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I had a profound experience with my eq T this week. I have no idea how to explain it. Nothing huge really happened, no big insights or anything. We just had a couple of interactions where I felt really comforted and… like something deeply shifted inside… if only for a moment… I have no idea how or why or what caused the shift. But even my T noticed something shifted inside. She asked me what as different and what was going on for me, and I didn’t know why I felt different, but I did. She was really ok with not knowing. She also – well, she shared that feeling the shift in me was something she was excited about.

It really wasn’t huge and yet… here I am, and all I want to do is hold that moment, that interaction, the feeling of comfort and relief that came with whatever shifted inside – and never ever let go of it. I just want to treasure it. Never forget it. I fell asleep last night thinking of it – almost intentionally re-living it in my mind. I feel silly.

I’m not even sure how to process it, let alone figure out how or what was going on and how to have it happen more and be bigger in my life. I keep starting to journal and write, but then I get stuck. I thought I would try by posting here. (I think I am also trying to get over something I have about posting such a vague post. I dunno.)

In a nutshell, in my session this week, something good happened, I felt good, I felt safe and connected and deeply comforted by simple kind words and presence of my T and the sweet touch of a little foal we were working with who was sick, scared and yet leaning into me as I scratched her little body…

I felt a lot of things, none of which I seem to be able to word very well now. Somehow, I stopped feeling scared or any default need to constantly protect myself. I felt a little freer than I can ever remember feeling.

I've been through awful experiences, in life and in therapy and my process in seeking healing... so maybe I am just new-ish to experiencing a good one and don't quite have my feet under me.

I am sure there is transference that might happen in what I feel towards my T, yet somehow, having animals involved, makes that transference seem like it would be less disaterous and able to be more objective about it. I felt something I have longed to experience and feel, something I have needed... so it would make sense if I want to hold on to my T and the horses that were present with me in it... but I don't feel that so much right now... I just want to hold on to the feeling of being so comforted, the memory of it...

I hold on to so many bad icky memories and things I don't want inside of me. I want to keep the memory of this good experience this week inside of my heart and mind forever... I feel so silly about that...

so confused and mixed up,
~ jane
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Jane, try not to feel silly! Hold this feeling inside of yourself as long as you possibly can. And maybe save this post somewhere so you can refer back to it when it starts to fade. I call what you are describing my feeling of connectedness. It is bittersweet. I am celebrating for you that you were able to have this fulfilling encounter with your T!!!
I experienced that with my T a few times, and it's really wonderful. Of course you want to hold onto is the healing place. Good and peaceful feelings are right- not wrong. Hold and treasure the time with your T and the horses. I am so glad you had this time. thank you for sharing about it. It is a very tender place.

thanks yaku, bb, sadly, df, and mayo!!! I feel a lot less silly and I have continued to remind myself the memory of how I felt in the session and after and what it was all like. I feel a little of it again sometimes just by remembering.

It’s like some kind of self-protective wall I had inside melted a bit, and I felt acceptance and compassion on the other side of that wall. I have no idea why that wall melted inside of me in this session, it just did…

DF ~ yeah, that baseline is so cool to run into and think "oh, now I know what it is like to be here!" To be safe and comforted.

Mayo ~ yeah, I think you just might be right.

Still processing and wondering about it all,
~ jane
I can't really remember what this felt like. dang. Frowner I could on monday, but now, on wednesday... it's gone... I can't even describe it to myself... I'm glad I wrote about it here and in my journal.

I see eq T tomorrow. I don't feel "ready." I want to cancel. I have no idea what I don't feel ready for. I'm exhuasted and drained, in every way, after a very triggery day yesterday. Frowner I'm not sure what I don't feel ready for. I'm so tempted to cancel, but maybe I just need some sleep. I haven't ever canceled with her before. Canceling at this late of a notice would be crummy, but it almost feels better than going. I wonder what I am trying to avoid, or what I feel like I need to be ready for.

shiesh. sometimes I just begin to feel like I am on a rollercoaster and I just want off this ride.

~ jane
yaku ~ thanks for your kindness. I kind of hope I will go - if only not to leave my T hanging, and I hope I can be more "ready," whatever that means...

