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JD...I deleted my post, because it made no sense really. I can't end this thread just because "I said so." People have a right to speak. My fears can't stop that. This is a good thing.

However, I do wnat to thank Jones for hearing everyone so well, and for understanding what I was trying to do- and Smiley, and yourself...and Monte, Echo, Mac...and of course- every single person who is writing here. I'm finding it hard to thank each person individually, since, there are so many I'm really sorry if anybody ended up feeling me, every single post is being read and carefully pondered by me, and you are really not ignored! Smiler
I really liked what Deepfried said earlier about sending positivity- and it makes no difference to her what the mode of sending is...although her and my understanding of the concept is slightly different from eachother, I think we are on the same page pretty much, there..
Jane, your Christian beliefs are actually very similar to my own- mine are just expressed within the context of the Eastern liturgy- I just find that very interesting, since I am about as liturgical and denominational as you can get, and you are non-denominational. Interesting stuff, and it just illustrates my original point which is that people who sincerely seek the truth will find it...I really believe it, and that as you so wisely say, God has all of that under control.

I can't get rid of the image of Jones and the national anthem... I think I'm stuck with that one for today! Big Grin


I can start it! but I might not particpate. Hmmm. so I won't start.

Beebee - I didn't even see your post that you deleted.

just fyi, kind of as a side note and kind of not, I think you have done very well with this conversation, imho.

My posts were badly written - so do taken them lightly - just my ramblings about my thoughts of where I'm at spiritually in the mix of things and how cool it is to read the dialgoue that has already occured. And, just hope you know it's ok to bow out of the conversation and shouldn't feel obligated to keep responding... you know what I mean? It seems like this thread has become - like... a life of it's own? ack, losing words again. sorry.

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