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Do you ever feel like you have run out of the things you want to talk about in therapy, and that rather than getting to the stuff you don't want to talk about, you'd prefer to just quit?

This is where I'm at now. I've been in therapy nearly five months now. I've seen some dramatic improvements in a few areas, while in some other areas hardly any progress has been made. I'm not thriving, exactly, but I'm stable and I'm surviving, and I'm calmer than I was when I initially started therapy.

Is the fact that you don't want to talk about something really a sign that you *need* to talk about it? Maybe it's just a sign that you are not ready to go there, or that you don't need to go there, ever.

I seem like a trauma victim, to T and to myself, in spite of the fact that my childhood was pretty good and I can't really point to any events in my life that are clearly identifiable as traumas. It feels strange to me sometimes that I feel such a strong sense of kinship with many of the people who post on this board, in spite of the fact that my background has been I think very normal in comparison. But, I totally get the experience of feeling traumatized. I get the sudden senses of fear and terror, the frightening images, the destructive urges, the sense of confusion when it comes to matters of self and identity, the almost obsessive attachment to T.

Anyway. A few years ago I was in a situation. . . it's so difficult to articulate really, and I find I don't want to talk about in specifics here anymore than I do in therapy. . . anyway, I was in a situation, a cluster of relationships, where I felt very controlled, manipulated, and on a very deep level betrayed by people I trusted and was close to. It was during this time that I started sprouting some of the trauma like "symptoms" that plague me to this day.

But I don't know. It's difficult to talk about. I don't want to talk about it. I don't think it should matter so much. Yet I'm at the place with T where I feel like I need to either go forward into this stuff, or drop out of therapy, and right now dropping out just sounds pretty darn good.

I don't think anyone on here is going to advise me to quit, and deep down I don't want to quit either, but my session is tomorrow and I'm feeling scared. Thinking about it makes me feel sick, even though I think I'm pretty much over the early pregnancy nausea.

Anyway. Thanks to anyone who bothers to read this. I know it's kinda jumbled.
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I have been in that spot more times than I can tell you about. I actually feel like that now. I've been in therapy for 3.5 years and some things have improved and other things seem stuck. I've disclosed almost all my stories and discovered that wasn't enough. The disclosure is just the start of things and it has to be talked about over and over again in different ways and with a different focus.

It sounds like you have something to talk about but you are afraid to. If you trust your T I suggest you tell her that first. You think it is important but it is scary to imagine discussing it. Go as slow as you need to but there will be probably be no better time to tackle it than now.

good luck tomorrow,
Thanks incognito, for the hugs and good wishes.

The disclosure is just the start of things and it has to be talked about over and over again in different ways and with a different focus.

That's interesting to think about. I have been somewhat naively under the impression that I must almost be done, because I've already told T almost everything about me that seems important (well, except for the stuff I mentioned above) and I've been wondering what else there is to do in therapy, lol. I'm just not sure how to go about talking things in different ways and with a different focus, as you say. Is this something a T generally guides one into? So far my T has hardly been directing our sessions at all, but I'm beginning to feel I need some direction as I'm running out of stories (almost) and starting to feel like I'm floundering in session.
Totally get what you said. I brought out all the things I felt were traumatic, I feel a strong attachment to T, had a decent childhood...I suppose...I never complained! I'm beginning to think I was too sensitive and always let people "relationships" kind of be in charge and have felt disappointed. One T once thought I may have been sexually abused and repressed it and had given me a book...I do remember an incident up to a certain moment and then the memory stops but I can't put anything to it "I feel" if I can't remember. Now I'm just attributing it just to people disappointing but I would agree with maybe like you said manipulating, controlling, etc. I'm where you're at...I may atleast take a break for a while...if I can make myself...I just can't seem to make it happen for myself. Take care and I hope good things for you.
Hi DF,

Thanks for sharing some of your thoughts and experiences about this. I always think you articulate things so well. Smiler

Thanks especially for the reminder not to invalidate myself regarding the work I'm doing in therapy. I feel like I constantly have this voice in my head whispering, "You just need to get over yourself! What do you think you're doing here (in therapy)? Your life is great and you don't have any problems!" Ha. It isn't even speaking the truth, but still sometimes it's harder to combat than others. T knows I feel this way a lot and often gently combats the voice herself.

I think you are right, though, about maybe I'm pushing myself a little too fast. I'll keep my appointment today, but leave the option open in my mind for talking about more superficial conflicts instead of the material I had planned to talk about, if that's what I feel like once I"m there. Incidentally, for the first time in about six weeks I'm going to T's office instead of having a phone session. It will be nice to see her in person again.
whoa, whoa, whoa, HIC

Incidentally, today is the first day you're actually seeing T in person in 6 weeks and yesterday you are starting a thread about quitting therapy? And that's all a coincidence with one having nothing to do with the other?

Hope you know I say all this only in the warmest possible way. And I hope your session was okay if not great or maybe even great!


Incidentally, today is the first day you're actually seeing T in person in 6 weeks and yesterday you are starting a thread about quitting therapy? And that's all a coincidence with one having nothing to do with the other?

Lol, to tell you the truth I never made the connection until just now when you pointed it out. Smiler But why should the idea of seeing T again make me want to quit? Well, it's something to think about at any rate. . .

