I have long been aware of the fact that I am constantly comparing myself to my T in the physical sense which always leaves me feeling horribly about my body. I do have 25 years of consistent recovery from anorexia nervosa and have always struggled with body image and hating the way I look, and feeling like my body is somehow "unacceptable" in appearance.
My T is a good 10 years older than me and I totally envy her physical appearance. She is very physically fit, has awesome skin and complexion and is just a very attractive woman. I feel like a total ICK sitting across from her. I so focus on wishing I had her appearance and hating mine even more because I almost feel physically deformed in some way and it is carrying more and more into my experience and perception of my body. When I look in the mirror all I see is this disgusting nasty body that even clothes doesn't hide anymore. Is this an ED thing or do other people without an ED find themselves comparing themselves and hating their appearance even more because they feel ICK in comparison to their therapist.
I could never talk to her about this. I can't really talk to anyone about how I perceive my body and my appearance because I am too embarressed and to be honest, I am afraid I am right. I am unattractive, and not aging well, and I hate my body. I am ashamed to be seen. I try to cover up as much of my body as I can. I would love to wear shorts in the summer time because it is so hot where I live. I would love to wear tank tops and feel confident enough about my body to put on a bathing suit and jump in the pool or go to the beach, but I always have this image in my head of T and her body and how good she looks, and I feel horrible SHAME.
I am so embarressed about posting this but the good thing is that no one in cyber space knows what I look like!
Any feed back would be appreciated.