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Seems like the notion of "trigger" is quite a paradoxical one.....on one hand, triggers may lead to uncomfortable (for lack of a better term) feelings/memories, and yet, on the other hand, experiencing those triggers may very well be an essential part (beginning) of the healing process...if healing is looked at as wholeness or harmony of body, mind, spirit...?????

why do you take her telling you what to do as opposition vs. helping the system as a whole? Like i know you're very very protective of the system and anything anyone might say that might hurt or upset someone, you might be very quick to confront the person to the point of making a person feel uptight (i iknow this for a fact.. LOl).... but its because it's for the good of the system... so your therapist taking this role.... what made it different than you making that decision??? Do you think it's because you feel like.. gee why didnt I notice that??? Just curious..

looks like i opened my own can of worms here lol... many reasons...
fristly, actually I don't like people telling me what to do!

secondly, I'm trying hard to be my own 'person' and her insiders interfer with this process (I think it takes a multiple mind to understand that concept actually)

thirdly, I know she's right LOL and that stinks

fourthly, I'm not 'in the mood' to be cooperative!!

ah... you folks here are too smart...


Have you given any thought as to why you are not in the mood to be cooperative....??? Change is scary.....perhaps changing to a place/stance/standpoint of cooperation would move you from a place of chaos to a place of calm...which may be completely unfamiliar for you??? Just trying to give you something to think would being cooperative look for does being uncooperative feel?

LOL Scott...

I guess it's hard to figure out how to have your own identity and be your own person within a system since it's not completely possible without interference.. so how do you deal with that?? I think what you said about this makes a lot of sense because I have heard other people in other systems say the same kind of thing.

did you tell T about how you feel about this and or about your desire to be more of yourself ?
The train set... ah... that's what helping me to be me. Something just for me. I suppose that's what ticked me off about this book (which i finished reading) was that it was for ME... and yes, interference always happens. My T is helping me to be me but encouraging me in my hobbies, and just talking to me I suppose.


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