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Hi All,

I want to emphasize that I am NOT writing this post in my official capacity as moderator but in my capacity as someone who also posts here looking for support. And just for the sake of full disclosure, I volunteer as moderator and am not compensated in any way so I'm not trying to get a raise for myself. Big Grin Nor did Shrinklady ask me to post this, I found out by reading her post.

Shrinklady put up a new post in the Announcements section of the forum: Donation Button Coming I wanted to post it here because I know that I often just link to the General Discussion section and so don't notice new posts in these areas, and I thought that might be true of other people.

As I'm sure a lot of people have noticed, traffic has increased considerably and there are more people posting and replying which means more threads. All of that means MORE bandwidth, which Shrinklady pays for. I know for myself, that this forum has been an important, integral part of my support network and instrumental in the healing I've been able to do in therapy. Up until now the forum has been free and open to everyone, and will continue to be so. But now if you wish to, you can help support the effort. I think it's a worthwhile one. And yes, I went to Paypal BEFORE I posted this. Big Grin

I don't wish to pressure anyone and I want to make especially clear that I know there are members undergoing severe financial hardship. Please do NOT feel like you need to give, especially right now. I really am writing this post to ensure that as many people as possible read Shrinklady's post, so that those who want to donate are able to. Thanks so much.

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Hi Draggers,
If you click on the link provided and go to Paypal, you can use a major credit card WITHOUT creating a Paypal account. If you use a credit card, I think you can just make a contribution in pounds and it will be converted to the Canadian dollar (I presume, since Shrinklady is in Vancouver Smiler) automatically. Feel free to ask if you need any help. And thanks!

AG xxoo

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