It is so very nice to see you LG
((yaku)) I've brought my best friend to see my T(s) and it worked well. Actually in one session we learned a lot about eachother it was interesting. My parents will be in my area soon and I've flirted with having them come but hahahah they wouldn't and it would just be overall awful. I'd love for my T to meet them in person though... get a feel for them. It's also terrifying, of course! I can understand you for sure.
((Draggers)) Ooo that would be hard to have T share friends, I'm sorry!
((erica)) It was very generous of you to give your T's #. I would if it was a friend I wasn't quite so close to. Do you think it would have changed your attachment? I don't mind sharing my T... but I'm just so so scared that being "vulnerable" in sharing either my friend or my T would make one of them hate me somehow. I have no clue how that works. Growing up my parents knew everyone I knew, and I felt like I could never be good enough anywhere or to anyone because my parents would tell them the 'truth'.
((LG)) Again, so good to see you back
My ED T does see people I know, too but none that have become close friends. I can imagine it is hard to have to edit yourself... even when your T may know who you are talking about. I did have a problem w/ someone outside of group becoming attracted to me (and telling me, in a rather inappropriate way, that's how I knew) who also saw my T and that was... epically uncomfortable to discuss (and my T was pissssed)
((stoppers)) That's nice you wouldn't run in to your T at community events. That's the hard part about seeing someone in the community, you see them around - or someone you know dates them.
((HIC)) I wish I was as brave as you that I could recommend my T. She is so lovely, and I know referrals are good (though, she never seems not to have a full supply of clients) but I just can't... That's nice your T acknowledged a relationship that would be complex. I know my T would think like that, based on some things we've talked about. That's interesting you feel better about knowing someone who knows T hehehe - I wonder why? The idea to me scares me. Ugh, I sound so possessive... I don't know what my deal is.
((TN)) I'm so thankful your friend recommended your wonderful T, I think I remember you saying at some point about that. Did you talk about attachment in regard to that you'd have to ask her to stop going or your T would terminate her? That would be really difficult to work around attachment stuff for sure! So your friend still sees your T? That's so awkward that you have to sit next to her right after
Does she know that that's where you're going? That would drive me insane!! I also DO remember you talking about your crazy psycho boss seeing T... I'm glad he knew you weren't kidding hehehe.
((Morgs)) I'm so glad it worked out well for your boss! You're okay w/ it?