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Hi guys... well I was just reading an old thread of mine where I was despairing of ever feeling anything at all positive towards NewT or any other T ever again. That was written about 5-6 weeks ago. I had promised myself at that time to give myself 3 months with newT and then decide if I was going to stay with him or even stay in therapy at all after what happened with oldT. I just felt so shell shocked and traumatized and the pain was so awful I don't think it was possible to let in any kind of positve feelings about anything.

So week after week I went to see newT and climbed the long flight of stairs (that I hate) to his office. It's when I enter the building and have to climb those stairs that I start to feel a certain panic and anxiety and the realization hits me that this is where I HAVE to be now because I cannot go back to the old farmhouse to see oldT ever again. It just hits home at that point and my legs get really shaky and it's hard to climb those stairs. When I'm standing at the bottom it's like I'm looking up at a large mountain.

Today, looking up didn't feel so bad or impossible. In fact, I wanted to walk up to see newT and to talk to him. Last week and the prior week we had good sessions. Last Tuesday even though the session felt good, later that day I had really intense flashbacks of what happened that last horrible day with the police and oldT. It was like watching a movie I could not turn off. I got really scared and was at work and sat in my office and cried as all those feelings just rushed at me. I felt so disoriented and I also remembered a lot of stuff I did not remember previously. I think the overriding feeling was the humiliation of being put in that position by oldT. The abandonment and reabandonment, the rejection and the horror were so real. I called a friend who talked with me and calmed me a bit. Then the next morning I got really really scared that newT was going to leave me too. That the same thing would happen... he would come to know me and then realize he needed to run away from me too, that I was too toxic, impossible and repulsive to treat and I would again have to live through an abandonment.

So I decided I needed to talk to him and beeped him. We talked for 10 minutes and he was able to calm me down very quickly by reassuring me he would not abandon me. That knowing what he does about what happened to me he would have to be a psychopath to do that to me and he was not a psychopath (thank goodness!). I think what had happened was that I had taken a few steps closer to him the day before and got scared and of course the flashbacks didn't help me. His phone call was immensely helpful in calming my nervous system.

When I saw him today he complimented me on how I looked (I was dressed in a red velvet outfit) which always startles me because it lets me know that he SEES me!

The we talked about what happened last week. He said he was not surprised at all that I had the flashbacks because of what we had talked about and also because he said I'm healing and my brain was able to handle the memories and the trauma more fully. He said he was aware that I had moved closer to him and that was because I had felt a little more trust in him.

We talked about how I came to find him and how during the intial call he already knew my story and I told him I felt secure about seeing him because understood attachment and I felt he at least knew the basics! He burst into laughter at that... saying he was glad that after 25 years of practice he at least had down the "basics". That made me laugh too because he knows way more than the basics and it sounded so funny for me to say that to him. But i told him that he would be surprised how many T's had NO clue about this stuff. He admitted that unfortunately this was true.

He also told me that he does not work with patients that he does not feel HE can form a bond or close relationship with. He is a firm believer that it is the relationship that heals a person... the theory supports the work and technique can help but you NEED the relationship to do the work. He also showed me he got his copy of General Theory of Love and he thanked me again.

We talked about some other things and he said to me that I should get back to school as soon as possible because I would be a great therapist one day. I asked him if he would call my oldT to set up an appointment for us and he said ... why so I (meaning him) can tell him what a lousy therapist he is? And I laughed and said no so "I" can tell him! But seriously he said he needs to think about it before giving me an answer. He asked me what purpose it would serve. I didn't answer him then because I need to think about it too. I started listing reasons why I need to go back there... most have to do with closure and making a proper goodbye to the farmhouse and to the sweetest dog ever. I also want my belongings back that I loaned him.

Something I realized today... I am no longer angry with newT for NOT being oldT. That was good. I'm starting to feel warmth from him and I feel warmth towards him as well. I gave him the Christmas card I bought him and he thanked me and accepted it gracefully. He gave me another appointment for Thursday which I accepted (and now have to figure out how I'm going to get this time from work). On the way out I turned towards him and said "I'm really glad I found you." And he said "I'm really glad you found me too" and patted my shoulder.

