I finished therapy a few weeks ago due to my therapist moving away, and I'm having a bit of a hard time with it. We only worked together for 8 months, and I knew before we even started that he would be leaving. I got very attached to him very quickly, which was certainly useful in our relationship. We spent a lot of time talking about finishing, and when the end came, I think it was as good as it could have been.
I'm really sad, though. I miss having him to talk to. I'm certainly not without support in my life, but it was just such a special and important relationship (a fact I'm sure you can all relate to!), and now that he's gone I'm feeling lonely and spending a lot of time thinking about him and wishing I could see him.
I know that I'm going to be all right, and I know that I don't need to see him, much as I might want to. At our last session, I told him everything I needed to (at least I felt that way at the time - I worry now that I didn't, but I'm pretty sure that's mostly my chronic self-doubt), and I left his office feeling finished. I guess I just need to give myself some room to feel sad about it, which I haven't really been doing, maybe because I'm afraid of the pain. But I'm actually crying now as I'm typing this, which I guess is a good thing. Obviously I needed to talk about it!
I really just wanted to say all this to people who would understand. So thanks for reading.