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so i ended things with the T yesterday. he said im welcomed back anytime and he disagrees with my choice. he gave me the name of someone who has not called me back yet since yesterday.
it turns out i may not need to go into debt to see him. but it would cost me 10k per year out of pocket. that basically means no vacations and no really anything extra for the next few years while i am in treatment.
im 36 years old. id like to buy a home and start a family. it feels unfair to have to choose between having a life and being in treatment. and it also stinks because i feel like if i dont go to treatment with this pricey T, i may not have a life.
Original Post

You are in such a difficult place and I don't envy you one little bit. You have an incredibly difficult decision to make but you can always go back to him when your financial situation improves. Maybe it'll help you cope with it better if you don't look at it like a potentially permanent thing.

I personally don't think it was right or fair of him to tell you to go into debt. I don't think anyone should go into debt if they don't have to. Suze Orman would tell you that you cannot afford him. LOL!!

Good luck,


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