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I started on 5mg of Lexapro this week. I'm supposed to up the dose to the full 10mg next week. I don't like how this is making me feel. I feel sad but don't really cry now. My thinking feels foggy. I can't concentrate well. I think I'm going to call Pdoc and ask him if this is common when starting. He warned me about nausea but not this brain fog.

T is on vacation this week and I am missing her. I just don't feel like myself. I'm snapping at my kids more. Last night I just crawled into bed to escape everybody.

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Hi Jillann.

I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I remember similar side effects when I first started taking Celexa, which is related to Lexapro, especially the "no tears" parts. A very strange feeling to be so sad but not be able to cry.

As far as the brain fog goes, I don't know if that will go away after the first few weeks--meds affect individual people in unique ways. For me, the "fog" became more like...not being able to think beyond surface level (if that makes any sense). Maybe the drug manufacturers are aiming for "ignorance is bliss"?? I don't know. There was definitely a noticeable and ongoing brain effect for me, but that did eventually include feeling less depressed.

I think the initial side effects go away after 1-2 weeks. How long have you been on the Lexapro?

Just 4 days RabbitEars. I know it is early going. I was hoping to be reassured that this brain fog feeling will abate once I get used to the med.

Are you still on the Celexa? Pdoc and I debated about going back to Prozac or trying this Lexapro. Now I'm wondering if I should have done the Prozac. I don't remember feeling like this when I started that. Maybe I did and it was just so long ago I don't remember.

Thanks for the response.
Jillann, I hope the fog will go away. I think it's just your body/brain getting used to the new chemical guests Smiler

I'm not on Celexa or any other antidepressant now. Over the last 15 years or so, I've tried Prozac, Celexa, and Cymbalta. I liked Celexa best, because I felt more like myself on that than on the others. Prozac made me kind of "speedy"--did not feel good to me. So, for me, the beginning side effects with Celexa were nasty, but then I liked the overall, long-term effect of the drug better.

Another potential plus: Celexa had fewer sexual side effects--i.e., did not kill libido or sexual "response."

Hang in there and maybe give the Lexapro another week to prove itself?


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