I think I'm starting to see a glimmer of hope here that this relationship has some promise and potential. It's still just really scary to move closer to him emotionally. Because if I do it evokes those feelings of what happened with oldT and I never want to go through something like that again. But how do I do therapy without opening up to him and making myself vulnerable again? I feel like I'm stuck in a bind. It's that same old want to move closer want to run away scenario that I worked so hard to get past with oldT and when I finally did and let myself feel safe he ambushed me and abandoned me. It is just really hard to get past this.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings. Hope some of this made sense.

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TN- It makes perfect sense to me.

I am experiencing some of the same warm feeling from my T after the disconnect with the txt he sent me by mistake.

It is such a good and secure feeling when things work. It is like the world (my world) is a bit safer tonight.

Thanks for sharing your story, and thanks for the wonderful article about managing C-PTSD if that was from you. (I was just commenting on how the article helped me last night)

Dear True North.. I take my hat off, -for the way you`ve slowly, and step by step, have reached to this point. - where no longer being angry at newT for not being oldT, and most of all i am amazed and touched to know that its possible for humans to raise again after being so terribly abondoned, as you was. I am thrilled that the relationshop with new T are giving you hope again. That the stairs up to T`s office, arent a mountain anymore, but just some steps that will bring you closer to someone whom ("knows the basics!" lololol) you actually want to see. I love reading your thread, and this one was paricullary moving and uplifting. I do understnad that you are scared to move closer and risk another abondonment. But i do also sense a lot of (healthy)stubborness in you- so that you WILL move closer to him, in time, despite the emotional horror it causes. Yes, you are lucky that found this new T, and indeed is new T lucky to have someone like you in therapy! Keep looking at that glimmer of hope and clingue to the warm feelings.
Thank you so much for writing this TN. Its a true inspiration!
TN, it is so good to hear you sounding like TN again. The courage and strength you have shown is remarkable and inspiring. What happened to you was truly devastating and when you are a therapist, which you will be (it is simply a matter of time Big Grin), it is going to make you an extraordinary one. The fact that you have and are surviving your worst nightmare is a testament to the power of the human spirit and to your brave and open-hearted one.

Thanks for all of your heartwarming respones to my post. I figured I shared enough of the really bad stuff with you all so you should hear something good for a change... and I'm happy I CAN post something positive for a change. Feeling this warmth is nice and maybe this is my own personal Christmas miracle!

Mayo, that feeling of connection is really a good thing.

DF... I think newT's open acknowledgement and understanding that I will need in between contact makes it so much easier to call or email him. And the very positive response I get from him when I do just reinforces it. OldT was good with email but so wishy washy on the phone I always felt like I was bothering him.

Butterfly, thanks for being so happy for me. I know you are struggling yourself and I hope you find a T who is right for you and makes you feel safe and supported.

PF... I have to smile that you feel warmth when your name implies "frost" brrr cold. But thank you. I guess I was feeling warm when I wrote the post and it has lingered even now when I think of our session. He IS understanding and caring, just in a different way than oldT, and I am starting to be able to take it in on an emotional level. To feel it. But I do plan to take it slow. Tiny baby steps. He will be tested over and over again... but he knows this and I think he is very willing to prove he is trustworthy.

Frog...loved your post and you brought up some very insightful things. I do have a (healthy) stubbornnes in me and I think that is what helped me survive and get to this place of even trying a new T. And yes, those steps are a smaller obstacle now I need to climb to get to talk to newT. I hope I will eventually be able to move closer to him and that he will not hurt me like I was before. He told me he will make some mistakes and I told him that is okay he is only human (he smiled at that) and as long as we can discuss it ... that is all I need. But a mistake is one thing... betrayal, rejection, and abandonment is something else. I hope that will never happen again.

Jones, I'm honored that you are proud of me. Hug.

Pandora, thank you for saying I would be an extraordinary therapist. I have a long way to go and right now feel there are so many hurdles to get past to reach that place. You think I sound like old TN? That is comforting to hear. Thank you.

MH...It's good to hear from you. How are you doing? I think the worst thing I have faced in all of this was the loss of hope. When hope is gone you have nothing to hang onto. I can see a small spark of hope in the darkness and that is keeping me going. And yes, there is still pain. It's still there and it hurts but at least now I have a safe place to let it out and be soothed.

