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Hi everybody,

Just wanted to give an update on how therapy is going. My T is still pretty wonderful, she is saying and doing all the right things, is very empathetic and real and so easy to talk to.

I guess that's how I ended up telling her, in last week's session, something about myself that I’ve only told to two other people, and then only partially, and that was over two decades ago. It is something I’ve always done, but I never knew why. I’ve just always assumed I’m really weird. It was something I wanted to tell my former T too. It was on my “list” of stuff I wanted to tell him but, like so many other things on that list, we never got to it.

I felt unusually open to telling my current T about it because I had just read a post on another board where one of the members happened to mention that she does this, and another member responded in kind, saying she had learned in therapy that it’s something that a child will sometimes develop to compensate for a weak or absent mother-bond. And my relationship with my mother was definitely weak, absent, even hostile at times for reasons I couldn’t even begin to understand. And it totally makes sense that a child would do this to compensate for the lack of a “limbic connection” with their mother, although I can‘t recall any kind of conscious choice to do so specifically for that reason. It must have developed very early because I can’t remember a time when I didn’t do it. Anyway, I was feeling relieved to have an explanation for it, and I had just read this on the night before our session, so when the subject of my mother came up, I told her about it. I did freeze up a little at first, but still, the fact that I told her at all just blows me away. I guess I must have been thinking that she might have heard about this sort of thing.

Well, she hadn’t. But she was still very kind and understanding and insightful about it, and we even talked about how we could use this habit of mine to make progress in the therapy. And she sounded totally sincere. I’m scared because now she could hurt me if she wanted to. I have absolutely no reason to believe that she will but I am having that urge to turn and run away. This was a huge thing for me to reveal, and part of me is saying, what the frick did you go and tell her that for? Why are you making yourself vulnerable? Are you trying to sabotage the therapy? Do you want to be rejected again? Now she’s going to know you’re too weird for therapy, now it’s only a matter of time before she “moves” or transfers you or whatever, blah blah nauseum. Roll Eyes

I'm not really going to cancel...but I just wanted to share what was going on. I see her again on Tuesday.


p.s. Someone said in a post recently (and I can't find it, so I'll have to paraphrase the best I can) that they loved getting that 50-minute period of time where all the focus is on them. I've really noticed that I feel that way with my T, too. When I first sit down, I'm always kind of nervous and feel awkward on how to get started because she doesn't start the conversation for me, ever. She always lets me start and then jumps right in with me, whether it's small talk or something serious right away. Anyway...I really look forward to that one hour where I don't have to compete for feels like a special gift I get to open every week. Okay, I guess that sounds corny...but that really is how it feels.
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Thanks, monte! And welcome to the forums! I look forward to getting to know you better.

I just got back from seeing my T, and thankfully her behavior toward me hasn't changed one bit. Big Grin She was still her caring, kind, attentive, present self. I told her about some good changes I'm experiencing in my relationships with my husband and kids, and she celebrated with me. I told her about the fears I had this week that now that she knew what I was "really" like, she might suddenly "move" or start canceling my appointments, and she laughed, then thanked me for my honesty in telling her about it, empathized with me and then reassured me that she isn't going to do those things. I told her about a struggle I'm having in my relationship with my kids that is none too pretty, and she responded with insight and encouragement to keep looking at it, facing it, working on it, and ultimately changing it.

All that and more I tossed her way today, and through it all, my ultra-sensitive, virtually bionic bullsh*t detectors (or sometimes projectors?) could not pick up on one smidge of falseness, defensiveness, impatience, distaste, dismissiveness, or contempt. It's like she can take anything I say to her and respond with compassion from the same loving and genuine place.

I don't know how she does it...but I am REALLY liking this. I told her today I feel really safe with her. I think it pleased her to hear that.

Hi SG- Just wanted to say that I'm impressed with you and your t. It sounds like she handled things wonderfully, and you are SO brave for being so open and honest.

