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I read in the UK newspapers this morning that our Government is to make changes to the Children and Young Persons Act in this years Queens speech which will criminalise the emotional neglect or abuse of children, punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment.

Not before time too in my opinion and a huge step in the right direction. However, I have to wonder how effective this new legislation is likely to be. Since most most abuse/neglect of this sort goes on behind closed doors with no outwardly visible signs until many many years later; how are these crimes going to be identified and acted on? Will it be possible to take legal action mmany years later as these children become adults and learn to understand the abuse they suffered; not that I am intending to prosecute my mother I might add!

Had this legislation been in force 50+ years ago, would it have made any difference to my upbrnging and the neglect I and my sister suffered? I somehow doubt it Frowner

Any thoughts, anybody?

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(((Liese))) Yes; I agree with you that education is the way to go. Is this stuff covered in the 'how to' type parenting books or in pre/ante natal classes? Not being a parent I've never found out.


and if it can make a difference to even a tiny number of kids then its worth it

Agreed. That was my first thought too.

(((Draggers))) I find it some sort of comfort knowing that CEN is at long last being taken seriously by people outside of the mental health profession. Like you say; if it's there on the statute books as a criminal offence then there can be no doubt that it's wrong, and anything to raise the profile of it has to be a good thing. Smiler
(((AV))) good to see you around. Interesting topic, too.

(((Draggers))) I hate what happened to you.

(((Smilingpenguin))) I tend to agree with you.

(((Liese))) Hugs, just cuz.

I think that the law will provide an opportunity to prosecute when emotional neglect comes up with something else. It will also likely be the hardest to prosecute. It is hard to even substantiate a case of "regular" neglect unless it is very severe and ends up with "physical" evidence - as in medical neglect.

I worked in child abuse and neglect (CA/N) for 13 years and I truly believe that the children who experienced emotional neglect had a much harder time. These kids were swept under the rug. It's like the quiet kid who becomes invisible because she isn't causing problems - (neglect). The loud, obnoxious one gets attention - (abuse). I'm glad it's being officially recognized.

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