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I dreamt of SteadyT:
I was swimming and the water was dark and scary. I was out of my depth and beginning to feel frightened. Suddenly SteadyT is at my side and she starts to help me look about and steady out a bit.
She was showing me long eel like things that glowed in the dark. I found them interesting but was finding it all weird and frightening but trying to pretend that I was okay. Then the glowing things swept over and down a cliff edge in the water, into black depths. SteadyT told me not to follow, but hey, I wanted to see where they went and swept over with them. After all I am a good swimmer and scuba diver, I objected to being told what to do. And I wanted to show her that I wasn't really frightened.

It was pitch black there. Utterly pitch black. I could not see which way was up and which down. I was frozen with fear. SteadyT suddenly appeared again at my side and pulled at me. She started pulling me in one direction, guiding me out. I could not tell if it was up or down. I thought it might be down and struggled but she held firm. I was sure she was pulling me down instead of up and kept tryuing to tell her that but she kept pulling me her way and after a struggle in which I experienced pure terror, we came to the surface and I was okay, gasping for air.

Me: "That was so utterly pitch black down there, I couldn't see ANYthing!"
She smiled at me
Me: "I could not even tell which way was up and which was down. I thought you were pulling me down, that you had lost direction!"
Again she just smiled and then she said " I did say not to follow them."

Then I woke up.
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i think it is a great dream, it reveals I trust her and that I think that she can pull me out of this though I might struggle.


I have just left a message on her answer machine, cos I looked up her agreement document and it says " I am happy to be available to you, by prior agreement, for short telephone contact between sessions in emergency and overwhelming situations" and I am in the overwhelming bit. but I am not sure we had the 'prior agreement' bit, I don't remember that. Anyway, I left a message asking her to phone me back and I also left an email message at 2am this morning and I am hoping she can see me tomorrow instead of thursday.
It feels really difficult just now.
It also says on the agreement " If you need to speak for prolonged length of time (more than 15 minutes) I will charge £10 for every £15 minutes payable next time we meet."
does that mean you get 14 minutes free?
God, these boundaries.
I pray to god she is a good T, I am feeling like I have several internal doors which are like steel and they have just crumbled like dust. NOT a good feeling, I promise you!
Thanks F, I feel that all my demons are coming up to bite me at the same time, but also it is fruitful but I would not like anyone else to go through this, it is hell.
I am aiming for a brought forward session tomorrow and tell her - just blurt this never said stuff out as it is hurting like hell right now, but knowing my luck she will say 'busy see you Thursday" I don't want to tell the P this stuff and I can't see myself keeping quiet on it for a whole hour, I am not able to hide things just now. Sigh.

jI have just got a message from her, she will see me 2pm tomorrow and we shall see if I need Thursday as well - seeing how tomorrow goes.
How kind.
Sheychen I'm glad you got an earlier session (even though it sounds as if you feel like you are battling to get from her.)

Wanted to comment on your dream, that it was a great dream - so clear and meaningful. It's the kind of dream that I think is great to have because so much gets expressed, and it reflects pretty accurately exactly how your inner self sees things. Good for you for acting on it.

Hope you manage to talk about what you need to tomorrow, fingers crossed that SteadyT turns out to be everything you need.

(((( Sheychen ))))

Hi Sheychen
I'm sorry you're not in a good place about your new steady T at the moment but just have a feeling it's about those boundaries she warned of that you listed so well in the New T thread!! Wink
you will rage at me and feel uncontrollable anger with me when I keep boundaries, I think it is only fair to tell you we will go through this.
You will experience terrible anguish and loss when we go near the abandonment pains, and I shall stay firm and here for you but it will indeed be terrible. There is no way round this.
Yes, I will hold you and hug you and you can hold my hand when you need to
I will sometimes keep a boundary just so that you can feel the boundary as boundaries is right where you will push.

The new T, Steady T just emailed:
"I only use email for appointments not process. Perhaps we could work out a way for you to be able to communicate what is happening safely in the session on Thursday."

My T hasn't been quite as forthright but certainly subscribes to this practice - she simply ignores any of my 'not so veiled' attempts to draw something out of her Frowner We both damn well know I'm nudging at a boundary Roll Eyes

God, these boundaries.
I pray to god she is a good T, I am feeling like I have several internal doors which are like steel and they have just crumbled like dust. NOT a good feeling, I promise you!

Oh Sheychen, I do believe she is a good T and methinks you very much do too Wink In spite of the fact that you've really only just met with your new T, I think she kind of 'knew' you immediately and is the one Wink

I hope the session goes well tomorrow - will be looking forward to hearing about it Big Grin

Take care
Yep - I too think she is the one, Morgs, I have a very strong feeling she knows the terrain and is WAY ahead of me. And I shall kick and fight but she is not going to give in.
I LIKE it.
I am so glad she gave me an brought forward appointment for today, I was really worried that I was going to spill it all out to the P tomorrow instead and he is NOT the right person to tell.
I shall also try to tell her about the existence of P
And I hope I can get there and back safely, it is an hours drive across moors and peaks and deep valleys and it is snowing here. It is across one of the most remote parts of England. A battle even to get there.
I LIKE steadyT. I hope I still like her when I am raging at her sometime in the future, remind me.
will tell you how it goes when I get back if I have time before I go out to teach.
LL - it is a great dream - it says so much. so clearly. And it was all at night time, in the dark, which I think is important. I was in the dark. And she still helped me. (LOL)
Hi Sheychen
I'm so pleased on several levels you will be seeing her earlier - much better to 'spill' with the right one!! Just leave earlier if possible and go carefully through the snow - I saw the news report tonight and thought about the last time I was in England in the snow!! Loved it actually!! However, though you might be a trifle emotional, look at the drive as a pleasure trip - you're going to see someone you really LIKE Roll Eyes and you'll be returning home after deepening your connection! Don't worry, we'll remind you if and when necessary Wink
Sleep well ((S))
I have not been able to get into this forum - in the end have changed my name and password and email address and started all over again.