What I love is that your overactive bullshit-ometer was cranked up to full blast and you STILL didn't catch a whif of anything dismissive about you're t!! That's so AWESOME! Recently I told my t about me researching her and her family online, and a few sessions later I told her that I was afraid that she didn't like me anymore, or was angry at me, and her response was "well, do i seem any different? am I not the same?" Of course she WAS the same and nothing changed, but I was just afraid. Like you said, my bullshit-projector was setting off my bullshit-ometer!! LOL!


All that and more I tossed her way today, and through it all, my ultra-sensitive, virtually bionic bullsh*t detectors (or sometimes projectors?) could not pick up on one smidge of falseness, defensiveness, impatience, distaste, dismissiveness, or contempt. It's like she can take anything I say to her and respond with compassion from the same loving and genuine place.

I don't know how she does it...but I am REALLY liking this. I told her today I feel really safe with her. I think it pleased her to hear that.

SG, I feel so happy and relieved for you to have this experience with your T! It sounds like this is a very good thing to solidify the trust in your relationship. I want to do a happy dance for you! Big Grin Thank you also for reminding me of my own experiences when I have revealed "too much" and my T never wavered an inch. We need that so much. One day maybe we will be brave enough to not hold back anything at all! Way to go!!! Wink
It's like she can take anything I say to her and respond with compassion from the same loving and genuine place.

THIS is the T you have deserved all along. Someone who is making your therapy about you and your needs. I really believe that you have been led to her in order to heal. Your courage and willingness to face yourself shine through in every post and I am completely delighted that you can now work with someone who can keep up with you. I am looking so forward to hearing about your continuing work with this T.

And if I may be so bold, you're description of her, especially coming from "the same loving and genuine place" reminds me so much of my T. Which is probably why I like her so much. Big Grin

Hey, Echo! I've missed you & been wondering how you are. Wink As for my "new" T, I guess she's not so "new" anymore, right? Big Grin

I certainly hope the fears you are having about what your P thinks of you now are not true. You are still very much "worthy" of his empathy and time...even more so (if that's possible) now that you are taking the risks to be more real with him! At least, that's the way I think it should be looked at. Therapy is supposed to be a safe place to take off the masks! That's why we're there, right?

And I had a weird feeling too when I would talk about my marriage problems to my former T. I knew I needed to talk about them, I had legitimate reasons for doing so...but it felt strange to be talking about that when, in earlier sessions, I had revealed that I was attracted to my T. I would start to talk about something that was bothering me in my marriage (and yes, some of it had to do with intimacy), and then I'd pause and kind of wait for encouragement to continue, or empathy, or something...but often there was no response. The silence seemed to make my statement sound like a bid, as if I was asking him to do something (unethical) about it, even though I wasn't. So then I'd rush in to change the subject. It was so uncomfortable and left me wondering what he was thinking. Now I think, maybe he just didn't know what to say. Maybe it made him uncomfortable, too.

(The T he later transferred our couples counseling to was a sex therapist...he never mentioned this, I just found out when I read her maybe he really was hearing me and trying to be supportive in a more indirect way Wink )

Anyway, maybe your P feels uncomfortable, too, and is not actually judging you? Do you think you could ask him about it?

A couple of sessions ago I was able to talk in detail about some of my more "personal" marital concerns with the T I have now (see, I'm avoiding the "N" word Smiler ). It felt wonderful to talk freely about it (and that is not something I normally do easily) without feeling embarrassed or worrying about whether it sounded like I was expecting something unethical in return. And she totally empathized and talked with me in a supportive way about it - I was definitely not alone in the room with it, and it actually turned out to be a very fun conversation.

I hope you and your P can work out a way for you to speak freely about whatever you need to! It is so so important to be able to do that without fear of being judged.

Sorry I haven't been around much lately to post. I feel like I've been slogging through mud for the past month with my T. First I'd like to welcome all the newcomers, dragonfly, monte, starfish, janedoe and blackbird. We are glad to have you all here (if I forgot anyone I apologize) because we all have something to contribute here and you never know who you are helping with your post.

