I guess I forget that others will tend to think it is current. To me it is still like yesterday and I don't think that will ever change.
I still have a dream every night about him and after a certain part of the dream I awaken and that is when it becomes my nightmare. Because I then realize that it was not real but just a dream. Actually I would love to be able to just live in that dream
We have had family (mine or so called) that have said I need to get over it and move on. But then I would expect them to say those things. (My family wants to put everything in the closet or under the rug, so to speak, but they do this with every thing even with CSA)
But sadly we have also had some who we thought were friends that stated similar things or would avoid us if we saw them out in public.
Anyway, our son was 19 when he was killed.
I did not mean to intentionally mislead you. I should have been more informative and so I apologize once again.