Now I am in - thank goodness.

i wanted to tell you how yesterday went. I wrote it up on my blog:
Wow, that session was GOOD.
She is so on the ball.
I let her read the dream, she did not comment but she was interested how much I liked it.
Then I tried to tell her - and she made a rule that if I had not told her by 10 minutes left, I could not as it would leave me too upset to go home. God, that made me feel so safe.
So I got going. I asked her to sit close to me. She said I could always ask for her to be near or hold her hand or ask for a hug or holding. She is very clear about that. I like that. I asked her to sit near.
I oscillate between adult and little through out the entire session. I seem to allow my littler self to be very "out' when there. Just like when with NewFinder.
At one point, when I got distracted by something else, she told me she had something to say to me. I immediately feared she was going to say that she was moving out of the county in Spring or could not work with me for longer than three months or something awful. She kept trying to say it and I kept getting more frightened and asking "would it hurt what she was going to say, was it horrible?" and she said that it was neither and just to let her say it.{I was surprised how upset I was getting.} She said that if she worked with me she would need my surname and my address and doctor's address etc. [I had not given them yet, as I was checking her out.] But fine by me, I had brought my business card for her.
Then I explained about seeing the psychologist and she said she has no issues with me seeing him (phew!) but that it might cause 'splitting', (whatever that is) but that she would need to write to him saying she was seeing me. Then she said she would have to write to my doctor, and I was SO not happy with that. I am still so angry with that doctor for deciding to stop me seeing NewFinder without even consulting with me.
SteadyT said it was in case things got difficult or outside help was needed or something happened
So I am mulling that one over.
She also said she is not able to do phone support because of where and how she is working at the moment so I will need to phone other people for that or set up something else.

She is so sane, this SteadyT. I feel like she is like me when I am feeling okay and yet she is NOT seeing me in that mode at all, I feel I FALL in there and fall apart.

I told her all the stuff about the worst things inside and she was not freaked out at all. She too said it was quite normal. I even told her what the 8 year old me thinks about when that part of me is hurting really badly and she understood that too.
I told her all of it. Well one bit I had to write down as I can't speak it. Never have.
She was concerned. She too agrees that I could be in danger from others with this lurking around, she talked about trauma bonding
but I don't really understand that.
she also asked me if I have had anything nice happen in my childhood, I said "Lots, loads" and looked at her really puzzled, like 'Duh?"
I was so predominantly in child mode.
She requested me to seriously take care of myself and my child self right now as my child is acting compulsively and is not aware of danger. I said I was seriously trying. I said that is why I told her, so that she could help me out of this. I knew that she had to know. It has never ever been this bad, gone this far before. I am so out of my depth.
I asked her if she thought I would get through this and she said yes. She said it was normal considering the things that have happened to me.
What a relief.
She said maybe having another session on Thursday would be too full on, I need breaks and going too fast seems to be my habit and maybe slow down a bit.
(That was well observed.)
I asked her if she was freaked out.
SteadyT: "I don't feel at all freaked"
I kind of assessed her, trying to work out if she was.
"Are you doing some super sensing scanning thing?" she asked, with a sort of laugh.
"sort of, I am just trying to see if I can sense if you are freaked out in anyway."
Steady T : "Well am I? "
"No, not that I can tell".
"Okay then. Actually it explains some part of the transference that I was not understanding."
Me: Huh? (I am just going out the door at this point and putting on my shoes.)
SteadyT: sorry, I should not have said that just as you were leaving, that was unskilful of me.
Me: puzzled.

Came home and feel worried that she is so thinking I am so worse than I am. This is what happened with NEwFinder. Then I start worrying that I am worse than I am. I seem to appearing to be quite fractured at the moment. But I work and am functioning quite well in a way in my normal life. I am under enormous strain emotionally and feeling a huge amount of pain and fracture but I am still functioning.

My P has just cancelled my appointment with him because of the snow. So i have a whole morning free and too much snow to go out.
Hello Sheychen Big Grin
Well!! Are you and SteadyT bonding/connecting/attuning or what??? Gotta say lady, I'm just a trifle envious!! Methinks she's amazing, as are you!!!

You both seem to be very much in synch intellectually and that might take a little time to work out coz we also have a therapeutic relationship going on here, but that's just straight off the top of my head Roll Eyes It's challenging Eeker I do agree with her request for further details of doctor and such - she's letting you know she's going to be hanging around to be part of your life Big Grin

You're fine Sheychen, you don't scare her and she doesn't scare you at all - and there really is no comparison between SteadyT and NewFinderWink

I don't quite know how to say this but I hope you can take some pressure off yourself and reflect quietly about how open/upfront/caring in a strong way this new T is and how beneficial this is going to be Wink
Thanks Morgs, she does seem good, really good. I am scared a little that I am projecting ' really good T' onto her, but actually maybe she is just very good.
I feel so SAFE with her. I let her sit near me, I could easily ask her to hold me, I don't get annoyed when she misunderstands as she says she doesn't get what I said in such a nice straight forward way and she so does not patronise me. NewFinder did ALL the time.
thanks for being so encouraging.
I hope to see her next Monday, but I have Thursday as an option too.
Feel weird her knowing, like this is one place I have NEVER been in therapy before, someone with a very compulsive strange problem. My judgment.
Hi Sheychen...I'm relieved that your SteadyT is fine with you seeing also the P...but I also had kinda a feeling that would happen! Good for you! She sounds like the real deal.

I'm so sorry that you aren't in a good place right now...go gently...those big disclosures can feel very overwhelming. try and rest, if you can.


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