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and I'm not totally clear on why...just that I feel like a burden, like I'm causing problems, triggering people, putting too much of "me" out there right now.

But, I've found I do better just to do it if that's what I feel like, rather than fight it or try overly hard to understand it. I don't want to be stuck in this feeling for hours or days. Also, I'm not sure if I will back off for a bit, but if I do, I didn't want to just disappear, as I know that can be worrisome. I know this is all my own stuff and I'm kind of paranoid that I am making it seem otherwise by posting here, but it is 100% on me to manage. (((hugs to you all)))
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I understand how you feel Yaku. I dont' see you as a burden at all. For one thing you are almost always among the first to swoop in and give a caring supportive response. If it weren't for you I'd feel more alone here than I do.

Just know Yaku that I really appreciate you. I have sort of slowed down or am slowing down my responses here. Because basically I feel the same way you do.

I am working on posting more in the SI section because it is private. It's either that or leave. I realize that's why I left before over a year ago or more. I used to post here back a couple of years ago? Or my time frame may be off some but it's been a while. Now that I am back I am remembering that it all felt way too vulnerable here.

Anyway Yaku. I think you're great.
Dear Yaku,

It can be hard to keep up and respond to your posts simply because there are lots of them. So maybe that is contributing to the feeling that things are out of balance a bit. Most of what goes on here on the boards is triggering in one way or another for someone or someones - and when we put heaps of ourselves out there it makes sense that that happens more, or we are exposed more to that feeling that it might be happening.

You give a lot to the community, and you are working through some very difficult stuff with real courage. It is great to see you growing. I hope you can find that sense of balance again, rather than just disappearing.


(((Jo))) (((Jones)))

I don't think I'll be disappearing, as I am feeling much better after just having some space this morning...just maybe, not starting threads for a while and responding to existing ones?

It's not that I was worried about people not replying, but more I was feeling, I don't a drama queen, too needy, or something. It isn't the lack of replies that make me feel that way, just the amount of exposure I did in such a short time as I was working through stuff.
Hi Yaku -

I get that it's not the lack of replies, but the feeling of exposure. One of the other things that is worth considering is that you may be triggering yourself, keeping yourself in a state of constant exposure and processing and high adrenaline by posting a lot. Adrenaline can be addictive but it is an exhausting state. It is worth paying attention to how you felt with some space this morning.

Take care,

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