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SG... so many of us on here are parents as well and maybe we can just start a parenting thread and/or forum (I know having to look at another forum on the main page could be problematic). I do think that sometimes our challenges are somehow different from parents who have secure attachments because it can get complicated when what we do with our own kids kicks up how WE were parented. I know my greatest fear has been that I would turn into my mother. I think there are others here who feel the same way.

Anyway, if you have parenting concerns, questions or issues maybe you can start here until you find a place that "feels" more in line with what you are looking for. The only parenting forums I have looked for/read were those having to do with ADHD, and honestly, they freaked me out and I went running to oldT with my fears and anxiety and he told me to stay off those boards because those are usually where the extreme side of the disorder is discussed. So instead I have attended any parenting/ADHD seminars presented in my area and that has been a much better investment of my time as far as educating myself goes. The seminars are most always presented by psychologists and therapists who teach parenting skills and are knowledgeable in ADHD and other disorders of childhood as well as just how to raise kids in today's world.

Thanks (((FOT))) and (((TN))) Big Grin

TN - it was very kind of you to suggest starting a parenting thread/forum, and I really appreciate it. I have posted about some of the concerns I have, when I can connect what's going on to something I'm in therapy for. But...I think a lot of the stuff I'm wondering about is probably "normal" parenting anxiety, concerns, etc., so it probably would be better to find a forum whose main focus is parenting.

What I love about this community is how relatively small and personal it is. Smiler I've done some searching, but all the parenting boards I've found so far are HUGE (thousands of members). But I'll keep looking, maybe there are some smaller ones out there that are just a little harder to find. Big Grin

I would love to have a parenting thread, but I would feel too exposed discussing it here in such an open forum. While I value my privacy, I value my kids privacy even more, and would be terrified if someone I knew read here and put two and two together! how would a closed forum for parenting issues be on here, I wonder?

Let me know if you find a good place, SG!


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