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I'm reposting this from my blog. I've been thinking of publicizing it here because I've been writing more there recently and I'm getting braver because others have been sharing their blogs. Getting Closer

My session yesterday sucked. I struggled with talking about anything because I knew I was going to be away for another week and a half. I told M (my T) about that fear and he basically reworded it and echoed it back. I’m not sure if he was normalizing my fears or trying to show me that they were irrational. He certainly didn’t suggest any way to work with those fears. In one of the early silences we booked a phone session for next Wednesday morning but as the session progressed with me getting more and more frustrated I wished we hadn’t because I will face the same fears next week and the silences will be worse over the phone. I realized that part of me is angry that he left on vacation and that I am leaving (how crazy is that?). If it wouldn’t upset my whole family I would skip the vacation. Which is another crazy behaviour. Imagine giving up a week of vacation at a cottage on a lake in order to see a therapist for one or two hours. I hate myself for being so needy and I guess I get angry at M when I hate myself. Near the end of the session I told him I was angry for wasting the session just like the one before his vacation started crying. At this point the session represented a fairly typical failure of me communicating and connecting with M. The epic part occurred after.

First I left a message telling him I would like to talk to him either later that night (he usually works late on Wednesday nights) or this morning. Then I sent an email asking if he had time to talk before I went back up north today to his office account. When he didn’t answer I sent it to his mobile account because I was hoping he would have time for a session and I thought if he didn’t read the email until tomorrow morning then it might be too late. He responded fairly quickly telling me he could talk briefly before his first session and asking if it worked for me. I figured that meant he didn’t have time for a session and agonized over my response which was to say yes I was available shortly before 10am but I didn’t know if I could say anything briefly. Then this morning while I ran around doing errands I made sure I was out of the house and alone in my car from 9:45am and waited for him to call. He didn’t. At 9:55am I called him and he picked up right away so I said were you waiting for me to call because I’ve been waiting for you to call. He said “yes I was waiting, how do you feel today?” I burst into tears. This has happened once before about 2 months ago where he left me a message saying he might have time to speak before 11am and I waited for him to call while he waited for me to call. I was overwhelmed with frustration. M and I can’t even communicate clearly about who is going to call and I told him how stupid it was that we wasted time before we even spoke to each other. He said something about there being a lot of anger and frustration around and it would attach to whatever occurs which sounds to me like he doesn’t think it is a problem that he isn’t communicating clearly. Of course almost immediately his client arrived and he said I’ll speak to you next Wednesday and I said no I don’t want to do a phone session. He responded by saying I will keep it open and let you decide later whether you want to keep it. Which is another thing that we have struggled with in the past because I hate making the decision again about whether or not to keep an appointment. Several times over the four years I’ve worked with M, he has said I will leave it open and I have gone to the session but usually I’ve said things like I’m not sure I want to come to the session or I’m afraid to. In May before my vacation I cancelled and he said I will leave it up to you to decide and I tore myself into knots about whether he expected me to go, expected me to pay for the session, would waste time waiting, etc. So this morning I said “are you really going to do this to me again and leave it up in the air?”. He said I really have to go and started to explain why he wasn’t making a decision and I hung up while he was still talking. That has never happened before.

So then I went home to pack the car and drive three teenage girls up north. I just kept feeling more and more angry and the situation. When we stopped for lunch I tried calling M but he didn’t answer. I left him a long message telling him I thought it was stupid that he expected me to call him. That I had left a voicemail and two emails to find out if we could speak this morning. That I was willing to change my plans and it was clearly important to me. He was the one with the difficult to predict schedule. He said he could speak briefly. I didn’t know how early he got to the office, how many other people he had to call or email, it wouldn’t be possible for me to predict his availability accurately. I told him I thought he didn’t call me because he didn’t care how I felt and that I understood that therapy and my relationship with him were much more important to me but I thought my feelings and pain should mean something. I then told him that I had wanted to ask him for something from him over the break but I had been afraid because I once asked him if he could write an appointment card reminder for the session after his vacation and he had laughed and asked me if I was going to forget it. Now I wonder if he didn’t call me this morning because he was hoping to avoid me. That is when it reached epic fail. I think the kind of failure we won’t be able to come back from.
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hi incognito.... I'm sorry you felt you had an epic fail with your T. I do agree that the communication between you both was bad and led to a series of misunderstandings that ended up hurting you. I would have also thought T would call you due to his more complicated schedule. It was actually a good thing that you made the call to him to find out what was going on but I'm sorry the call was so painful that you ended up hanging up on him. I'm sure you are probably struggling with some fear that you did that. I know you don't mean to hurt T and he knows that too. My T would say to you that you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. You are testing him and trying to find evidence in his actions that he is trustworthy.

Yet.... I know how it is. I am struggling with the same issue... trust. I go in to session convinced that today I will somehow trust him. I will talk to him about what is really eating away at me and then I see his wife's car outside and I know she is there on the other side of the wall and I get so filled with anxiety and doubt about our relationship that I can't trust him. I wish I had a solution for us but I don't. I guess the only thing we can do is to keep working away at this.

I do take issue with him making that crack about your asking for the appointment card. It may have been his sense of humor making itself known at a really bad moment. Sometimes T's take a huge risk when they use humor. Did you tell him you needed it not to remember the appointment but as a transitional object?