Hugs to all of you,
Thanks Draggers. Well at least the tears are joyful ones! Yes, you told me and it was hard to hear and hard to hang in there. And I'm not saying everything is rosy, happy and bliss. I am saying I can see some hope here and that this newT is not as cold and detached as I feared he would be and also that he is nice and very smart and really wants to help me. That combined with outside contact, an office close to me, and his taking my insurance adds up to a really good thing. I just hope as we go forward things remain generally positive.

Hugs to you Draggers.

Thank you for having the courage to keep going forward on other people's hope when you had none. It made my heart glad to read this. I know that you still have a long road ahead of you to heal from what happened, and I realize there are still very hard days, but I am so glad that now you have some hope of your own to run on. (((TN)))) I am glad that during this season of light, you are seeing some in your life. Love the newT. Big Grin


Am so glad to hear that you are changing your opinion about newT - I loved the comment about knowing the basics lol, I'm glad he is not too proud to have a sense of humour about his abilities!!

Well done you for sticking with all this, you are showing yourself to be such a strong person despite all you have gone through in T.

It was so moving for me, TN, to read your post and hear how you are now connecting and in a very real relationship with a very good T indeed. It is heart warming. It gives me hope. I am so glad that you are moving through this, and I know it will take a long while, the feelings of abandonment are so strong and so real and so HAPPENED.
I talked with my old T of 22 years ago, yesterday on the phone. She said she wrote a paper once about this, about therapists taking the clients to the deeper and most vulnerable places and then abandoning them and so retraumatising the very traumas they were in therapy to heal. She gets VERY STEAMED up about what my ex C did to me, you can hear the steam coming out of her ears down the phone Smiler
What was done to us was abuse of power and abuse of trust.
It has hurt us both where we were most hurt before, - being left, being abandoned, being too much for people to handle.
I am so sorry you are going through this but you have NO IDEA how your insight and your road through this trauma has helped me. I had TRULY never heard of anyone being dumped by a T and then you told me what had happened to you and I as horrified that a therapist could do that, and blow me, a few weeks later it happened to me.
I still sometimes hurt so much I howl. I have to retreat somewhere private and just rock and howl. It feels the cruelest thing.
And yet, here you are, slowly, gently, tentatively beginning to trust someone who sounds so solid and grounded and caring and wise and steady. It is a minor miracle really, considering what you have been through.
I applaud all your work, your anguish and your steps towards healing.
I also hope one day you will get a meeting with the ex T and get your things back that you lent and tell him how unprofessional he was. These T's need to know how to BEHAVE properly, and it is appropriate to tell him. I am considering putting in a complaint about my ex C to the surgery she worked out, outlining some of the many things that i feel she did wrong. I don;t think it will make any different but at least I will have said. She is so well defended she would not even hear what I say anymore.
good luck and (((((TN))))) and have a good Christmas too. hope seeing him today went well.

You are such an amazing, strong and inspirational woman! I got warm fuzzies just reading your post and I am so over the moon pleased for you that things are going so well. I really like your newT and the interactions that you've been describing with him warm my heart. The most powerful thing in all of this is seeing you come from such a dark and desperate place (rightfully so!) and allow yourself to be vulnerable and take the risk to let this relationship evolve naturally and in it's own time. Beautiful!
I don't have time to reply to everyone right now ... running out for Christmas dinner... but I thank each of you for the lovely things you have said about me and how I have come through this horrible experience. It's not over yet and I still struggle with the pain of abandonment and the awful fear that just won't leave me. It's the worst in the morning when it all hits so intensely and I'm afraid to get up and leave the house.

Well, anyway, I saw newT yesterday and it was good and at the end of the session as I was walking out he said to me that I did very well and that I'm doing really good work. I said to him... I don't even know what I AM doing. He replied that despite being betrayed and abused by a therapist I'm allowing a new relationship to develop and grow. So I looked at him and said "well maybe this is my own Christmas miracle". He then shook my hand and wished me a very happy holiday and that I should enjoy my time off (from work).

I see him again on Tuesday.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all my wonderful friends here.

Oh, TN! I've been following along with your posts, and I'm so pleased for you that this T seems so warm, compassionate, and competent. That is so great. No, it's not over, and it will probably take a very long time. But at least you can know (even if the feeling is just fleeting!) that you are headed toward healing.

Big hugs to you and a very Merry Christmas.

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