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This week is National Eating Disorder Awareness week. The theme is "Everybody Knows Somebody" which is unfortunately, quite true.

I wish I could will my ED away, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. While I've made a ton of progress, every day, every meal, is still a huge struggle, and there is lots more work to do.

My family has no clue what's going on, and it needs to stay like that. While I haven't told many friends, either, those that I have shared this dirty little secret with have been quite supportive.

I took a risk and posted this on FB, and am afraid that it might give away my secret, but it is important enough to spread the word that I took the risk. Please spread the word, if you feel comfortable doing so. I know a child whose ED began when she was 8. Thankfully, with support of her family and medical team, at 15, she is now fully recovered.

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week
February 26 - March 3 2012
Everybody Knows Somebody
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Awww, thanks BG!

I'm taking tiny steps on facebook, but in the blogosphere, going full blast. Check out this post: Everybody Knows Somebody My blog IS anonymous, but I have shared it with a few friends, so... yeah... Smiler

Laura, I was diagnosed with EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified) last summer. It escalated to anorexia, but was thankfully short-lived and is back at EDNOS. I have anorexic tendencies (restricting, preoccupation with gaining weight) and am working my tail off with a treatment team to overcome this. Most people think EDNOS isn't a "real" eating disorder, but the reality is that many more people are diagnosed with EDNOS than people realize - often people have bits and pieces of multiple EDs, making this just as dangerous as the others.
Thanks for posting about this R2G Smiler

NEDA week is a great motivator for me to continue recovery it came at a good time. Last year this time I had a friend visiting and finally talked about my ED for the 1st time outside of my treatment team.

And you are right about EDNOS - there were a lot of people at my treatment center who were EDNOS because they no longer met the weight requirement for anorexia. My online bulimia community has really been coming together this week and we have people involved with EDNOS too - in the end no matter what the actual diagnosis - even emotional over-eating or other binge disorders this week is a good reminder that we shouldn't use food to abuse or punish ourselves in any form.
Thanks for posting this R2G. I will check out your blog too.
I'm right at the middle ground between an ED and recovery. I guess what I've had for the past few years is undiagnosed EDNOS. It's seems absurdly difficult to find a medical professional who recognizes that my symptoms/weight are problematic.

Congratulations on the progress you've made, and best of luck with continuing recovery. I know how hard it is and I greatly admire your strength.
You are right we do all know someone. Hope you work through your ED. I lost one friend to it and VERY nearly lost another, but on the bright side, the one that weighed just 24Kgs has completely recovered, and by some miracle was even able to have 2 children, which doctors said would NEVER happen. She has been "normal" now for about 15yrs, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with her children either.

My wish for you is that you meet someone who can help you with your struggle and pull you through. All the best!
Glad this was so timely for you Cat... I've found this week to be perfectly timed for me, as well, as I'm very close to throwing in the towel, but don't think that would be good to do during this particular week. Guess it's saving me from myself for one more week, and by then, I hope I'm strong enough to continue fighting.

Thanks BG Smiler It's been quite a journey writing the blog. I wanted one for a very long time, but only once ED came into the picture did I finally have an excuse to start, and ironically, the blog is not all that ED focused.

Joie - it's a hard spot to be, and so many medical professionals just don't know the warning signs, and don't know what to do with ED. My own doctor was very uneducated about ED till I came into the picture, now she's quite the expert, thankfully.

Born2Write - I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I have a very good friend battling hard right now, and it's scary seeing where she is. It is inspiring to hear about the success stories - recovery is possible, I just hope to fight long enough to get there myself!

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