness and those things are always about other poeple and where they are at what they are doing, not about you- you are lovely!


Hey BB No worries about any threads or responding on my behalf. I mean I have gotten the sentiment from you that you are thinking of me and care how I am doing. So individual responses are nice but certainly not necessary and I do the same thing too. I can't find threads etc and forget where a comment is that I meant to go back to. I did that with strummergirl (Is that her name?) She said something really nice and now i can't find it to respond. Then I don't really like doing a lot of private messaging either as I know not everyone checks them. (Especially psychlady! Argh I wanna get into that sensitive issues forum and she hasn't answered my request)

STRM yep i totally get what you are saying. Heck you don't even have to be spacy to get lost on these boards. Maybe there are too many rooms or something. All I know is people are pretty nice here and I know everyone means well and means to get back but can't always do it.


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