Lately, I've been working with my T on identifying and understanding the function and role of my different ego states. I've been trying (with not much luck), to identify the fractured parts of me, to understand how they participate in my life, and to determine how they orinigally developed. I know they all developed to protect me, but I'm not in danger like I used to be. Their ways are out dated, and I no longer need to be protected like I used to. But they don't see it that way, reason and logic fall on deaf ears, and I find myself very frustrated right now because of all the chaos in my head. I feel intimidated by the task in front of me, and like I'm starting to get depressed again... just want to sleep.
My T understands where I am, is supportive, but thinks I need to move through this in order to come out the other side. She has suggested that I try to slow down though (I do a lot of processing outside of therapy) and try to process things in session with her. But I can't seem to make that work. I seem to have no control over the miriad of feelings/states running rampant inside me. I can't contain everything without processing it. I can't let it sit until the next week. I think about it constantly. And I have never (EVER) been able to "process" feelings and emotions in the moment with her. I process at home and report my findings (usually via letter) to her later at the next session. I can't let myself feel too much when I'm with her... it's too intimate, too scary. Does anyone else do this? Take it all home with you after a session, process it all, and then tell your T what you felt at the next session?
The longer I'm in therapy, the more this feels like an ineffective way to do this kind of work. I'm not learning to let her see me stuggle. I feel like I'm still trying to protect her from my feelings (just like I had to keep my feelings from my mother). I KNOW she can handle it, but I can't seem to get over the hump. I have no problem writing her about anything, but actually reacting emotionally in front of her is very, very difficult. Merely looking at her face when she talks is hard for me... so feeling devastated or ashamed or upset or childish with her present sounds like torture (and sounds embarassing). Having her be there with me would be awesome (I know), but I can't let myself go there. AND I DON'T KNOW WHY!! I trust her more than any other human being. She is amazing... I want to go there with her, but I can't. I just want to understand why not.
I guess that's enough for now. I know I'm kinda all over the place, forgive me. It's just oozing out in all directions.