SG, glad to see you back posting too and hearing that your new T is working out so well for you and that you feel comfortable and able to talk to her about so many things. You so deserve to have a good T. I just wanted to say that I always feel like I've revealed too much and then when I leave my Ts office I start to freak out about it. You know that song by REM... Losing my Religion which says "I've said too much, I didn't say enough"... this is my struggle. Sometimes I feel able to tell my T the most intimate and scary things, things I have never articulated out loud to anyone and it feels okay to tell him... until I leave his office and then it hits me. OMG what did I tell him? What must he think of me now? How can I go back there and look at him in the face?

I think a really strong component that comes from childhood trauma is shame. This is a really strong and not well understood emotion that enters into the therapy room with us and makes I feel like we have said too much. I find it's easier to be angry with my T because anger is sort of empowering and shame is vulnerability. It also has a way of sneaking up on you and then slamming into you leaving you feeling that you can never look your T in the face again. At least that happens to me.

The funny thing is that I do go back and I do look at him and he looks... well... the same. He is so non-judgmental it's hard to believe. When I question him he says that he has enormous respect for me... more than I could accept or comfortably allow. And I will say to him...after what I told you? And he will smile and say "maybe it's BECAUSE of what you told me". And then it's all okay again.

The past 5 weeks have been pretty bumpy for us. As some of you may remember I was really angry and upset when my T went away for Christmas for 10 days. I was a real struggle for me to survive those days waiting for him to come back. When he did I was so angry with him I could not talk to him. We tried to talk it through but I felt like we never repaired the disruption and we have never been able to go back to the really good place we were before he left for vacation. I have also been feeling that he is frustrated with me for lack of progress and last week when he suggested a new type of therapy for me without really knowing what it was about I had a bad meltdown when I got home. It was so bad I sent him a text at 9pm to call me which he did after about 20 minutes.

I broke down on the phone with him and he spent 15 minutes trying to calm me down. He got me off the ceiling and he was really good about following up on me the next day and we exhanged emails on Saturday and so things got back to a really good place. This carried through to our session on Tuesday and I am cautiously optimistic about getting back to therapy work.

All of this has been hard work and I have been really upset thinking that I had lost this relationship and it was my fault. The connection we had which was so important to my being able to do the work was missing for a long time. I think it may be back and I'm really trying to hold onto it this time.

Hi True North! I've been thinking about you, too! It's beginning to feel like "Old Home Week" around here. Big Grin

I'm sorry to hear that you and your T have been going through such a bumpy ride since his vacation. Frowner It must be so frustrating when you know he's capable of being steady for you, you know he cares - you've been through so much together! - and then the connection gets disrupted and you have to find it again.

You always work so hard in your therapy, I so much wish for you that the "ride" would smooth out, so that you don't have to be afraid of not making "enough" progress (how can that be measured, anyway?), or afraid of losing the relationship, and can feel safe enough to focus on your healing. Big Grin

Hey SG, I was missing you too around here! Thanks for your supportive words.

As for the issue of progress...well it turns out that my T was sort of triggered on that by my stupid insurance company. He has to fill out paperwork every 3 months on my "progress" and what we are doing in therapy. Because I'm currently not on meds the insurance company is pushing them so we have to talk about it and we end up in a huge disruption because I am not interested in meds. I don't really feel that I need them at this point as I am "functioning". This is another sore point with the insurance company... if I'm functioning why do I need to continue therapy? Duh, I'm functioning because I AM in therapy. They are so stupid. And so my T sort of felt pressured by them to speed up my treatment and has suggested things that 1. I'm not interested in doing and 2) are really not suitable for my diagnosis. And so I have been either angry at his suggestions, terrified he wants me gone because he is trying to speed things up or that I'm a total failure because I cannot go faster than I CAN go! We still need to clear some of this stuff up before I can make any forward progress. This is clearly a case of the insurance company getting between a doctor and patient. I know you've had your run ins with your own insurance company so you can understand.

Just another pressure that I don't need.


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