I read some of your blog and congratulate you for your open, honest writing. Have you considered sharing any of it with your T?

I hope the rest of your trip goes well for you. I totally understand how you would want to stay home and not miss sessions and I also understand that you are upset that you are the one who left. I was really terrified to go on vacation for 3 weeks and not see my T. I remember crying that I would come back and he would have no appointments for me. He reassured me that those appointments are mine and will remain that way.

Thinking of you and hoping you can cope well enough until you get back and can have a sit down with your T to hash this out.

thanks Ang and TN,

I feel better today. I managed to send my T another email that just dealt with the phone session I tried to cancel next week. I explained that I felt like he was not accepting my decision when he said he would leave it open and I felt pressure to call him back and cancel again. Then I worry about whether I need to give 48 hours notice and is that business hours and ..... It is really stressful and if I cancelled I would probably spend an equal amount of time debating asking for the session back but that would feel different. I apologized for hanging up on him which I realized did scare me quite a bit and was contributing to my fear that this was unfixeable (thanks TN) Roll Eyes I ended by asking him if we had a phone session booked for next week, if I was too much, and if he thought we should wait until we met in person. He replied this morning explaining what he was trying to offer by saying I will leave it open and that wasn't increasing the pressure on me. He said he was willing to talk next week and I could let him know the day before but he was also willing to wait if I preferred.

He didn't mention my request for a transitional object or my being angry at him laughing when I asked for the appointment card but that happened a long time ago (maybe two summers ago). I didn't tell him I wanted it as a transitional object at the time, instead I just felt ashamed and resolved not to ask for anything again.

Thanks for looking at the blog TN. I haven't shown any of it to my T and I'm sure he is too busy to read it especially considering my lengthy emails a couple of times a week. I didn't tell him I was writing a blog until about a year after I started it. He asked me if there was anything in it that would surprise him. I said no he knew the outline of all my issues but he wouldn't know all the details because I struggle so much with talking to him and write more easily.

Thanks for reading and commenting and hugs.
Hug two

cogs - I'm really sorry. I can understand how invalidating and weird that would be to have your T say he will keep the appointment open even though you want to cancel. I think sometimes continuous and consistent meeting w/ T makes things better rather than worse over time... over a LONG time.

I really enjoy your blog, cogs.. I'm so impressed by your bravery to put it in your signature!! I want to do the same w/ mine but.. too scary. So, way to go on the courage there!! Eventually that will come with your T also, it's courageous enough you keep processing - it's a lot of work to get through this stuff. Did you ever give your blog address to your Ts? I don't think mine would really care or want to look or have time. I've shown mine to my Ts only to show the art stuff there and T2 had me read something to her even though.. what I write is highly underwhelming.

I'm REALLY sorry about how your T reacted to an appointment card. I find it gives so much consistency sometimes... even though I see both my Ts at the same day/time... they always offer cards - I've weened myself off them (because I was OCD about checking the date/time not because I don't need transitional objects hehe). Hopefully he can give you something in the future.. I'm surprised he didn't understand your asking Frowner
thanks for the hug Cat

My T hasn't given me an appointment card since we started regular appointments (in the first few months I was always booking different times). I am nervous about talking about transitional objects because I don't think he accepts the idea of them. Over the years I've talked about wanting a picture of him or the appointment card and he hasn't offered me anything.

Thanks for looking at the blog. I haven't given the address to my T but I don't think he has time to read it.
I am nervous about talking about transitional objects because I don't think he accepts the idea of them.

This is probably a horrible thing to say... but maybe you could get something w/o explaining the transitional object thing to him? One of the things I've done in T is (because I need something for my hands) I have a stuffed animal that lives at my Ts office - when I leave for trips or whatever I take him with me. So even though I brought him there... he's my transitional object, too. Maybe you could import something, or start bringing something to therapy every time w/ you to sort of make it a transitional object? I know it may not be the same Frowner
I don't think it is a horrible thing to say but I also don't think I can do it but I have considered doing it. As an example, I once talked about wanting a picture of him but I didn't ask him for one. I was hoping he would offer and he didn't respond at all. Since then I have found different pictures of him on the internet. Two through therapy and mindfulness educator websites (so his posed "therapisty" pics) and two on facebook that are more relaxed. I could save any of those pics but I haven't because I feel like I'm taking something when I want him to give it to me. I don't think I could take something and leave it in his office but maybe I could take something for every visit but I think it would be weird after four years to start bringing something to the office.

I'm glad you are linking to your blog. Smiler
I understand your trust issues. It was hard for me to open up to my T, eight months to be exact. I said this to my T and she asked why did I believe this and I said, because I used to talk about people and now I talk about myself.
I am surprised T's do phone sessions; my T will not answer my texts anymore because it is hard to read and understand my emotions. She wants to see me when we communicate. I was very hurt and emotional when she stopped returning my texts and I said so while crying. I am ok with it now and I feel it has actually lessened my obsession with her. I tend to blow things up in my head, not saying you are doing this, and start running scenarios
on why she has not texted or called my back, all of which turn out to be wrong. I can't control my T. so I am working on stopping trying to control anyone and anything.

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