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After all those assertions in other threads about how I don't go to the doctor, now I have to go.

Sunday, my knee went out from under on me. I caught myself, but it has been hurting whenever I move or put pressure on it since. So, yeah, I was like, "Forget that, it will get better eventually." I'm used to injuring joints from sports as a kid, so I don't go unless I literally cannot move around on my own.

Then, the last few days, one eyelid has been hurting me. This morning, I woke up with it significantly swollen, making it blurry for me to see out of that eye. It has been getting worse for three mornings and if it keeps going at this rate, it will swell shut. So, I have to go. I almost decided to put it off another day and see, but if it gets a lot worse, I'm worried about not seeing clearly with driving.

To make things worse, my doctor isn't in today. I have to see another one. I think I've seen her maybe once and she goes REALLY fast with stuff. I need people to take things slow. So, I'm going to have this random woman who I've met once touching on my face. I don't want to be near anybody, much less touched, right now. Frowner

I want to cancel the appointment, so I asked them to have the advice nurse call me about what I can do, and she immediately said, "You have to come in for an appointment." I told her I already had one and asked if there was anything else I could do in the meantime (hoping I could make the swelling go down and cancel), but she told me the two things I'm already trying.

I have to watch my nephews for a few hours this morning too. I feel scared and alone right now.
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I was watching my nephews this morning, so I had to wait until now to even go in. They called me into my appointment about 20 minutes late, then the nurse went over the basic stuff, allergies, prescriptions, vital data. Now I have been waiting another 15 minutes so far for the doctor to show up. Boo is with me, so I am in mom mode, we are working on numbers and letters and drawing pictures together. That is keeping me distracted. The worst part is the anticipation. The faster I can get this over with the better, so long as I don't dissociate so much I forget what the doctor says...that happens a lot. :/

Edit: I survived. The doctor was different than the one I had remembered, much nicer, immediately apologized for the wait, interacted with Boo really well, which made me feel safer, and there was only very minimum need to touch me. I was way more triggered by the nurse this time. I'm so glad it's over. I hope I don't have to go back for a long time.

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