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Had a session today with T. It was a disjointed session with me skipping around all over the place and him trying to follow me. I think I'm feeling disconnected for a number of reasons. First because now that we had this meeting with oldT last Monday, well... there is nothing left for me. It's gone. He's gone. There is NO reason to ever see him or hear from him again. I got all my stuff back, my insurance work is done, I got my file (although it's not complete) and we had this meeting where I read to him all that happened to me and what he did to me. It's over now. For one year I held onto the dream that I would somehow see him again. I'd be able to get him to agree to meet and we would have this deeply honest conversation. We did. Only it was one sided. I didn't get anything really to hold onto... to make my therapy with him seem real. I still don't really know why he abandoned me except that he insists it was because I needed a trauma T. My T said he is SO un- self aware that he may not even consciously know why he was afraid to treat me.

And so... now... there is no one in between my T and me and my trauma and the work I need to face. It's just me and him and that is scaring the crap out of me at this point. I told him today that I am afraid he will push me forward and I'm not ready to go yet. He said he was not doing that and honestly, he is not, but I'm scared he will and then get upset with me that I'm not finished with processing oldT. Then I feel guilty... like I'm holding onto oldT for safety. I'm not sure at this point.

We also talked about how I have learned a lot about figuring out what I need and then asking for it... but when I actually get it... I freak out and don't know what to do with it. I feel guilty and upset and undeserving of anything my T gives me. Like that 2 hour session with oldT. How he moved things around for me. That was so scary. We touched on this last Thursday at the end of the session and when I left I was scared all day long. I ended up calling my T and crying on the phone that I was so scared. I'm scared I'm going to push him away and that he will let me do that because he's tired of me and I'm too much bother. He tried to calm me by saying over and over... TN, I'm not oldT. I'm not oldT. We talked a few minutes and I calmed down but I missed him terribly all weekend. I was feeling really lost.

And so today when I saw him I could barely speak to him. I reverted to my left brain and brought an article on trauma to discuss. We are having a conversation about my diagnosis right now. He indulged me a few minutes and then told me I was engaging in psychobabble and he wanted me to talk about how I was feeling. I just would not go there today.

He told me that I was allowed to miss oldT and that he understood. He said that if I didn't try to push him away he would be worried and that what I'm doing is very normal. He said I was protecting myself. I told him I wanted to run to him and run away and never come back... all at the same time. That seeing oldT woke up a lot of the old feelings again. And the fear and grief came back.

He teases me and makes me smile in spite of myself. He told me that I tell him things that I know are wrong. So I told him maybe hes' right about that but I need to say them anyway. He smiled at me.

He asked me for the article I was reading on complex trauma so I gave it to him. He told me that I did so much of the work alone in my last therapy. that I was miles ahead of oldT in knowledge and he just could not catch up.

He was kind and understanding. But I couldn't really talk about anything much. I feel really stuck and I didn't have that connected good feeling. Like something is "off". Maybe it was just today. He said something interesting... he said I struggle on Monday and do much better work on Thursday. He said he wonders if I miss him over the weekend. I told him I probably do.

I just feel really tired and I don't know where to find that strength to pull out all the old stuff I did with oldT and look at it again with this T. This has been a recurring struggle for me and so far with the distraction of meeting with oldT I have not really had to deal with it.

We shook hands and I left. I have not gotten that nice pat on the arm for awhile. I look forward to that and I really needed it after the session with oldT. Actually, I really needed a hug. It seems that since then he has pulled back slightly. I'm not sure if I'm imagining this or it's true.

He did say something nice when I left....I told him to have a good week and he said... wait, I'm seeing you on Thursday right? And I said yes. He said that's in only 2 days... so... see you in a few days okay? I said okay. That sounds better.

I just feeling so out of sorts right now and I thought that maybe writing about it would help me.

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Its perfectly okay to be in limbo. This actually makes me think of what happens a lot to women right after they get married. They no longer have a wedding to plan...but they aren't quite yet ready to start a family. So there is this period of just "being" and that can be difficult for a lot of people to do, even if its what is necessary before starting the next chapter.

So much of your work with T has focused on oldT. I think it makes sense that you would need a little time to get settled into this relationship with newT now that oldT is totally out of the picture, before diving into trauma work.

Also, I've noticed that when I seemingly ramble about any and everything and string together several completely unrelated things, when I reflect back on my session and all the topics I covered, I can identify a pattern or theme to the seemingly unrelated things. I am wondering if perhaps you can see a theme in the things you talked about even though it seemed as though you were skipping around a lot? Also, I think it is helpful for us to have our therapy match what is going on for us on the inside. It tells T a ton about our psyche. So if you seem to be skipping around a lot in therapy, maybe that's what is best for you and your therapy as this is probably what is happening in your head. When T senses you are ready for trauma work, he will help you focus if you start to skip around too much.

I wonder if you would feel comfortable asking T for a hug. Or at least talk to him about the pulling away that you are noticing.

