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Has anyone tried drawing with both their dominant and non-dominant hand? Did you find it helped? The reason I ask is because I sometimes find li'l one really wants to draw something with her crayons lately. Yet, when we go to put crayon to drawing pad, nothing comes. I'm trying to stay connected to her and hear her needs but having a hard time.

When I first started with my current T, we were pumping drawings out like there was no tomorrow. That's all we did during the winter weekends/months - hibernate and draw. We'd then write on the backs of them what the original idea was, our feelings and whether we liked them or not...almost like diary entries. I'm sure there are 100+ of them now, I don't know. We've entrusted them to T for safe keeping cuz we sometimes feel the urge to instantly tear up what we've just drawn/written...too scary to see all that laid out on paper.

I don't know but it feels like li'l one really wants to get something out but I don't know what it looks like, etc.. So, was just wondering if someone here has tried connecting to their inner littles the same way and how it worked.

The Kid and li'l one
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Hey Kid and li'l one,

I love art therapy! I've never actually done any with a real, live art therapist but I read a handful of art therapy blogs and have followed some of the prompts. I think it's good for me. I'm normally pretty verbal, so a non-verbal approach to interacting with emotion can help round things out, especially when I'm feeling stuck.

I also do art journaling. Don't know if you are familiar with that, but it's like art therapy meets journaling meets scrapbooking meets collage. I usually journal, then color/draw/paint over that, then collage over that. The results are rarely much to look at, but I like the process-- sometimes relaxing, sometimes cathartic. And a couple have accidentally ended up decently attractive-- I even framed my favorite and hung it in a corner of my kitchen.

Sorry li'l one is feeling stuck. Have you tried mixing up the media you use to see if she'd find a different form of expression more viable? Maybe instead of coloring/drawing she'd like to fingerpaint, or try modeling clay, water color, etc.
Sorry I missed this topic, TK. I've done some art therapy with my Ts to release emotions and most especially to connect. Then, I do my own form of art therapy at home... Though I've avoided it for almost an entire year. My art is on display and sells well, which also helps (to allow myself to learn being vulnerable).

There are sometimes just blocks in the creative process... Even if we can do something 'before'. I find it very somatic and sometimes the body has little to say or needs something else before it can. My inner child.,, I indulge her all the time, I doodle perpetually (I even have washable bathtub crayons (I'm so not a candles and bath sort of person)), and I sing and write or do weird projects... I've never thought of how that relates to trauma processing because I've been what people call 'the most playful adult they know' a lot.

Anyway, it helps to let loose - I hope you can!
"...needs something else before it can...". That's it! Unfortunately, I just don't know what that is yet.... The other thing Big Kid is trying to learn how to do is indulge li'l one. I'm so used to ignoring her needs, I miss the signs she wants to be heard. So, when she does come out, she's one extremely angry little girl. I don't know how to handle that. Anyone ever been afraid of their li'l one(s)?

The Kid
Hi TK,

I am definitely afraid and very aggressive towards almost all of the
younger parts of myself. The playful one and I are often joined at the hip - she is simple and not anyone I'm afraid of or angry with. If you have one inner kid holding everything I can understand how scary that would be for both your adult self and her. Maybe to build a relationship you can take small steps - spend some time "near" each other, and not process anything. That's how my playful side works - she's never triggered or any emotion other than curious (but I'm naturally curious... We're quite an integrated pair). So agreeing to start in sections may help Smiler

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