When I was in high school, I was bulemic. I was seeing a psychiatrist for depression at the time, but we didn't talk about it. I never did any research about it or learned much about it. I just stopped doing it when I was around 20. Now it's 27 years later--count 'em, 27!--and I'm doing it again. I could knock myself over with a feather.
Yes, I will probably talk to my therapist after the holiday next Wednesday. It's been going on for around a month. I didn't talk to him about it before because I wasn't too worried, even though I was surprised. I've been wondering what I will say now.
I've been making some progress in my life and in therapy lately. For example I have been feeling more real in my life and I have been a lot more open with my T about our work together and how I feel about him and therapy. I've also been feeling a lot of feelings from my childhood. It's sometimes intense and scary, but I'm also happy about it because I feel like "this time" I might really "get it" and get to the other side. I generally feel a lot better about myself and right now I feel like I am learning a lot, partly after reading so many posts that have made sense to me here. So this eating disorder relapse--so unexpected after such a long time.
I have heard that eating disorders are connected to wanting to have control. Maybe I am trying to control one thing while I let some other things feel more risky, like seeing how my past affected me and trusting my T more? Does that sound logical? Well, if not logical (ha!), then likely anyway?