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i done it and i feel better, thanks for your encouragement everybody!
i guess i just feel like i need some kind of connection after all this time. i think i've been feeling it, but fighting it, stupidly. can't ever appear to be needy, you know? right now i don't even feel like i need a response. but i'm sure if i don't get one i will be crushed to nothing.

thanks again! Smiler
thanks, Liese
i just got back from a Bob Seger concert and Kid Rock opened. it was phenomenal to say the least. i won't check emails tonight. if there's no answer i know i'll be more disappointed than is warranted. i'll check tomorrow when i'm a little less inebrieated. thanks again. i'm going to get some sleep and i'll let you know what happened, if anything tomorrow. thanks for your support and interest. talk soon.
i sent him an email that basically said i had a strong desire to say hi, so i said hi and said i hoped that life was being good to him. he responded with a smiley face. i don't know what i was expecting other than maybe a few words. would i have been disappointed no matter what? i feel like i wasn't being fair to him by sending the email. really, what was i hoping for?

You know him so much better than we do. Was he always short on words like that? Maybe there was a reason you stopped going to him? He wasn't giving you the security you needed?

really, what was i hoping for?

How about, "Thank you for checking in on me. It was nice to hear from you. How have you been? I want to remind you that my door is always open."
oh, im sorry ((cd)) that answer must be beyond disappointing! Frowner i am really disappointed for you and i don't even know him.
i hate it when Ts are so careful not to say the 'wrong' thing and try not to influence you or give you too much hope etc, and end up saying nothing at all!! but this is much worse then a little hope isn't it?

i am disappointed, but not crushed. i guess if he was going to respond at all it would have been nice to receive something a little more human and adult-to-adult, like how some of your Ts have responded. the reason i'm not crushed (i'm pretty sensitive and normally would be) is i'm thinking he may have responded that way for a reason. i might write my thoughts later just to put it into words and get your thoughts on it. i really appreciate your guys' input. i don't know how clients from back in the day made it through more than a week or two of therapy without the support of others. it really is tough work!

I applaud your reaction to his reply to you. I'm certain he responded that way to you for a good reason and probably thought about what kind of response would be best for you in the long term. That he replied with a smiley face tells me he was pleased to hear from you.

My T will often respond in a similar way if she feels it's appropriate, and i kind of like getting a smiley from her. I like to believe she had that smile on her face IRL when she read my message to her!! Smiler

I just posted a similar topic without realizing you had already posted this.
I'm glad you were able to get a smiley out of T. That's at least a good response.

BTW-I miss my former T and am thinking about calling her or FB messaging her to give her an update. I don't know if I have the courage to do that though. I don't want to either hear nothing from her or something that tells me to not do that. I don't think she would say that, but I don't know if I want to event try. I miss her sooooo much though.

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