My session isn't until this evening. I'll update this thread either tonight or tomorrow and let you all know how it went.
I'm not posting much these days, but felt moved to write something. I hate to remind you of something sensitive but you wrote:
Anyway. A few years ago I was in a situation. . . it's so difficult to articulate really, and I find I don't want to talk about in specifics here anymore than I do in therapy. . . anyway, I was in a situation, a cluster of relationships, where I felt very controlled, manipulated, and on a very deep level betrayed by people I trusted and was close to. It was during this time that I started sprouting some of the trauma like "symptoms" that plague me to this day.

But I don't know. It's difficult to talk about. I don't want to talk about it. I don't think it should matter so much. Yet I'm at the place with T where I feel like I need to either go forward into this stuff, or drop out of therapy, and right now dropping out just sounds pretty darn good.

I was struck especially by
where I felt very controlled, manipulated, and on a very deep level betrayed by people I trusted and was close to.

This sounds like abuse which at some level you may be minimising. I feel very tentative here saying anything around something which is obviously incredibly painful for you still - but the reason I am in therapy (this time around, I quit last 17 years ago) was because four years ago I was in a situation at work
'where I felt very controlled, manipulated, and on a very deep level betrayed by people I trusted and was close to.' (sorry for using your words, but that is exactly how it felt for me). Two years ago - June 2009, two of them turned on me fully, infront of others. I broke. Literally. I broke apart. Someone who witnessed some of it called it abuse.

\I tried to negate it. I tried to keep going. I am still hurt by it. Yesterday I got an email about one of them (the one who has taken over my work and job) and I felt ill, sick, nauseous all day. Yuck. I have been raped and I have been abused as a child and yet this work bullying utterly tore me apart.

So I am trying to say that I think if you feel these very strong feelings around it, it IS a big issue and no one can judge it for you and say it is not as bad as rape or child hood abuse or whatever, and as I have been through those, I can sincerely say that that recent betrayal was hell and totally equates for me with the previous hurts. I was devastated.

[I am not trying to say that there is a scale of what is bad and what is worst and they have comparisons that we can objectively attach to them. I fully know that if something hurts me deeply - it is just that 'hurting me deeply' and someone else COULD try to come along and say 'well actually that is not as bad in the scale of things as what happened to me which was such and such' but I would have to say ' no one can know what it is like for another - no one can know the trauma inside - it hurt ME - therefore it is important for me and important for me to bring to therapy.' Hope that makes sense. If it hurt you - it IS important. ]

If it hurts you, it is something to bring to therapy. My sweet psychologist says " if it is bothering you, then it definitely belongs here - to be talked about here." Seems fair enough.

I hope your session on the 24th went okay. Best wishes S
nice to meet you. How did your session go?

I just wanted to pick up on the thing you said about having a happy childhood. Me too. So I just wanted to say that it may still be that something about your childhood makes things difficult for you now -it doesn't have to have been what we initially think of as abuse for it to have affected you. But this is purely my experience and everyone's journey is different. On that note I would say trust yourself - don't push things that you feel you should be talking about - in the end you will know (if) when you are able to bring things up.

Good luck. Really hope it went well.

Thanks for jumping in on this thread and for understanding. You did pick out the most significant sentence of my post. There is a core of pain there that I like to deny. . . I guess exploring the reasons for that denial might end up being part of therapy.

My session went very well. I asked T more directly than I have before what exactly she thought was "wrong" with me, and she discussed some diagnoses that she had considered and then rejected before explaining that I had so many of the symptoms and characteristics of a trauma survivor that she has decided to approach treatment from that angle. Accepting this interpretation of myself, even if just for the purposes of therapy work, has been a difficult process for me (and you can probably see traces of this struggle in between the lines of some of my posts on here), but I think at my session yesterday I finally came to peace with it and I felt better immediately. Lighter and more relaxed. It's nice to give up denying the reality of my own inner experience.

I began exploring some of those crucial events and my emotions surrounding them with T, and in some ways it felt as though therapy had really *begun* and that all the talking we have done before, over the last five months, has been background and setting the stage. I thought it would feel vulnerable and scary to do this kind of talking, but instead it was a relief. Once I started talking it was like I couldn't stop, but it wasn't nerve wracking-- it felt natural and centering. Also, by dropping some of my defenses with T and being really honest with her, I was able to see how skilled she can really be, when I'm not busy setting up obstacles in her way.

All in all, it was a very productive and encouraging session and T seemed to agree that it went amazingly well. Unfortunately she's going off on vacation now and we won't have another session for two weeks, but I think I'll be okay with that.

Thanks again everybody. (((Liese))) and (Annie Lake))) for encouraging me to update and for the support and concern. This board is amazing! Smiler
I read your follow-up. I was so able to relate that I needed to see how it went for you and am glad that you had a productive hope for me (although not sure if I'm ready). So happy you got relief. May see if I can follow your lead...we'll see

Smiler I'm so glad reading my update was encouraging for you. I wasn't sure if I was ready either (as you know from reading my original post, lol) and I was several minutes into my session before I tentatively opened the subject, but once I began it felt safe and okay.

Hope things work out similarly well for you! Would love to hear how it goes, but understand if you are not one to share session details on the forum.

All the best,
I don't know what I'm doing about 90% of the time with this anyways. After last session it took me about a week before I was able to accept the rambling and to pull anything really positive from it but eventually I did...but it can be hard to hold onto without going back to not accepting myself/behaviors again...I keep trying but get discouraged again...vicious circle. I just try not to give up! Thanks for your encouragement...not going for another 10 days as I don't go too often "generally". We will see.

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