STRM ~ gosh, I am feeling a lot like that little animal. I feel very vulnerable, and like I don't even have it pulled together enough to know what I am doing and what to say or where to go with the session. The idea of trying to walk into it with my T, and lean into her, seems baffling, and my legs and body are unsteady, but I'm just hurting and craving comfort just enough to try - much like that little animal.

maybe a T who is good with a sick animal, would be ok with a client like me coming in like I would tomorrow...
Last edited by janedoe
Whoa, I just had a super intense session. I feel so utterly numb now.

I am baffled by what happened. I’m surprised I’m dissociative noq. Darn it! I just don’t feel anything. I know what triggered this – and it was right at the end. I’m ok, just numb. It was amazing what happened – it was good. It was confusing. It was intense. It melted my heart.

Thank you for encouraging me to go.

I'm glad I went. I wish I wasn't numb now though. crud. eh, well, it will wear off.

What happened in the session is something I'll post later. It was so tender and kind and felt like something just hit the deepest core of me. And then I went numb. Too much kindness. Ugh. I'm dissociating acceptance and kindness?! It was amazing what happened. I will post later about what exactly happened, when I am not numb and spacey and can think in words and not just pictures.

whoa... it was just such an intense session...
Jane- as i was reading your post, I was thinking about being vunerable. When the little girl is hurting, and T hears her, and he helps to mend her scared sad heart, and he touches that heartstring that is shaking- that is when I have the feeling you so well described. It is as if he is holding me and calming the frightened child. My T did that today and yesterday- through txting. Now I have another txt gem to hold onto. When I push him away- he draws near, comforts me and tells the little girl (me) that he won't let me go no matter how hard I push him away. I even bought a great "goodbye Mark" card. I do not know why I try so hard to push him away, but he is not budging. That is the magic comfort I occasionally (like today) feel from him.
It so reminds me of the children's book- The Runaway Bunny

Thinking of you- I hope it all went well for you today.
pf ~ you are so sweet. yeah, when I woke up this morning, much of the numbness was gone. Now... pain and mixed up feelings, but also comfort when I think of the session. Surprising comfort. I almost feel embarassed by how much I felt and still feel comforted. And how much hurt I feel with that too. the comfort I felt in the session was almost disorienting and wsa too much to quite stay with. Now, with a little distance, it's easier. I wished it was easier for us both - but glad to know I'm not the only one who numbs out kindness too.

Love horses. Love your story. Love the healing that goes along with it. Thanks for sharing. I had a similar experience on Monday, just experiencing my T being so tender with me. It was unlike anything I ever experienced before. I don't think I'd ever let myself be vulnerable with him like that before. But then it hurt so much at the same time. Wasn't sure if it hurt because I realized that it's a feeling I'm not sure I ever had before??? And sometimes, when you feel what you didn't get, it hurts all that much more??? But at the same time, it's a bit freeing because then I know it wasn't me?
thanks pf, df and Liese ~ your words helped me hand on to this, and not feel so silly about what happened and silly about sharing it. today is a rough day, but the image of this horse keeps coming back to me in a comforting way.

pf ~ aw, I'm sorry you were bullied but so glad for that horse. yeah, I think animals can sense something in us - and you are right, even if they can't, and it helps anyhow, might as well enjoy it. My cat gets really cuddly whenever I'm having a bad day. Smiler
And also, I think the hurt you feel might be a *healing hurt". Realizing that there is kindness out there.

That actually fits. A couple of times I have told my T that accepting kindness can hurt, like if my feet are in cold water and go numb, then I put them under warm water - they hurt as they warm up.

(((DF))) ~ my hands are super senstive too.

Liese ~ I didn't think I'd ever let myself feel like this w my T... so vulnerable... and I even said it. which is huge for me.

(...edited for personal reasons just me and my stuff)

Last edited by janedoe

What a moving session. Thanks so much for sharing. I felt like I was there with you. It is amazing to me how animals just know how we are feeling and what we are dealing with.

You could probably have the horse move in, but I'd imagine it would get a bit smelly after a while. Razzer Perhaps you could take a picture of her at your next session and look at it when you need grounding or to reconnect with that wonderful feeling from your session?
STRM ~ Good idea for the picture! I did ask my T about it and she emailed me one. Ryanne is in the picture along with C... It's the best picture. She sent me one with just each of them individually too. Now I can remind myself of them so easily. It is grounding. It kind of makes it easier to let go too somehow. Thanks. Certainly much less smelly than if they had moved in with me! Big Grin

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