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Thanks to all. Just feel a bit shaky and confused about the whole thing. I know that no one can really do anything about it. I know that it will pass. I guess I'm just so afraid that this flashback is going to bring up something more than I want to know about - again. I hate this. Thanks for answering. I know I haven't been around to help anyone. Just been pretty messed up lately. So sorry for not being out there like I should.
Dear Smiley, you are doing more than enough, just sharing with us how you are doing. Managing to log on and post when feeling like you do is huge, and very brave. I hope so much that today things are a bit better for you...and that the flashbacks are not so intrusive. Breathe deeply! And keep talking, if you can...


Hi Smiley... I agree with wise Beebs. It is enough that we hear from you and know what is happening with your life and therapy. It was good to see a post from you as I was wondering how you were doing.

Sometimes when I have flashbacks/intrusive thoughts it's because I am more able to face them and perhaps feel safe enough with my T to bring them in for discussion. Or maybe it's just my mind at the point where it's able to do the processing. Could this be a reason you are struggling with the flashbacks now? Have you shared them with your T? It may help to disarm them and banish them when they are spoken about. Sort of takes the power away from them and how they make you feel.

Stay safe and stay well Smiley. We are all behind you with our support.

BB,TN,Starfish - thank you. I did e-mail my t about it. We kind of talked about it at our session the day before. I figured out what triggered me I just can't figure out what it is all about. I asked her if it was possible that something new was there and all she said was "could be". Then no other responses. I know that sometimes she likes to think a while before she answers me. It's ok but the time in between is killing me. I want so much for all of these things to be behind me. I'm 52 years old and feel like I'm a 20 year old who can't live her life any better now than she did then. It just really sucks. I try to just put on my happy face and go through my day - I'm very functioning - and inside I want to just cut and stab and rip that person apart. What a battle I have in me right now. I'm tired of fighting all the time. I'm so tired of struggling to be happy and live life. Just so so tired of it all.
Thanks for listening to me ramble.

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