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How do you deal with feelings of inadequacy? To stop yourself from comparing to others? To feel like you belong among people you feel are so much "more" than you somehow?

In yoga I've learned not to judge others (I have my eyes closed almost all class) and slowly I've learned not to judge myself.

I have something going on where I feel like a a kitten invited to a party of lions.

I wish I had a parent or a partner or a somebody close to me to experience this with. It's not something my Ts can be there with me... Only help prepare.

Being alone and feeling so much "less" is hard. I want to be "enough" in my own opinion and validate myself... I just don't know where to find it inside.
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I suffer from the same problem. For me, it was a huge step to recognize when I feel that way. In the past, I might feel inadequate and then my automatic response might be to withdraw or try harder to please someone or whatever the situation evoked for me. Now I can catch myself when I feel that way and try to change the way I react. I still often feel inadequate in comparison to others but I think the more I catch myself in the act and challenge my own thinking, then I will allow myself to do more things, challenge myself and build skills and confidence. I don't know if it will ever go away but the first step is recognizing it when it happens and you did that! Maybe it just happens less and less or we just start to feel so amazingly good about ourselves that we are able to overcome it more quickly.
((Draggers)) I'm sorry you can relate. We all are inadequate in some way - better at different things at different times. It's just hard to accept Frowner I'm a bit all over the place too.

((Liese)) What I wish I could do is stop comparing myself, but my T said once it's really sort of a strong ED behavior - but even though other people w/o EDs (everyone at some point in their lives) compares themselves. I'm sorry you can relate so much. I think it does go away eventually - and you're right it's good to notice.

*** Just a bunch of completely/absolutely unrelated venting ***

I've had such a terrible day. I couldn't sleep... spent hours on the phone... am anxious and upset that my T hates me for calling her so much to try to get to sleep then to help w/ today (sometimes she can call back super fast other times she's busy) and then after to let her know not to call me I was going for a walk but couldn't move... so I slept for hours Frowner

Just a tough one.

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