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Hi all. I've posted here before but not much. I read a lot and know that this is the place where people really "get it."

Some quick background, which I know that unfortunately many of you can relate to.

I was seeing a T. He was inexperienced. He also was empathy in human form. I was addicted to the empathy and it took a while to see the warning signs. We ended therapy in a horrible way. It's a long story, but it was painful. This was about 11 months ago.

I began therapy with a new T soon after. He is/was very, very experienced with trauma, attachment, etc. He encouraged me to allow him to be my attachment figure (quite the opposite of T number one.) We've been working together for over 10 months now. He has reiterated time and again that he isn't going anywhere. That he plans to retire eventually, but other than unexpected death he WILL be there. He has also proven this to me time and again. So the attachment worked and the healing began.

Well, something happened. Something in T's personal life, although I don't know what. He left a message with his answering service that he would be out of the office for a few months. It was up to me to realize he wasn't showing up to appointments and to call his answering service. No direct communication from him. Obviously something has gone horribly wrong. After some inquiry I know that it is not life threatening -- so at least I'm not imagining he has terminal cancer or was in a tragic accident.

Of course that leaves me with a myriad of emotions and reactions. Through a friend I discovered that there is a female therapist with openings who works with PTSD, abuse, attachment, etc. So I had an appointment with her yesterday. She seems like a good fit for me so far and is excited to work with me.

But so much pain and thought is floating through my head and I'm feeling smothered in it.

My second therapist is gone. The one who "rescued" me from my horrible first therapist. The one who has enabled me to grow and heal so much these past months. And the one who is NOT dead but asked me, as a therapeutic tool, to rely on him and text him and let him be my attachment figure.

Then there is the new T. She is a she. I was abused by my mother and have avoided female Ts until now. The opportunities for growth with new T seem endless. And there is/will be a butt load of transference to work with. I'm already finding myself in disbelief that a female is even curious about me -- about who I am -- without any expectation of personal gain.

So I am a swirl of emotion and I feel *this* close to the edge. The edge of what, I'm not sure -- but the edge of some sort of instability.

I know many of you have experience the same or similar, so I'm hoping that you will have advice and/or comfort to offer. It's another long story but this is a particularly bad time for me to go off the rails (not that it's ever convenient).

Thank you for listening.
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Hi Jen... I'm so sorry to hear this story. It is so disappointing that a T can act with such little regard to their patients and just disappear. Even if there was some personal reason or tragedy they still have a responsibility to see their patients safely on to another T or with some information so they can make a reasonable decision as to their therapy future. Patients should be contacted and not left to find out when they show up for a session. That would be SO devastating.

My first T was empathy in human form too.... or what seemed like empathy for me. It was actually his own stuff he was dealing with and not mine and like you I did not see the red flags. I'm so sorry that now you have had this experience with T2.

I am glad to hear you have found T3 to help you with processing all that has happened. I too saw a female T after my oldT abandoned me. And my mother was one of my most severe abusers so females were/are very triggering to me. We had a decent relationship for ten sessions but in a term session with my oldT she ended up betraying me and throwing me under the bus so I left her before more damage could be done.

Right now I think you are just feeling overwhelmed with emotion and of course loss. You have lost, even if temporarily, your attachment figure. There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding this and so you are struggling. This is totally normal. Lean on your new T and us here. Writing helps. As you know all of this takes time so be patient with yourself.

Sending you healing thoughts.
TN -- thank you so much for your reply. It helps to hear your thoughts on T2. I vacillate between thinking he wouldn't do this without a damn good reason and I need to trust and understand that, and, he's obviously not in a coma and was able to communicate his absence to someone ...

I see T3 twice next week, which will be good. I'll be quite direct with her regarding mom transference crap. I have a feeling I'm going to be both more on guard AND more hopeful than ever. And those are hard feelings to feel after T1 and now T2 disappearing. I know that T2 disappearing isn't personal, and that helps me rein my emotions in. But holy Toledo I'm raw.
Draggers -- Will I go back to him? That's a great question.

If he's available to meet with me again I will definitely see him. This is a huge rupture and has the potential for a huge repair, and THAT would be a very healing thing for me. (I did not have that opportunity with T1. He told me with 5 minutes left in our session that it was the last session we would be having.)

If he is available to do ongoing counseling work with me again then that would depend on how the repair goes, how therapy with new T3 is going, etc. I need to work through this hurt, and would prefer to do that with him rather than without him. It would be the first time I've been able to discuss a significant hurt with the person who hurt me. My mother is dead (and it would have been fruitless to even try) and T1 was not willing to do any repair once he decided we were finished.

God, this sucks. Ugh.

That does suck Frowner working through the original issues that bring us to therapy is difficult enough without adding extra difficulty on top!

I'm so sorry you've had such pain with T1 and 2. Your first T sounds familiar Frowner I really think it will be important to allow yourself time to process the grief you are feeling over these experiences. Its so wonderful that you have T3 by your side to do this. Even though the transference will be painful and difficult to work through, it can prove to be so immensely healing and useful.

I really hope you can have some form of closure from T2 in the future, whether that includes working with him again or not. Hang in there, you're doing a great thing by reaching out here and working with new T.


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