Sorry I went off on a crazy tangent last night. I'm feeling better today, but still blank/confused/lost.
This happens to me when I have important stuff I want to say to my T and the session is fast approaching. It's like my intellectual brain goes into hiding and all I feel is fear and impending doom. I don't get that!?
My T called this morning to remind me of my session tomorrow. She asked how I was doing and I said, "Okay." She could tell I wasn't ok and said, "No you're not. That's what we call LLPOF. Liar liar pants on fire." and then she laughed. She told me my appointment time and said she would like me to bring in my journaling with all my thoughts and feelings about where I'm at right now and what's going on.
I haven't been journaling because I have been too busy trying to be distracted from the pain I'm in over my relationship with my T. I've been reading all day long basically, or on here reading posts. Anything to avoid doing what I really need to be doing. I don't know if I should just write down random thoughts and feelings I have had over the past two weeks, try to take a more list-like approach where I just jot down things I need to talk about and then elaborate on the with her in session, or what. I don't know if I can pull my brain together enough to even do it. Why does my brain freeze up on my when I need it the most?! So frustrating.
I frequently feel like my T doesn't get the big picture, the little picture, or any picture at all. Sometimes I feel like I'm talking about a picture of a giraffe and she's thinking about peanut butter.
I am glad and sad both that you can relate here. It's super frustrating! I agree with you that if I made some goals with my T at least we would both be headed in the same direction. In the beginning my T sort of just took the reins and directed things, and I figured that was how things were. She's the expert and I should just follow her lead. Well, I feel like neither one of us has really had the reins for quite a while. That's a scary thought! However, I'm a bit like you in that I am very concerned about rules/plans and making things go according to them just right. That perfectionistic side of us wants the control. Maybe my T has had a 'plan' all along and I just think she hasn't because she never defined it for me. I don't know...
Thanks for the suggestions on trying to communicate to my T what I will look like at the end of therapy. That's an interesting idea, and one I'll definitely have to work at. I hope you're feeling much better today!!
Thanks for your continued concern for me and my relationship with my T. Sometimes I am really worried that things will end up badly because my T has never told me how much she DOES understand attachment, or doesn't in this case. I am sort of left not knowing her level of skill and expertise to treat me and that causes so much anxiety for me. I think that keeps me from trusting my T like I need to and want to. I think a good talk about my fears and her abilities might be a good place to start with her tomorrow.
I too agree with you that my H can't be a good attachment figure. I think my T doesn't really expect him to be THE AF, just that he needs to be emotionally connected and in the process with me, because our marriage isn't going well and he needs to work on himself, too. He won't do individual counseling or marriage counseling, so I am on my own. Anyway, if you do manage to remember to ask your T about attachment figures today, that would be great! Thanks for thinking of me.
I don't know if I can get in more often to see my T because her schedule is so full. I think most her clients see her every two weeks unless they have a need to come more frequently, but I can only schedule four sessions ever at one time, and if I scheduled them weekly I would be going for one month and then having to skip a month because of how far out she is scheduled. I think she sees somewhere between 80-100 people at any given time. Crazy... I'm glad things are going well with your T. It is really good to hear, because I know you were so devastated after what your oldT did to you. Thanks for your support, TN!
Can you ask your t if you are special to her??? Would that be too difficult??
Umm, yeah that would be WAY too difficult. I am pretty sure the answer would be 'No'. And I agree with you that there are some transference issues going on that need to be worked through before my attachment to my T can get any stronger or secure. I just wish I knew how to get through it all. Thanks for the reply.
Hi M
I was worried that in doing this, I might be suggesting a lack of confidence in his ability or knowledge, but I think they should be both tough enough and humble enough to accept such queries and concerns...and be equipped to respond. These are things we simply need to know if we are going invest so much of ourselves in the relationship. So much is at stake MTF.
Well said. I just realized yesterday after reading this that I am paying this woman for her expertise, not her friendship. It just sort of suddenly dawned on me. How lame is that? I am helping provide her paycheck and she is supposed to be giving me in return, a 'relationship' that helps heal the damage done in past relationships. Duh!! I don't know why I didn't see it that way before now. I do agree that they need to be honest and open about whether or not they are capable and willing to really dig deep into the muck of our lives and truly help us heal. Yes, Monte--SO MUCH is at stake here. I need some serious answers. Thank you my friend, for pointing that out.
I hope you have good things come of your work and efforts to find out what you need to know from your own T. It's so painful to have so many important things hanging in the air.
Good to hear from you! I would LOVE it if my T said she was sort of a surrogate mother. I think she doesn't see herself that way at all. Maybe I'm wrong though. Maybe I should ask her how she DOES see herself so I can get some perspective on where she's coming from.
it seems like you have spent so long trying to help your T to understand you, when it is a huge part of her job. Yes, we need to help our Ts to some extent, but in other ways, they need to be intuitive enough to be able to know us really well without us having to spell everything out.
Thank you for putting it this way. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I oftentimes feel like I am doing all the work and she just writes "CBT" at the bottom of my chart each session and calls it good. There is likely more than that to it, but sometimes I wonder if I am doing the work and she is just going along with it. I agree we need to work on goals for my therapy. Otherwise I'll just keep on getting nowhere! Thanks for your input!
I know you hesitate to respond to me, and I understand completely why. My T is so different than yours in so many ways. That is probably why I struggle with her.
I feel like she just has her own way and there's no point in trying to show her anything else. I also know you worry about other people's relationships with their Ts going awry, and I appreciate your input always!
I agree with you that my H can't be my AF. You are right that the relationship can't really hold up to the demands of a needy toddler-like person the way a T relationship can because of the boundaries and knowledge the therapist has about what's going on with the client. And I definitely need help with boundaries. My H walks all over mine and so do my kids. We all could use help in that department. Thanks for spelling this out for me so clearly. Maybe I'll take it in to my T and read it to her.
I know how difficult it can be when you are both attached but questioning your T simultaneously. I hope that you can find the strength to get through this, even if its one hour at a time.
Thanks for understanding, and for the hugs. It means a lot to have support from others who understand this stuff.
Thanks so much for your kindness to me, my dear feathered friend.
I'm sorry you can relate to some of these issues yourself. I find comfort sometimes in knowing people here understand me, but I feel so down about it at the same time. No one should have to deal with this crap, yet it is unfortunately our lot in life to do so.
if you are continuing with your T, then the only way through is to be completely open with her about all of this... you have nothing left to lose. the relationship is already on the rocks, so you may as well lay it all on the line.
Yes. This is where I am at and it helps to have others tell me that I need to just put it all out there. How to go about it is what is so difficult for me. It seems I go in there and things just deteriorate because T starts talking and gets off on some tangent, and I soon lose the courage to spit out what needs to be said. Then I go home feeling like I have wasted yet another session, have to wait 2 agonizingly long weeks, just so I can repeat the same ineffective process all over again. I need a plan. A concrete one that is sure to work. Hmmm. Now how do I come up with that plan?
I know it is too complicated, and that it has gotten too complicated anymore. But you need to talk to her, again, and again, and again about all of this confusion, until you find some clarity at last. imho, that is your (difficult) therapy path, (though it shouldn't look like this, it's true) -for now, it is this, until you decide.
Yep. That's it! Thanks for your understanding BB.
Hugs to you all! Thanks for the support and encouragement ladies.