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Today, my T wanted me to try another modality of psychology called Family Constellation. I usually do EMDR to process traumatic memories. Has anyone ever tried this Family Constellation type of thing? I found it to be really different...full of "symbolism" using small wooden figurines to represent perpetrators/people in your life, self-affirmation-type of comments that I had to repeat after him, etc. He said he is in this 3 year program that he and 20-25 others from around the world are being educated in...just wondered if anyone else has a T that specializes in this type of therapy, if you've been through it, and if it's been helpful.

Really don't know what to think about it. I was caught between thinking that he was teaching me how to play a board game and wondering when he was going to pull out the little stuffed figures we could stick pins through! It was a wierd experience, just sayin'!

For what it's worth,

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S.B...Yes, very unusual. He also said there was a "3 day moratorium" where I couldn't talk to anyone about it. I had to let it settle in and metabolize within me...something about the head, heart and soul?

He said I may notice something in the next couple days as it settles in. I woke up this morning saying to myself, "What the hell was that all about?" Still confused on this whole new modality, but, as you said, time will tell, I guess. I'll give it a try. What have I got to lose anyway? I'm doing okay, though. Thanks for your response.

I have a little experience with the family constellation stuff. A good friend of mine is trained in it, and I've been to a few "workshops" with her. I found it to be fascinating, if a little strange. If I remember correctly (it's been several years) it's about looking into the relationships in past generations, as the belief is that if we repair or at least acknowledge things from past generations (parents, grandparents, etc) then it will bring peace to our whole family, ourselves included, in the present.

For example, say a grandparent had several miscarriages. That may impact strongly the relationship between the grandparent and their child, and therefore impacts the relationship between you and your parent. All of this is detrimental, yet, often undetected. Once acknowledged and cleared up, it opens things up positively for all those in the present, and for future generations too.

Google Hellinger Constellation, you may find it interestingly helpful?

It sounds a little bit like psychodrama which attempts to act out what you might say to someone. It also uses objects to represent people. If you don't know what you might say, the therapist helps you. It's as if you were a child and a parent is helping you to stand up for yourself. They give you the words so that you can say it next time.

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