Gastric Bypass .. I would do that if I could afford it. Well maybe not now - but before for sure. How fast did you lose the 120lbs?
Hi Holly.......
I'm doin...OK...at least at this moment.
I'm just popping in to answer your weight loss question. The first 100 pounds came off pretty quickly. It took me about 9 months to hit that mark. Since then...it has taken me another 9 months to consistently keep off the next 20-30 pounds. Because my liver is insane...or at the very least, dysfunctional.... LOL..... I have some problems with fluid retention.... ie: edema. Sometimes it's difficult to know what my weight truly is because I may be carrying up to 15 pounds of excess water. (maybe I'm a camel?) *chuckling*
Anyway....I would not recommend gastric bypass to anyone if they have the option of lapbading. I did not have that option because of some of the other problems a bad liver causes. It was a choice of doing the bypass....or prepare myself for liver failure and death within the next 2 years. That is what the hepatologist told me.

Anyway...that all happened over two years ago....so I guess I'm still alive!!! NEENER---NEENER--DOC!!!
Congrats on your weight loss!!! It doesn't sound like you should ever consider such a serious surgery if you can lose weight by other means. You're doing GREAT!!!
I do feel much better than I did. The gym is the thing that the hernia will not let me do. I clearly need to work "core" group muscle...but can't do that with my guts hanging outside of my body...and if I strengthen the muscle group (abs) around the hernia, it strangles my gut and causes all kinds of problems with digestion and just keeping s**t moving through my body. If I do eat....I frequently have to lay down afterward so that my guts will fall back inline and allow the food to pass through.
The only crappy part of losing weight is having to keep getting new clothes, and getting rid of things you hardly had a chance to wear! LOL
Can you say...eBAY??? LOL.... I understand what you mean. I have a bunch of clothes that are practically new and too big. So the best stuff I sell on eBay and the rest is donated to the local womens shelter.
a psychotic werewolf could attack you .. tomorrow. LMAO Keep your eyes open out there!
LMAO...I see this image every morning when I look in the mirror. It doesn't scare me so much anymore...

too funny Holly.
To return to your topic. I had been on Wellbutrin...and it worked very well for me. I stopped taking it when my insomnia was too intense. I always had to temper the effect of the Wellbutrin by taking Xanax with it. By discontinuing the AD...I found my migraines lessened so I have not started it again.
In my therapy it is more productive to be off as many of those drugs as possible...and deal with feelings that are unmasked by pharmaceuticals. In addition to that...with my dx, the way that drugs work for me can be very unpredictable. (I'm an anesthesiologists worst nightmare!) LOL....they are not people oriented and become pretty agitated when they can't put someone to sleep.

In reading this thread it occurred to me to ask you if you are taking any over-the-counter medications? More specifically...do you have seasonal allergies that you are treating?
I ask this because I have them. Twitching and jittering are often related to whatever I am taking for my allergies. Just a thought.
Do you have trouble falling asleep? Or is it more a problem of staying asleep/waking frequently? Sometimes a Benedryl will help you to fall asleep.