I like what he said at the end of your session, too. Smiler
(((TN))) I am sorry you're feeling so disconnected after today's session. Reading it from the outside, I feel like I can visualize the connection that is there between you...but I know how maddening it is when you cannot feel it, cannot take it in, cannot make it something real, something to be held onto. I would be amazed (and in doubt) if you said you didn't have a rough time internalizing the relationship after that session with OldT and I am so glad your T isn't pushing you along in that experience, but riding it out together with you. I hope posting here has helped and I especially hope these next two days pass quickly for you and that you feel free to reach out to your T (and here of course) in the meantime if you need to.
Thanks LG and Yaku.

LG I like the analogy of the wedding planning and then it's over. I remember that from many years ago. It takes so much time and energy and then there is just a big empty space. that is what I'm looking at now... a huge yawning emptiness in front of me and inside of me.

I so wish I could ask for a hug. I am so afraid to have this conversation with him for some reason. It's odd that I have this fear because I have talked to him about so many other things that one would think was scary and impossible to discuss. It would just really hurt to hear NO and I need to be ready for that. I just have not been able to get a vibe from him one way or the other regarding touch in therapy. He does shake hands and he touches my shoulder/arm so he is not totally adverse and may be leaving it to me to take it any further in respect or caution for not really knowing a lot about my background. Old T didn't hug me until I brought up the subject and let him know it was okay with me.

I keep waiting for the right time to bring this up with him but I'm not sure when that will ever be.

Yaku, thank you for understanding how hard it can be to take it all in, the realness of the relationship.

Talking here really does help me.

Sorry your session felt off and the sense of connection wasn't feel-able. I hate that. It is just a feeling though, isn't it? More a reflection perhaps on your struggle to reach through the pain than the reality of your relationship with your T. It's so hard to reach beyond all that sometimes.

Thanks for that Monte. Sometimes I forget that these are just feelings. Many times they are just reflecting my own internal struggle and painful chaos and not a representation of the relationship with my T. And it's usually me who puts up the wall not allowing the connection or if it's there not wanting to see or feel it.

I hope Thursday is better. I miss him.

Hi TN,
I hope you are having a better day. I can once again relate to everything you are saying and feeling. I understand the fear that T will leave because Old T left- that's more transference. One thing that helps me when I have those thoughts is just noticing that I am having them and saying here I go again, I'm thinking and feeling that he's going to abandon me. It's very hard to be in the moment.

I have told my T that I know longer want to spend time in therapy processing B or J. It's time to make the time my own. I could process myself and I am sure you could to. You don't need T to help you process anymore. It's acceptance which is hard because the pain is still there.

I hope you will get back to focusing on you and your needs. I encourage you to do that. You're right. It is over. There is no more chance. However a world of goodness awaits you. That's what you deserve. And, you have a lot of goodness to share with the world. We're know that here on the forum. You're amazing!

What you're feeling now is perfectly natural - as LG's analogy indicates - all that psyching up, preparing your notes and presenting them gave you a huge focus - and now it's done - the pressure is off and you're feeling a painful 'flatness', even directionless!! You will be fine I have no doubt like I have no doubt that you and your darling T will continue in the stable, caring and healing relationship for which you've already built the foundations Big Grin No way would your T withhold himself or abandon you - he's proved himself a total rock already!

TN, trust him to help you through this time - he very much appreciates your worth and cares Big Grin

Have to go and do some work now.

Be gentle with yourself lady.
Morgs xx
all that psyching up, preparing your notes and presenting them gave you a huge focus - and now it's done - the pressure is off and you're feeling a painful 'flatness', even directionless!!

Morgs...that is such a great descripton of how I'm feeling. I think the word "flat" describes it best. I'm not crying, I'm not happy, I may be numb at this point and it just all feels so flat and empty. I put so much effort and energy into the meeting and in writing down what I had to say and then.... it was over. And I was left still with a million unanswered questions. The only thing I took from that meeting was that I was able to say what I needed to say. AND... I got to hug and kiss Tdog good-bye. I had missed him so so much.

And now... I cannot go back, there is nothing there to go back to and I cannot move forward because I'm afraid. And I know my T is there, ready to help me across this huge empty space but I'm even afraid to look at him. I realized that in my last two sessions he has disappeared again. I don't remember what he was wearing. I only remember his shoes which tells me I'm probably doing some dissociating and also just having a hard time with eye contact again.

I really need to bring up the "safe touch in therapy" topic but I just don't know how. I want to ask him for a hug but I don't know how to prepare myself for a "no" answer.

Thank you Kashley, STRM, and Noble Daughter for all the support. ND... you are correct... the acceptance is so damn hard. I don't want to have to accept this. And I can feel myself digging in to stay in this black hole of self-punishment because of what happened.

The thing is that my most rational self knows I'm in a much better and safer place with my's just really hard for my heart to listen to this and obey.

Thanks everyone,
AW Tn, I'm sorry I'm so late to reply...I also am feeling very flat, because I know I have nothing to work towards in my therapy right's kind of a directionless place, and it feels like all my emotions have just kind of shut down. I can still display the proper emotions on the outside but inside I'm just feeling nothing. It's awful, isn't it? But- I'm glad that you are attached to the T you are working with now, because it will help you out of that place, really it will. It's going to take some time, but it's not going to feel like this forever. It's a new wave of grief to get through, and you adn your T will ride it out...just hang int here while it's so empty feeling, and wiat for a time when you will begin to feel some anger, sadness, and other things to work though. It will be ok.

Sending love,


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