I have ADHD, and have been on strattera, a noreprinephrine reuptake inhibitor, for a couple of years now. I had no significant side effects until my insurance changed and the new one insisted that my split morning/evening doses be consolidated into a single pill (for cost reasons). Since then, I've slowly become uncharacteristically high-strung and easily overwhelmed. I recently learned that noreprinephrine and adrenaline share a mechanism for removal from the body, so you can't keep one around without the other. And sure enough, I'm more emotionally fragile in the hour or so after exercize. (It currently takes about an hour for my heart rate to go back down after light exercize, which my GP is understandably unhappy about. That didn't happen before the meds change, either.)
So, I've stopped taking the strattera. When it's cleared out of my body enough for me to feel better, I plan to beat my insurance with a rolled-up