I'm overcoming a life-long binge eating disorder. Thanks to a year with T, and him pulling me back from the brink countless times, I'm down 38 pounds, with 54 more to go. To succeed, my T has taught me, I have to treat myself like an alcoholic - not go into bars, in other words. Well, I find myself still binging, but on "safer" foods. Like instead of binging on pastries and chocolates, etc., it's now things like popcorn, fruit, granola, etc..
This week was so hard, and today really made me wonder how much progress I've really made. My kids were each entering baked goods in the county fair competition, and between Friday and Saturday, at least 8 cakes and 4 pans of brownies were made. I couldn't even enter my kitchen, I was so afraid of how I would react. So portions of all of these were dropped off yesterday for judging, and now the remnants are all over my kitchen - it's crazy. And I've only had a few bites here and there except for one thing...
BUT, and here's what makes me think of transference, today, after denying myself repeatedly, I ate 48 cherries. (You can laugh, it's ok!)
Yep, 48. In a row. Totally OCD'ing, and the only reason I stopped was because the rest hadn't been washed yet and my stomach was hurting. (And in case you're wondering, I counted bc my 15 yos said, "wow mom, what is that, like 50 pits?!?" And I wondered...!
So can anyone relate to this, or am I pretty weird??
I know it could have been much worse... the chocolate mint brownies or lemon cake could have been history by now, but if I'm still engaging in the same behaviors, what do I make of this??
Suggestions, advice?
Really sorry if this set anyone off....