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I really wish I was talking about the cute alien from the 80s movie, but alas, I am not.

I rarely dream about T -- or at least don't remember them -- but I did last night. First, we hugged, and it was the best feeling in the world -- I still have warmth from the "feeling" which is weird in and of itself. but then, it went further (mind you, only in the dream but it was clear enough to feel real) and then, T refused to acknowledge me.

I'm supposed to have a session today, and I'm not sure I can pull it off. I feel so nauseous -- among other things...

Roll Eyes Brick wall

Has anyone else been here?

I so appreciate you all even though I don't post much.
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Path We Walk,
I don't think your dream was really about sex. Smiler I think the sex probably represented a desire to get closer to your therapist. From my blog on Erotic Transference:

One very common reason for sexual feelings for a therapist is actually rooted in our childhood needs. Psychology sometimes refers to the “golden dream.” All human beings had the experience in the womb of being in a safe place, cared for, where all your needs were met and there was no separation between you and your mother; at that point in our development, we are not yet capable of even conceiving that we are a separate being. Then we’re born. No one really knows what a baby is feeling, but when we carry unfulfilled longings and needs from childhood, part of what we long for is to return to that time of perfect safety, where our needs were met without speaking them and there were no boundaries. Part of the maturation process for human beings is the realization that we are a separate person, with our own feelings and needs which are distinct from another person’s. But it is in a romantic/sexual relationship where an adult normally lowers their boundaries the most. Ideally, we allow a lover to see us clearly, both emotionally and physically. In the act of making love, we seek as much contact between us as is possible. The Bible actually refers to the sexual union within marriage as the two becoming one flesh. So when we enter therapy and those long dormant childhood needs and longings are stirred and awakened, we struggle to “fit” them somewhere. And the channel in which they flow most smoothly is in our sexual feelings. In other words, we are experiencing really intense, primitive longings from childhood and the closest thing we have to that as an adult is our sexual/romantic feelings. So we experience strong sexual feelings that ultimately, are really about what we wanted as children and didn’t get. It is this dynamic that is at the root of a client with a life-long heterosexual orientation to feel sexual attraction to a same gender therapist or a client with a homosexual orientation to feel attracted to an opposite gender therapist.

So I am wondering if maybe the sex was actually about wanting to allow more emotional intimacy with your T. This makes even more sense to me given that he refused to acknowledge you after the sex, since most of us deal with a deep fear that if we allow someone in, to truly see us, then they will leave us or abandon us.

So I think the dream may represent both your desire to move closer and your fear of doing so only to be hurt and rejected. Sex is just a powerful channel in which to direct these feelings.

I know (please trust me I know) that this will be an unwelcome suggestion, but if you can bring yourself to do so, I would talk to your therapist about it. I think he can handle it and I think you would be a lot more comfortable if you explore the dream with his help and realize that its not really about sex, its about healthy unfulfilled dreams and longings.

Sorry though, I know the squirm factor is through the roof. Smiler It was very brave of you to post about this here.


PS Forgot to say, yes, I've been there. Smiler

If you think dreams are unsettling, try dealing with this stuff when you're awake. Smiler I'm convinced I reside in a blast furnace of ET.

I know it can seem nigh impossible to voice this dream and the feelings to your T, but it's really not. I've discussed ET with my T several times now...and probably will again today. He's never been surprised, unsettled or threatened by it. He even says that it's normal! Of course, I've wanted to hide under the couch every time I've brought it up, but it's getting easier. And discussing this stuff has strengthened our connection, so it's been worth it.

Sending you hugs, Path. You can do it.
Has anyone else been here?

YES! I am there right now. My meeting isn't until Thursday. I left a note behind describing my feelings of ET because I was too afraid to say anything. I'm sick to my stomach everyday just realizing that it's one day closer to my session.

I didn't mention anything about the dreams I've had in the note (some are dreams and some are daydreams ) but I know that I'll have to bring these things up.

AG always has amazing info on ET. She and a lot of others have dealt with it so you always know you have like minded souls and support here. Maybe to make things easier to bring up, try writing them down in a journal as soon as you wake up. That way you won't forget them. It'll also help if you want to tell your T about them but can't say it, he could always defer to your journal. (If you are ok with him reading it. I'm willing to let my T read mine.)

Just hang in there!! The biggest step is always the first one!
Funnily enough I had a dream about my T the other day. I don't have them often but when I do it's usually when I'm working through something that feels heavy and developmental. I don't like it - the control freak in me wants to tell my T to stay the hell out of my dreams and my brain to shut the **** up about it. My sleep should be my own, dammit. Eeker

We were sitting in the back of a taxi chatting like friends and suddenly her phone started ringing and it was a member of her family, probably one of her kids I think. Anyway, they had an argument and she spoke pretty harshly to the person on the other end of the phone. I recall sitting there feeling more and more uncomfortable and beginning to feel frightened.

When she got off the phone, I angrily told her I didn't want to be around her, got out of the taxi and walked off.

You don't need to be a T to figure out what that is all about. Roll Eyes

Hurrah for transference eh? Brick wall I really feel for everyone dealing with transference in any form and I'm constantly amazed by the bravery and tenacity shown by people here. This stuff isn't a walk in the park but people are slogging on anyway. Kudos
Thanks, AG, Affinity, Eiko and Mallard, for your encouragement, normalization and ideas. And Mallard, your frustration resonated so well with me that I actually had to laugh a couple of times.

I survived the session. I showed up late, couldn't wait to get out of there, but I made it. Now I just have to deal with the tornadic whiplash of feelings and reactions that result. Ughh... this therapy stuff is exhausting.

(((AG))), you and T said essentially the same thing. He wanted to walk through all the elements of the dream -- there was more than just the ET -- and highlighted the various elements that pointed to my ongoing desire to feel connected and a part of something.

He can handle the ET, and I am pretty sure he would agree with Affinity's T that it's normal. And, just for full disclosure -- this stuff isn't isolated to just a random dream. I guess it pops up in the day-to-day, too, but I'm super skilled at kicking it away and not acknowledging it. When I told him that the hug felt like the safest place in the world, he simply said that even though it's not physically possible, it is emotionally possible. I don't know if that helps or makes it worse. Still working that out.
Aww, Path, I'm so thrilled at your T's response. Sounds exactly like something my T would say.

I can totally relate to the "tornadic whiplash of emotion" that comes after a session like this. But take heart, it does get better. And you should feel super proud of yourself for taking on such a sticky topic. You've taken a big leap on the path to healing.

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