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Hi All, I'm new here but this subject really got to me... a few years ago I had a Psychiatrist who got REALLY overly friendly and it totally screwed me up. Boundaries? Ha! That word was not in his vocabulary.

First of all, he talked to me about his own life way too much -- I learned all about growing up in his dysfunctional family, his high school and college years, and even about his troubles with his wife. He was only 2 years younger than me, and we both liked the same kind of music, books, and movies, and our politics were very similar as well. So we talked a lot about that. He once told me I was very interesting and "easy to talk to," and I thought: shouldn't I be saying that to you?

He'd extend session time with me sometimes up to 3 hours. He insisted that I come 3x/week. He'd email and text me outside of sessions, sometimes late into the night. When I had my baby girl, he even came to visit me at the hospital, wanted to hold my daughter, and brought gifts for me, my baby, and my 4 year-old son.

Needless to say, I fell in love with him. One of the reasons why I was in therapy was because my marriage was falling apart, and my doc gave me the attention I craved. I was so flattered.

But then -- and I'm not quite sure how or why this happened -- we started fighting. And I'm not talking about small arguments, I'm talking about screaming matches in session or on the phone. He was so loud that my husband could hear him over the phone in the next room! He subsequently terminated me and I was devastated.

With the benefit of hindsight, I can see that what we had was an emotional affair. I am still so ashamed that I let myself get so caught up with him -- he was my doctor, for cryin' out loud! On the other hand, his behavior was beyond unethical and I couldn’t really control that. It was his responsibility to create a safe space for me and he just didn’t do it. He even had the audacity to blame it all on me! Everything ended so badly, I then needed therapy to process through that trauma.

The worst part was that in the 2+ years I’d seen him, we did very little therapy. I didn’t understand the concept of working at therapy. So when I went to new therapists, I really didn’t know the right way to communicate with them or do the work I needed to do. So I bounced around from T to T and just got worse. It is still taking me time to sort all of this out.

So recently I had to contact him about getting treatment summaries and Rx records. I emailed him and he ignored me. I called him and he ignored me. I faxed him and he ignored me. I don’t know what to do at this point to get him to respond to my request. Any suggestions? And has any of this happened to you?

Thanks, I know this was long; thanks for reading.

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Flan... something similar happened to me but I am short of time right now to go into details. I was abruptly terminated/abandoned by my T of over 2 years. He was also my son's T. He owed me receipts for insurance, he had some of my belongings and I also wanted my files. He would not respond to me... to my calls, emails or snail mail requests. Then HE had the audacity to prohibit me from contacting him. He wrote me a letter to command me to stop making contact with him.

It took me a year but I had to hire an attorney to write him a letter and threaten him with reporting him to the APA and the state licensing board. I had a lot of leverage with that and I had the power to take his license away. He finally complied and gave me what I had asked for... even a last "closure" session with my new and totally wonderful, ethical new T.

Good luck but I find that threatening to report them does motivate them into responding.

Welcome to the boards. I just wanted to say to you that this was not your fault. It is always the Ts responsibility to hold those boundaries.
What your P did was exploit your therapy to meet his needs (and evidently create his fantasy family). You should have been safe to have and express your feelings about him without it damaging the relationship. I have been seeing my T for five years and have been able to express a lot of very strong feelings about him including feelings of a romantic/sexual nature. He has made it clear I am welcome to talk about all of these feelings, because he has the boundaries and will ensure that nothing happens that shouldn't happen. That our relationship is confined to my therapy and my therapy alone. While I may not have been always happy to hear that, I am very appreciative of both the acceptance and the safety. It was HIS fault, not yours. I am sorry for the pain and damage it has caused you.

And aside from getting your records, which you are clearly entitled to, have you considered reporting him? I shudder to think of the damage he is doing to other clients based on the way he acted with you. A therapist with that lack of boundaries and understanding of the process can do serious harm to vulnerable people.

I'm glad u moved on from that P. Have to echo Poppet, what is w/these guys anyway.
I don't wanto say alot except that u will find wonderful,caring support here on the forum.
If another dr is looking for ur records I know that if u use the same pharmacy they can send ur new T a list of ur meds. RT covers some great points.
Best of luck!

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