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Hi Everyone,
My brother and his wife came from out of town and crashed at my place for the weekend basically to shop for a lot of items to take back home with them to the Cayman Islands. Near the end of breakfast at a restaurant on Sat., my sister-in-law decided to tell me how her 5-year old son is doing since I never asked about him since they both came to visit me. Yet, I recently asked how he was doing about a week ago over the phone before they came to town. She said that she's a very family oriented person and that me and my side of the family need to be more involved in his life more. She gave me reasons why but I don't remember half of what she said other than when he grows up, he'll remember who did good to him, spent time with him etc. I don't quite understand where she and my brother are coming from other than they don't want to ever see their child hurt. Do any of you who are family-oriented, see exactly where they're coming from? The last thing I want to do is talk to them about this again.
Original Post
Thanks for your reply Blanket Girl.
If you mean there's more to this story as far as why my brother and sister-in-law want me more involved in my nephew's life, then I think you're right. I just don't remember much more. I may not have done wrong according to you, but those two probably see it as wrong for me not to be more involved. They said that something different happens in his life every week. I suppose they're implying that I should contact them every week to see how he's doing. Well I'm not about to do that to please them. I'll just contact them more often like every other week or three weeks.

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