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To all our kids - the posters and the lurkers - dealing with the trials of exams and assessments at the moment:


We know how smart and capable you are and we believe in you. We know how much else you've been given to deal with beyond studies, and we know how hard you work to have a *whole* life that is safe and satisfying. We *know* that school results are not a full or final measure of you as a person. And we wish you the very best of circumstances and luck so that you have the chance to reach for your goals.

Please keep our belief in you in your pocket, and remember to be gentle and kind with yourself, as well as strong.

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Good luck on your exams next week, MH. I have one more, but it got postponed two days because of a big snowstorm predicted for Monday.

And I'm curious, how many of you all are taking psychology classes or are psychology majors? I am a psychology major - I guess I'm now curious because you always hear that one of the main reasons people go into psychology is because they're trying to figure themselves out. Guilty as charged... Big Grin Well, at least that I am a psychology major and just happen to be in therapy. Not sure if that's why I'm a psych major though. I'm rambling.

MH, do you think your T was being sarcastic? I'm just asking because that's kind of how it came across to me, but I could be completely wrong.
Thank you Jones, for the lovely thread you started and the words of encouragement.

I WAS a Psych student... had six more classes to graduate with my BS. I am also not a kid, although sometimes I feel like I'm five years old LOL. The reason I'm not a student these days is that I had to take a leave of absence from school when I was terminated by my oldT. I became unable to focus or read or even think about school itself since my T was instrumental in supporting my going back to school. It was one of my most major accomplishments and I was very proud of it and it certainly helped my self-esteem. I worked hard and had a 4.0 GPA... so far.

I don't know when I will be able to return as school has become a major trigger and even thinking about returning causes me some really major anxiety.

Maybe someday...

Good luck to those of you who are in school and may you all turn out to be the therapists that are needed in this world... the ones who truly understand how it feels to be on the "other side"...

Hello everyone! Smiler
I'm new, I've been lurking around for weeks now and I enjoy reading your posts so much!
You're all so kind to one another and you seem to know so much about therapy. I want to be able to write such insightful replies as well but I'm not sure if I can do it, so bear with me and don't take it the wrong way when I seem too passive, I'm only being shy and afraid of saying something destructive or behave like a bull in a china shop.
I don't know how/when/where to introduce myself more thorougly so I'm going to leave it at that. Oh, English is not my first language so I'm apologizing in advance for any mistakes (not only spelling/grammar but also misunderstandings that could occur).

So, my actual reply:
Since I am a member now as well, thank you! Exams are hard on everyone and if you have so much other things going on, it can be difficult to focus. But exams are soon over and just think of the relief you'll feel. It's the best feeling in the (academic) world!
Makes me work harder because I know, it's only temporary (until summer finals haha) and that feeling of having achieved something (even if I fail the exam) makes it worthwhile for me.
So: Good luck everyone!!
Welcome here, permafrost...I like your snowflake avatar, it's beautiful! Thanks for introducing your self, it's nice to meet you. Try not to sorry about how your posts come across, just be yourself...and it will all work out. (Ohhh, I know that is much easier said than done, but still Smiler )

So you are a student...good for you! I'm passing out chocolates...starfish and draggers have dibs, though...(notice how they just leapt on the chocolate like piranhas, well, they get like that around sweet stuff- you know what they say, sweets for the sweet! Big Grin )
Hi starfish and blackbird!
starfish: Thank you so much! It's good to be here. Oh, just wait for it.

blackbird: thank you! I like snow, it makes the world go quiet and everything is white and beautiful.
I hope so! I just wanted to make sure that people know that I'm not deliberately rude or something.
Oh, no worries, it's very nice of you to pass out chocolates, thankfully I have an entire chocolate bar lying around so I'm good! Do you want some of mine? Big Grin
ps: permafrost; dont worry about your english- i am sure i have misunderstood/written all kinds of wrongs here, so there`s nothing you can do that i havent already done of misinterprest and, i just learned that the expression is "chit chat" and NOT "shit shat" which i wrote here somewhere...thats the kind of wrongs i tend to Big Grin

ok: and now i have to edit this very poster because i meant MISINTERPRET NOT MISINTERPREST! LOL!

and good luck with your exams kashley and MH ! and to all the rest of you lurkers out there, reading this as well!
I thought carefully about the word 'kid' when I wrote this post - I thought about how some of our younger members have more wisdom, maturity and experience than a barrel full of high court judges, and how some of our older members would be doing exams too. and I thought about how exams can make *anyone* feel like a kid, and in need of a little care! So 'kids' it is. Smiler

So MH, this definitely includes you too - I hope the tests next week go really well. TN, I am wishing you well, and speed to the day when going back to school will feel like a right and comfortable thing to do. DF, we'll be here when you go back too - good for you!

Kash, Mac & Frog, well done on surviving this far!!

And Permafrost - a great big welcome and the best of luck for your four. So nice to have you with us.

To the question about who is taking psych courses/major.

I am in nursing (just finishing my undergraduate degree this past week). Two years ago I was suppose to do an inpatient psych placement but since I had so many issues with my anxiety the semester before (I ended up dropping it because of my anxiety), they switched placements because they did not feel like I was ready for a pysch placement.

At the time I was pissed, but looking back it was probably a good thing. It is hard to be working for people with psychiatric difficulties while dealing through your own at the same time.

And yes I did get to do a psych placement, although it was in the community and while it was doable, it was still difficult to do.
I heard someone speaking of chocolate and just had to come running!!! lol Big Grin

I wish a lot of good luck and endurance to get through the last of the exams this next week. Keep going - you are almost done!!!

Welcome to the forums permafrost!!! and no worries about your English. I think it is pretty darn good. English is my first language and I miscommunicate things and get my words all jumbled up all the time. Everyone here is really kind about it Smiler
Originally posted by Jones:
And Permafrost - a great big welcome and the best of luck for your four. So nice to have you with us.

Sorry, how rude, I forgot to reply. Thank you Jones! 2 (including one in psychology, that was fun! seeing the other side) exams are over.


Welcome to the forums permafrost!!! and no worries about your English. I think it is pretty darn good. English is my first language and I miscommunicate things and get my words all jumbled up all the time. Everyone here is really kind about it

Thank you Jane! Everyone is kind about everything it seems. I love it here. Big Grin

How's everyone doing with exams and focusing and handling everything else?

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