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* I edited this down because I was getting in a seriously emotional rant.

If a family is in family therapy let's say a kid, and their parents. The kid tells T that their parent is sexually abusing them. Does the T just.... work on that in therapy with the family and then... tell the parent to be less rape-y and let them all go home together?

My T said something that made me think this is what happens in family therapy. I tried to clarify, and I'm not sure if she understood what I was asking... (because I couldn't formulate it in the way I did above). It has me out of my mind with rage; a lot because of protecting my own 'inner Cat' but also because I'd NEVER let that go on with ANY kid. EVER. If Ts honestly do that... what... the... f.
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((Cat)) A T is legally mandated to report sexual abuse (and physical abuse and neglect) on a child if it is occurring in the present. I don't think, legally or ethically, a T could just work on that in therapy, while allowing it to continue. They would have to report the abuse to appropriate authorities right away. Other unhealthy dynamics or something... can be worked on in therapy, even if the T thinks it is damaging to the child. If it isn't abuse/neglect, nothing can really happen, legally. But abuse, no that cannot be allowed to continue.
((erica)) THANK YOU! lol Hug two

I called my other T like..... just to make sure. She just called me back and restored my faith in humanity.

She said it's illegal... and admitting it would be the START of the process and MAYBE they could re-integrate back in to the family. Stuff I read though like on aamft (American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy) re: sexual abuse (which is for sure illegal) is here:

On there is just sorta sounds like *shrug*.

Thank you for talking me down from the ledge on this stuff. I knew I had to be being irrational and just didn't ask my T in the right way. I told my other T on the phone that HONESTLY if it was true that as long as someone admitted it therapy would just be fine that I would LITERALLY make a public stand about it.

My T probably thought I was hysterical and insane... but yea... it made my brain fail. I think most of the stuff I'm reading right now is like... working with adults? I don't know... I'm still really triggered right now. I'm still not 100% sure and convinced and I'm so dizzy LOL. Bad trigger.
I'm sorry you're so triggered. There are a lot of grey areas in the ethics of psychotherapy. But I can say definitively and adamantly that abuse of any kind against a child, elder, or disabled individual is not a grey area. It is wrong and illegal and action will be taken by any licensed mental health professional. It comes with the licensure to practice...licensed mental health professionals are mandated reporters and must report suspected abuse to these populations, or their license can get taken away.

Hug two Cat.

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